Now, as Qualcomm looks to push 5G connectivity into laptops, it is pairing modems with a powerful central processor unit, or CPU, Amon said. Instead of using computing core blueprints from longtime partner Arm Ltd, as it now does for smartphones, Qualcomm concluded it needed custom-designed chips if its customers were to rival new laptops from Apple.
As head of Qualcomm’s chip division, Amon this year led the $1.4 billion acquisition of startup Nuvia, whose ex-Apple founders help design some those Apple laptop chips before leaving to form the startup. Qualcom will start selling Nuvia-based laptop chips next year.
The processor industry is scrambling to catch up to Apple, and every Intel and AMD OEM is looking for something that can give the same or merely vaguely similar kind of performance and power draw in laptops like the M1. Qualcomm is claiming here that they can, and will – this year, without relying on Arm.
Bold claim.
Seeing as Nuvia was founded by ex-Apple employees who worked on Apple laptop chips, I can see a messy court case looming if Qualcomm gets anywhere with this project.
Nuvia would have been already sued long ago if that were the case.
I’m not sure what you mean.
Apple vs Williams (Nuvia) is going through the courts at the moment.
Williams is not Nuvia.
It amounts to the same thing. Williams loses, and Nuvia is finished.
No it doesn’t, whatsoever.
Yes it does.
No because Apple is not suing Nuvia.
It’s obvious you haven’t read Apple Inc. v. Williams III, 19-cv-352866. That’s okay. You need to let this go before you humiliate yourself further. The only people you might be impressing are your schoolmates.
When you get older, go to university and learn a bit more, you’ll gain a better understanding of how these things work.
I’m genuinely trying to help you when I say you need to take a step back, breathe and relax. Enjoy your teenage years, grow as a person, mature, let life experiences help you to develop the tools to navigate and be successful in the adult world. Don’t rush it!
The lawsuit is against an individual regarding a supposed breach of contract and counter claims from either party regarding staff poaching.
Had Apple considered Nuvia infringed any of their intellectual property, they would have sued Nuvia accordingly.
Furthermore,. Qualcomm has one of the meanest legal departments in the industry. And they would have made it clear if the lawsuit was of any risk/consequence for Qualcomm during the due diligence/disclosure process of their acquisition of Nuvia.
The aspects that connect the case to Nuvia are laid out in the First Cause of Action, points 46, 48, 49, and the Second Cause of Action, point 56. Points 48b and 49 in particular would nullify Nuvia should Apple win.
Those are basically a non compete agreement claim, which is not enforceable in California.
Williams has also counter-sued Apple, and it would be equally ridiculous to claim Apple is finished if that suit wins.
corporations are set to limit personal liability in cases like this. The worst that may happen is that Apple can enforce some royalties/damages on Qualcomm. Which is corporations do on each other all the time. But neither Qualcomm nor Apple are going to go out of business.
I don’t think you realize how common these suits are.
The non-compete agreement is only part of the complaint.
Williams isn’t counter-suing Apple for effectively stealing IP that forms the core of its business. I’m shocked that you didn’t know this – unless, of course, in desperation you are resorting to false equivalence to cover for your humiliation.
Again, I refer you to the actual complaint filed by Apple, and the points I highlighted.
I’m afraid all these insults you keep throwing may be telling waaay too much about yourself. If you only knew how off the mark you are on my part,
In any case, it’s clear you don’t understand how non-compete suits are worded or how corporations are structured. This lawsuit will bear close to zero effect on the high performance NuVia ARM cores will be releasing soon.
I’m not insulting you and it saddens me that you think this. Honestly, I’m trying to help you. It’s clear that you made a glib comment that gave you something akin to a high. However, I countered that and you realised your mistake. This seems to have sent you crashing on a low. As a coping mechanism, you tried to double down on it, and I countered that too. Then you realised you were out of your depth, and even tried to use false equivalence to cover for that. I should have been more understanding of your situation and I apologise.
Seriously, it worries me to see you in such difficulty. I can see that you are bright, and I really want to help you. Sadly, I do wonder if you suffer from some sort of alpha male complex, judging from the way you can’t handle disagreement on this site, and especially the way you go to pieces when you’ve made a mistake and have been called out on it.
