Introducing New OSNews Staff

I’m very pleased to announce the addition of some new members to the core OSNews staff. Thom Holwerda and Andrew Youll officially started late last night, and as you can see from their postings, they’ve hit the ground running. Read more for some information on the latest additions to our family, and also for some exciting news about the site.
Thom Holwerda is our new Managing Editor, our new editorial “top spot,” so he’s the go-to guy for all editorial issues and the lightning rod for the inevitable fusillade of criticism (my sympathies, Thom). He is joined by Andrew Youll, who will be using his background in programming to keep an eye on the latest news on the development front.

OSNews’ stalwart Editor-in-Chief, Eugenia Loli-Queru, is relinquishing the top spot in order to take some much-needed rest and relaxation, and get out from under both the burden of everyday updates and the stresses of butting heads with ideologically-charged OS partisans on a daily basis. Eugenia will still be contributing to the site, but at a more measured pace, and I’m confident that we haven’t seen the last of her. Eugenia’s new title is Senior Editor.

If you feel so inclined, please contact Eugenia to urge her to keep her contributions regular, but if you have gripes about the site, or want to complain about how we’re biased against your pet platform, plese contact Thom or David from now on.

A long-time OSNews contributor, Adam Scheinberg, has taken on a vastly-expanded role of late, and our readers will mostly likely see the fruits of that labor later this week. We’re on the cusp of unveiling OSNews version three, a dramatic new commenting system that promises to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the comments. You will soon be able to log into OSNews and customize your OSNews experience. It won’t look or act much differently, but under the hood it’s a whole new animal. Keep an eye out for an announcement of a public beta test in a few days.

If you’d like to learn more about our new OSNews contributors, please follow their personal links on the contact us page.

If you have any requests or advice for any of our new contributors, please use the comments link for this story. And we need contributions of news items, articles, reviews, and opinion pieces from our readers as much as ever. Thom says he loves editing, so let’s put him to work with some submissions!


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