Testing a Mac Pro, PowerMac G5, iMac CoreDuo

The PPCNUX-Team ran a benchmark on various Macs and operating systems, including the new MacPro. “When I tested the iMac Core Duo back in May the results were far better than I expected. That given, the Core2 disappoints me. Yes, it is faster than the original CoreDuo; but with all its announced enhancements I expected more. Its not the major leap ahead I expected.”


  1. 2006-08-30 7:52 pm
    • 2006-08-30 7:58 pm
  2. 2006-08-30 7:59 pm
    • 2006-08-30 9:05 pm
    • 2006-08-30 10:49 pm
  3. 2006-08-30 8:03 pm
  4. 2006-08-31 1:04 am
  5. 2006-08-31 1:40 am
  6. 2006-08-31 3:19 am
  7. 2006-08-31 8:01 am