I genuinely think you have the potential to be a better person, and I seriously ask you to take on board my advice.
As I said, the first stage is to step back and breathe.
Think about what it is you are striving for. Is it really alpha status? If so, then consider that it may well be irrelevant in an online IT site. Could your desire be directed more positively, such as into a competitive sport? If you find physical activity daunting, then maybe try chess.
Is it respect? Consider what characteristics garner respect from your peers. Trust me on this, trying to brute-force an argument does the opposite. Being rude does the opposite. Respect comes from different angles. There is respect for wisdom and experience, which come from the ability to learn from your mistakes and understand new ideas. The ability to be open-minded is vital. All of these require the ability to accept that you will make mistakes.
Back on topic, if there are aspects of Apple Inc. v. Williams III, 19-cv-352866 that you don’t understand, then please don’t feel too embarrassed to ask – don’t think of it as being weak, think of it as boosting your understanding! As I said earlier, pay particular attention to points 46, 48, 49, and 56.
I wish you well!
I am afraid you mistook my previous comment as a request for you to provide further details about your condition.
It’s understandable that you’re hurting and lashing out. Please don’t feel bad about yourself – it’s a cathartic reaction that you’ve adopted as part of your development. Keep it up!
… but enough about yourself. Really.
It’s important that you keep trying. You’re struggling, sure, but keep at it! It’s hard for you to accept, so you’re trying to convince yourself that it’s the world that’s wrong by using deflection.
By all means lash out when you aren’t harming anyone, but be very careful that your impotent anger doesn’t turn into real, physical anger. And remember, it’s part of the process but if you let it consume you, then you’ll end up in an even worse state than you’re in now.
wow, the quarantine has been that tough for you. Wanna keep talking about it?
It’s natural that you keep seeking ways to lash out as a coping mechanism, I can’t even begin to imagine how awful this must be for you, but honestly, if you can focus on yourself and work through the anger phase, you’ll have made magnificent progress.
Please don’t repeat yourself.
It’s no problem, you just need to focus on getting through the anger and frustration.
We were discussing you, not me.
I know you’re hurting and you hate yourself. It seems like every time you lash out you hate yourself more. This is actually fine, get it out of your system! You don’t need to hate yourself and once you realise that, you’ll stop feeling angry and begin to work on your development
You’re not really talking about me, are you?
I can see the self-hate is devouring you as you humiliate yourself. further. You can overcome it! Remember, don’t hate yourself!
So, you can see the self-hate is devouring me as me humiliate myself. What do you feel about that ?
I’m trying to help you! Hang in there!
Tell me more about this.
It’s very important that you don’t hate yourself, but you’re trapped.
Oh… Let’s move on to something else for a bit. don’t hate myself, but you’re trapped?
If you genuinely think it will help you break out of your trap, sure!
Okay, now you’re repeating yourself. That is not moving us forward.
I’ll do my best to help you.
What feelings do you have about this ?
The hardest step of your journey to becoming a better person is the first step. I can see you are struggling but you can do it… eventually.
Perhaps you would like to be struggling but I can do it… eventually?
I see that you’re lashing out again! It’s hard for you to break out of the cycle, but keep trying!
That is interesting. Please go on.
Yes, you are losing your battle against your need to hate yourself, and you hate yourself for this, but I can help you to become a better person.
So, you can help me to become a better person. What do you feel about that ?
I will do my best to help you learn.
Oh… learn?
You can break free of your hatred for yourself and your hatred for others. I understand it is hard for you,
Qualcomm are fabless aren’t they? Apple’s advantage isn’t just having designed a good CPU at the logic layer, but all the way down to the dark magic of the physical construction of the silicon in the fab which they work hand-in-hand with TSMC with and pay big $$$ – that took 10 years to perfect, and a few acquisitions along the way.
QUALCOMM have no chance.
Apple does not do fab process technology.
They pay more to have more capacity and be the risk customer for the latest node.
Qualcomm was only a few months behind in getting dies in the N5 process from TSMC.
Enough with wannabe monopolies. I don’t care one jot for Qualcomm’s brash and swaggering uptalk.
I don’t think that means what you think that means.
I would expect that’s somewhat inconceivable.