We’ve all heard about the iPod lawsuits and the recent 15″ Powerbook issue, but it’s not the only apple related lawsuit brewing. Apple’s iBook appears to have a little issue. In fact, I myself have expierienced it…twice. The issue is with the logicboard on the icebook dual USBs, which causes various failures, including a black display when it is opened past a certain point (had this one; the backlight gives out when you open it past a certain point), harddrive failures, and other display issues, such as the screen being covered in lines (I’ve got this one right now). A picture of the last issue is available in the videos section of BlackCider.com.
Both a petition (which currently contains 1315 signatures), and a class action lawsuit are brewing.
I sent my daughter’s 2.5 year old dual usb ibook to applecare to fix the cd drive. They did and replaced the 10 gig hard drive as well, unasked, all for free. I just wished they had allowed the option to get a larger hd for a fee. I did point out to them that I was fully backed up and didn’t need the data. Installed panther when it got back after 4 days.
ibook work great as usual. Applecare is wonderful.
MkLinux was a concept port to the nubus boxes. You know, the 68000’s, so it was little help for the G4 port.
The boxes up to the BW G3’s were well known – known enough to boot to linux or beos with a little work. After that, the quicktime ROM’s that were previously required to make a Mac a Mac were moved to files that are read and used by the OS for the firmware calls.
My bad. It looks like support for the 603’s and G3’s was part of MkLinux. I may be wrong again, but everything past the G3’s that don’t contain the ROM’s seem to not be supported, though.
From my point of view you did not get the repair of the harddrive for free, you paid for it in the purchase of Applecair. This is nothing exclusive to Apple, many forms of warranty and service can be added to products be it Apple or alternative.