Scanning in Geek History

For almost two decades, Jason Scott squirreled away thousands of pages of old advertisements, mailers, and brochures left over from the genesis of personal computing. Whether people see it as geek history or just junk, he now wants to share his stash with the world. Maybe Mac fans can’t recall what that Apple II they considered so cutting-edge back in the mid-1980s looked like. Perhaps video-game aficionados forgot that Atari once pinned dreams of dominating the PC market on the now long-forgotten 1450 XLD computer. Scott’s site can jog their memory.


  1. 2006-03-19 4:06 pm
    • 2006-03-19 9:25 pm
  2. 2006-03-19 5:37 pm
  3. 2006-03-19 10:48 pm
  4. 2006-03-20 7:40 am