So, how does the news of Apple and DRM change, or not change, your purchasing habits regarding x86 Macs? Let us know by participating in our following poll:Note: Javascript is required to view and vote for the poll.
So, how does the news of Apple and DRM change, or not change, your purchasing habits regarding x86 Macs? Let us know by participating in our following poll:Note: Javascript is required to view and vote for the poll.
we are in for a rough road my friend…… i hardly believe it…… someone on here with in IQ over 65…. amazing lol
Quote: “but I bet you down load it for free thou”
Nice assumption anonymous. Music is cultural, as is literature, I personally feel that neither should be copyrightable, or “enforceable”, but should remain in the sole ownership of the public domain.
unoengborg is absolutely correct in his/her line of thought. One thing that always makes me ponder, is why are two American organisations controlling world music, and world movies? Why? Why hasn’t the US government taken action against the RIAA and MPAA for being monopolistic and anti competitive entities? I can tell you why – money, and bribed politicians. If politicians actually had morals, and spines, things might be a bit better. Being a politician in this day and age is all about money and power, not representing the people.
Politicians have always been about money and power. They don’t add value to a society, so their role will always be corrupt and parasitical.
Today’s use of the word “democracy” is hardly related to the original Athenian democracy. And people are so brainwashed you could present the democracy of Athens and it would not be accepted as a democracy by the stolid masses of today.
We live in a society of zombie people who are woefully ignorant and getting dumber every day.
There is no “cure” for this. The movie plays, the people overpopulate, the people overpollute, the planet dies, and the worshippers of the death god at long last relax into their paradise of oblivion. The shining blue planet is gone. At least it will then match the other two planets that the virus called “humanity” has killed.
lol dave…… i’m all about freedom…. but i’m also not an ass hole….. how would you like it if i ripped on your country saying it was led by a tyranical gov’t and all the while not knowing what the hell i was talking about (which people who don’t live here have no idea about)
I keep my mouth shut because i treat others the way i expect to be treated myself and i don’t judge others so i will not be judged (freedom while maintaining decency,…. not ripping others to shreads just because i “have the freedome to”, and not talking out of my ass)
and why do you ask…. because i am trying to keep others from speaking out…. no,.. because i am a decent person and i don’t try to make others look bad to cover up my shortcomings.
and yet another thing….. just because you have the right to do something dosen’t make it right…..
to me this says that because i have some common decency, treat others with respect, and stick up for what is right that i will be labeled as a “evil american”….. I’ll tell you what… that’s total crap, quit your stereo typing and treat me like an equel….. i do the same for you…
Quote: “how would you like it if i ripped on your country saying it was led by a tyranical gov’t and all the while not knowing what the hell i was talking about (which people who don’t live here have no idea about) ”
Want my take? I couldn’t give a shit if you diss my country, cos in all reality, Australia is no better than the US. The dishonourable John Howard, a poor excuse for a MP, is a right bastard, and I’d happily spit on his grave. He’s one more to fuck Australia up, screw the poor, the powerless, and empower the rich, and the powerful with even more power; and I hate him, and his government, and all that it stands for. So, as, you can see, you can “diss” my country, and my politicians, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t give a fuck. Freedom of speech is just that – the freedom to air your views. Of course, in the US, speaking out against the current regime is a big NO NO, you’re suddenly unpatriotic, and a potential “terrorist”.
Operating systems are political, whether you like it or not.
Quote: “quit your stereo typing and treat me like an equel….. i do the same for you…”
So, what, in effect, you are saying, is that I should shut my mouth up because it doesn’t correspond with your thoughts, and/or makes you feel angry because I don’t like your country’s government?
Sorry, you lose, I don’t think so. I’m not going to be bullied by the likes of you, or anyone else. As someone else has said (and correctly so I might add), this world is full of brainless zombies, who go along, day to day, doing what the powers that be want of them. They live without thought, they take without thought, and they destroy without thought. You can admit that, or you can hide from that truth, either way, it doesn’t stop it from being the truth. It’s amazing, mankind is the only species I see fucking each other over to make a buck. It’s the only species on the planet that makes war on others.
You can keep your righteousness, I’ll keep my freedom, and my freedom of speech thanks.
I suspect a few people posting here to have in interest in this dirty DRM buissness and to hope trying to keep the sheeps quiet. I mean, there can’t be people that stupid, that’s just…
Anyway, as for all the other (genuinely clueless) people who do not mind that their computer will become a real threat to their privacy I have two words to say: hardware dongle. Go check that out, it’s nothing new, really.
Ah yeah but DRM is so much cooler, it has way more (r)s, (c)s and tm’s… I waaaaante two bi haîpeuh.
No chances left to ever see me buying Apple (well, we don’t need you in the first placeee) and you can be sure that I can live without OSX.