Android P apps crash silently instead of showing dialogs

Among all the new additions to Android P including new navigation gestures, Slices API, and new biometrics API, there are some other changes which may also be impactful in a more subtle way. One of these is the removal of App Not Responding (ANR) dialogue boxes for foreground apps. The ANR dialogue appears when something is preventing the main UI thread from responding. When this happens in Android Oreo or below, the ANR dialogue is shown to the user to let them know. Now, in Android P, the application will just crash without any kind of notification for the user.

You know how some people will insist that iOS applications are more stable than Android applications? That’s because on iOS, when applications crash, they just… Vanish. No dialog, no notification, nothing. Android will now be adopting the same behaviour, which, while less informative, does remove a silly dialog that you couldn’t really do anything useful with anyway.

Good move. Dialogs you can’t take any actions with are useless.


  1. 2018-05-14 12:46 am
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