Interview:’s Gary Edwards

Hot on the heels of yesterdays interview of Sun’s Florian Reuter (part one in a series of three), comes a two-page interview with’s Gary Edwards. In this installment, Gary discusses the importance of open document formats and hints to the release date of 2.0: “No one knows for certain when OOo 2.0 stable will be released, but Mad Penguin’s bet is that the stable 2.0 release will come before any recently purchased cartons of milk expire in your refrigerator.”


  1. 2005-10-12 3:05 pm
  2. 2005-10-12 4:02 pm
    • 2005-10-13 2:06 pm
  3. 2005-10-12 5:35 pm
  4. 2005-10-12 7:20 pm
    • 2005-10-12 7:28 pm
  5. 2005-10-12 9:08 pm
  6. 2005-10-12 9:42 pm
    • 2005-10-12 9:54 pm
      • 2005-10-12 10:42 pm
        • 2005-10-13 12:44 am
  7. 2005-10-13 8:28 am