“The Mono Migration Analyzer tool, or MoMA, helps users port Microsoft .NET programs to Mono, with the ultimate goal of porting Windows software to Linux. But is it really necessary? eWEEK Labs puts MoMA through its paces.”
“The Mono Migration Analyzer tool, or MoMA, helps users port Microsoft .NET programs to Mono, with the ultimate goal of porting Windows software to Linux. But is it really necessary? eWEEK Labs puts MoMA through its paces.”
You need to port it. That is sad.
If you are using 100% BCL stuff, you are going to be binary compatible. If you are using higher level libraries (WCF/WF/WPF/etc) it is up in the air how much of that is implemented. If you are using new platform features (LINQ/Lambdas/implicit typing/etc) mono tends to add support relatively quick, but still takes a few months. If you are P/Invoking into the win32 api, that will need to be abstracted out.
You need to port it because although .NET has many OS agnostic/hardware features, Microsoft never really intended .NET software to run on other platforms and their libraries only interface with Windows. Some .NET libraries aren’t even viable on Linux at all. You can create software that runs on both but you have to plan it out first our port it afterwards.