That is why we are so excited about today’s announcement. More than 28 million developers already collaborate on GitHub, and it is home to more than 85 million code repositories used by people in nearly every country. From the largest corporations to the smallest startups, GitHub is the destination for developers to learn, share and work together to create software. It’s a destination for Microsoft too. We are the most active organization on GitHub, with more than 2 million “commits,” or updates, made to projects.
Microsoft has been a developer-focused company from the very first product we created to the platforms and tools we offer today. Building technology so that others can build technology is core to our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
It’s official now.
… is this where the world ends, or do we just wait it out for 40 days and 40 nights nights before moving to GitLab?
Gitlab integrates to Google Cloud Platform. I have much less trust in whatever Google than betting on MS services, sorry 🙂
gitlab jumped from azure (i hear they had a *very* good deal from MS) to google for good reasons.
Guess who is next going to have a sweet sweet integration with azure.
Or BitBucket
Or sourceforge, or gnu savannah, or launchpad, or osdn… =P
Dealing with Atlassian’s insane pricing schemes isn’t much fun though.
5 users: 20$
6 users: 5 million dollars!
Where is the 5 million pricetag?
GitLab is one of the Y Combinator companies. Expect a similar end result, just worse.
This is especially funny when you migrated from self-hosted GitLab to GitHub less than 2 years ago.
We’ll stay with GitHub for know because we really don’t want to move all our repos and reconfigure all our build pipelines to use gitlab or bitbucket.
Edited 2018-06-05 05:53 UTC
There goes the neighborhood.
Theres deamons in them thar bits !
There’s nothing stopping an enterprising individual to set up a Git thing on AWS…
Satya WINNING the WAR, for Open Coders.
Critical to Comunity Containment will be the RESPECT to both loved and unloved, LICENSES.
Edited 2018-06-05 02:25 UTC
Time to put on a pair of waders based on how quickly the FUD is rising in here. I understand though, … For some people the default reaction to anything Microsoft is the sky is falling.. You know, until it isn’t and doesn’t. Then they quietly find something else to panic/fake-panic about. All user tiers are going to get more perks than they have now so you better hurry up and move your source before your account gets even better!
Yeah, right, sure… Tell me about the time when Microsoft acquiring something made it better for users. I’m listening…
LinkdIn has remained about the same.
Minecraft is vastly improved.
If Microsoft goes the route they went with LinkdIn and Minecraft, leaving them as largely independent entities, GitHub should be succesful.
As it is now, they’ve been without a CEO for more than a year, and they’re hemorrhaging money, having lost about $250 Million this year so far, with no sign of it turning around.
Git needs enterprise customers, which they don’t have. Microsoft has enterprise customers.
Microsoft also has a shitty code versioning product, which they will likely replace with GitHub. On the other hand, they have an excellent issue tracking system, which GitHub lacks.
I have a feeling this will be a good thing, for GitHub, its users, and for Microsoft and their customers as well.
People are just afraid that their ideas will be “pattented” before they actually get to release it to the public.
Between Microsoft and Facebook acquiring github (looking at the projects with most contributors on github), it was a safe bet.
Nevertheless just like any other projects acquired by Microsoft it will be soon forgoten.
Both because I’m lazy as shit, and also there’s no way this will go badly. Absolute worst case, I resync to sourceforge and shrug on.
Microsoft already has VSTS and we use it. It’s pretty decent. It does everything GitHub does, and then some. It can use TFS or Git as the source control backent. It has team projects, it has repositories, it does ticketing (work items), it does all the SCRUM/Agile/Kanban goodness for project management. I don’t really know why MS want GitHub, except to expand their platform. But what they have works extremely well already, so I don’t think this is necessarily bad. And hey, one thing VSTS does that GitHub doesn’t – I get free private repos with pretty much all of the main features of VSTS with a basic account. So outside of work, I use it for all of my WIP code I’m not ready to make public yet.
Things Seeming Excellent, not the same than Code Looking Fine.
That still matters to some coders.
I have a GitHub account. I put stuff I want to be public there. It’s not a dumping ground for half baked projects. I use VSTS for that. *shrugs*
VSTS is massive. Our entire org uses it – probably 100+ users. We use it to manage everything, it integrated in to Office 365, Teams (MS Slack knock off), uses Git for version control (we did that as a conscious decision when we moved from TFS to VSTS, as management rightly wanted to make the access more light weight and distributed), it has CI (which we use for every project) and pretty much does all the same things as GitHub, plus something like Appveyor and maybe one of those sites that do extended ticketing using the GitHub API. YMMV, but it is robust enterprise level stuff.
As I said – GitHub will enhance the offering with all the opensource goodness, but MS isn’t exactly buying GitHib because they want to use the platform. I suspect, like with Xamarin, it’ll become another platform they support for source control.
Future is about minds, not lines.
Still eager to see how LinkedIn and GitHub will merge to be one single unified service. Amazing!
Hopefully they wont try to merge identities like they did with Skype. That was a PITA.
Developers! (that Steve Ballmer song makes him a more popular singer than Richard Stallman, according to – vs