The world’s fastest PowerMac G3 Blue & White

Welcome to this massive PowerPC goodness crammed series. During these videos, we’ll be packing the absolute best technology that this machine can support into this gorgeous Blue & White G3 minitower, creating what I believe will be the fastest B&W G3 on the planet. This is the most involved Power Mac upgrade series I’ve ever produced, changing every single major component in this box and adding as much as I can to make this machine fly. Sit back, relax and enjoy some mighty fine PowerPC geeky goodness.

This is a series of very long videos detailing the entire process. Not the flashiest production values – but honestly, that’s a good thing. The creator’s excitement is contagious, and it makes me want to undertake a similar project. Just tons of fun to watch, sit back, and relax.


  1. 2017-04-14 12:42 am
    • 2017-04-16 10:54 am
  2. 2017-04-14 2:04 am
  3. 2017-04-14 6:57 am
    • 2017-04-14 8:54 am
      • 2017-04-14 7:29 pm
        • 2017-04-15 2:19 am
  4. 2017-04-14 8:46 am