froglogic Releases Automated Qt GUI Testing Tool Squish 1.0

Froglogic announced the availability of Squish 1.0. froglogic Squish is a professional cross platform automated GUI testing framework for applications written using Trolltech’s Qt GUI toolkit.

Squish enables automated testing of existing Qt applications without any modifications to the application under test (AUT). Test scripts are written in the full-featured scripting language Tcl giving test engineers great flexibility. Functions and properties of the AUT and Qt can be controlled and introspected at a high level in addition to low level events. Support for other popular scripting languages will follow in future releases. To ease creation of tests, scripts can be recorded and later edited manually. The recording mechanism replaces common event sequences (like clicking on a button or choosing a menu item) with high level function calls to produce more robust and maintainable scripts.

Tests are organized in suites consisting of multiple test cases and arbritrary test data files. Squish also offers an API supporting data-driven testing to separate test input from test scripts. The framework is very flexible and can easily be set up for batch-mode testing for automatic nightly regression runs. The system can be fully controlled via command line tools. In addition, Squish includes an IDE to develop, record, execute and debug test scripts and manage test suites. Test results can be post-processed through an open interface allowing easy integration into existing QA environments.

“Trolltech congratulates froglogic on the release of Squish. We are glad to see that there is a complete automated GUI testing solution for Qt,” said Eirik Chambe-Eng, Trolltech AS president. “Automated GUI testing is important for professional software development and the availability of Squish is an important addition for the Qt development community.”

Squish’s alpha and beta versions already attracted the interest of many developers and QA engineers who were looking for a complete Qt GUI testing solution which goes beyond the functionality of event record & replay tools. The constructive feedback and feature requests from alpha testers resulted in a Qt GUI testing tool which highly satisfies the demand of Qt developers and QA engineers.

“We have been playing with Squish since the first alpha version and were very pleased with its rapid growth from a minimal test scripting tool to a full-featured product. The support was terrific, and we are looking forward to using Squish in production”, said Bill White, an engineer at Perforce Software Inc.


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