GNOME 2.20.0 Beta 2 Released

GNOME 2.20.0 beta 2 (2.19.91) has been released. “This is our eighth development release on our road towards GNOME 2.20.0, which will be released in September 2007. All new features should all be there, so your mission is simple : Go download it. Go compile it. Go test it. And go hack on it, document it, translate it, fix it.”


  1. 2007-08-31 8:25 pm
  2. 2007-09-01 7:14 pm
  3. 2007-09-02 11:38 am
  4. 2007-09-03 2:35 am
    • 2007-09-03 9:54 am
      • 2007-09-03 7:24 pm
        • 2007-09-06 2:14 am