“Macworld Expo in San Francisco is more than a technology convention. It is a personality litmus test, too. […] By contrast, Apple inspires rave reviews. And accounts for only 2.3% of the worldwide computer market, according to research firm IDC. The company blazes forth, but few answer the call.” Read the editorial at C|Net.
I get the perception that Mac users think anyone who doesn’t own a Mac must LOVE microsoft’s operating system. As a microsoft user for many years this is pretty untrue.
So as I’m sure many of the people here have figured out, Windows isn’t the greatest damn thing ever. Frankly it sucks hard. It sucks WAY less than it used to but hey at least it doesn’t crash on me as much anymore (hopefully for you too.)
What I don’t understand is why all Mac users think MacOS X is the OS to end all damn OS’s. frankly it sucks as much as anything else out there (except for BeOS, I love you Be.) Does it suck less than Windows? Depends on who you ask. I personally think OSX pretty nice but to be honest MacOS X is MORE like windows than anything before it.
One thing I always admired about Macs was how easier it was dealing with files. I mean in windows world all of those pesky file extensions were a nightmare. Which program opens what. It’s a good thing MacOS X advances the concept of file/creator metadata so much it has done away with lame file extensions…oh right it DOESN’T!
Probably one of the most annoying things a Microsoft user has to hear from Mac people is how much the OS that we use, Windows, sucks. Well no fucking shit. WE are the ones using it, not you Mac users/zealots. I don’t think you’ll EVER hear any educated windows user say Mac OS X sucks big time, you need to use Windows because it is SO MUCH BETTER. But this is exactly the kind of shit that we hear from Mac users all the damn time (plus linux users too.)
Let me break it down for you. Windows sucks BUT Mac OS X isn’t much better in the eyes of practically everyone over in x86 land. Is OS X better than windows? sure but it isn’t good enough to switch especially not with the outrageous pricing and outdated hardware. And that’s really the issue, Mac OS X isn’t miles above windows like Mac heads think, it’s just a few yards above windows. And that isn’t good enough
Eugenia isn’t your average PC person. She would get a Mac if it was as cheap (or cheaper) and as fast (or faster) as a new PC. Which isn’t the case in both cases.
To point out that Mac OS X now have file extensions, as UNIX gift. It hides it the same way as any recent version of Windows hides it. Mac OS 9 and below stored the file type in the metadata as opposed to file extensions, so I really see little difference.
Ya what is the point of that? you can opt to see file extensions but why? And And who cares? If you are looking at suck a mirco point as file extensions, you are going to miss the overall picture. Stand back a and take a look. I like and use OSX over my XP machine becasue it is easier to use GENERALLY. it does “just work” and that is what I want when I am putting around doing things on my computer. Like I have said before if you like any other OS and you are productive USE IT.
Back to the article he was only a Apple bash session, sorry all. And it is his opinion which is fine. But really he did not see the strides that Apple is trying to make since their CPU’s SUCK……<my opinion> So take Apple and look at what they have done, yes the iapps are looking really nice and Bluetooth and 802.11g new firewire is great and is trying to make up for the lack of CPU size………
Let’s just assume for a moment that the mac is way better overall, that the hardware is better integrated with the software, that the apps (many key ones for consumers now from Apple) are better integrated with the OS and hardware and online service, etc., etc. You know, let’s just assume that the thing us mac users say is really true (it is, but let’s just not argue that for a moment).
OK, then we add the hypothesis I just presented to a market where 90 percent of the people use windows, milllions of people just spent a lot of money on a new windows computer, tens of millions have a lot invested in windows software, millions have careers built around windows (including computer journalism careers for example). Oh, and lots of people too cheap to pay for a mac.
What do you get.