Review: Mandriva Spring

Distrowatch has reviewed Mandriva Spring, and concludes: “All in all I’d say it’s a fairly typical Mandriva release. It features improved looks and added features, but it is released with a few issues. I don’t think many of the problems are of major importance for the average user, but for myself, I won’t be using Mandriva without wireless support.”


  1. 2007-05-01 11:35 pm
  2. 2007-05-02 12:49 am
  3. 2007-05-02 6:19 am
  4. 2007-05-02 7:38 am
  5. 2007-05-02 3:55 pm
  6. 2007-05-02 4:31 pm
    • 2007-05-02 9:22 pm
      • 2007-05-03 3:14 am
        • 2007-05-03 5:30 am
          • 2007-05-03 10:12 am
          • 2007-05-03 4:45 pm
          • 2007-05-04 3:44 am
  7. 2007-05-02 11:36 pm