I shall make no bones about the fact that this request is purely filler material, but such threads have been a success in years past. Dear OSNews readers please furnish us with your wondrous and diverse desktop screenshots and machine specifications! Considering that I have used the same wallpaper and platform since 2006, there is no great insight that I can bring to the table. Also, whilst I’m here–OSNews Asks: How have mobile OSes changed your habits this year?
It’s hard to have a bad day when that kid is on your background.
My Main Setup
An iMac 20″ Core2 Duo 2GHZ 4GB RAM
Various FW800 and a couple of USB2 HDD’s
Few links to Fallout Vega’s Wiki as im making my way through it.
The Mac’s getting on a bit, i got it in 2007 however it still does everything i need, video compression (with an Elgato Turbo HW compression). Media management, info etc.. It’s my main home machine.
I do have a Dell Quad Core Win7 x64 machine but thats mainly for VM’s and games, and a couple of mac laptops.
I wanna get a cheap laptop so i can stick Ubuntu 10.10 on it.
Looks a lot like windows 3.* but it is XP x64.
Not the hotdog stand theme?
Interesting, but I must say it doesn’t look much like 3.x apart from the choice of background. Would it really kill you to change the WM theme to be like 3.1? I know I did it with windowblinds long ago, it’s got to still be possible.
I made a large set of C64 boot wallpapers here: http://camendesign.com/are_you_ready
My desktop is simply earthdesk (from Xeric) with one monitor tracking the sunrise and the other is positioned over my home town.
I use a Mac Pro, quad xeon, 10 gb of RAM, dual 24″ monitors (and an air display to my iPad). I happen to have a couple of those machines (one in my home office and one in my office).
I also have a 2010 mac mini with 8gb of RAM and 256gb SSD. The irony is that, because of the SSD, the mini feels much snappier then my xenon even though its cpu is like 2 years old.
I’ve got a laptop also but as I no longer travel much I use it very rarely (my IPad, in contrast, is used like 10 hours a day).
Anyone else noticed that by 2010 standards this would be #3 in popularity? (214 comments atm, including this one)
It’s really nice to see the OSNews community at work and willing to share.
89 more posts for #1 people!
PcLinuxOS 2010 with e17 desktop.
what is that monitoring gadget on the right side of the screen? I’ve seen it in a lot of screenshots posted in this topic but.
Not much going on, but here’s mine: http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/783/grabc.png
It’s MorphOS 2.7 running on a 1.33GHz PowerPC Mac mini with 1GB of RAM and a 160Gb hard drive.
EDIT: Bonus Topaz font on the desktop!
Edited 2011-01-02 04:29 UTC
I like a dark, sparse desktop:
Edited 2011-01-02 11:35 UTC
Forgot – theme is green (Ghost), here’s something with a few windoze open, KDE actually in 4.4.3 due to Mandriva, system is Intel Core Duo, very minimal but does everything I want (and I built it myself).
I change themes and wallpapers very often, but this one is my favourite:
Elementary theme + faenza variants cuppertino icons, and the background image is “Somewhere far away” from the elementary wallpapers pack.
My ASUS K50IN laptop, Core 2 Duo 2.20GHz, T5900, nVidia GeForce G102M 512MB, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. =)
Icons are courtesy of Mattahan [ http://mattahan.deviantart.com/gallery/ ] and I’m totally in love with them. That guys is amazing. =)
This is my not so special E17. It’s a screen shot of virtual desktop2, with a pic of desktop4 in it.
It’s powered with an Ubuntu core, courtesy of Bodhi Linux OS.
Installed in a self made box: Gigabyte 965P-DQ6, Core2Duo E6300 and 2Gb ddr2.
Maybe I was not too clear.
The E17 is great.
What I did meant that’s not so special, is my own desktop.
Well Compaq Desktop PC running OZ Unity Debut in Gnome DE. Custom wall and GTK theme.
With Apps Open
Showing Background Images
Dirty: http://ompldr.org/vNnRnNQ/busy.jpg
Clean: http://ompldr.org/vNnRnNg/clean.jpg
Ubuntu minimal, Xfce, Compiz, xdotool scripts bound to keyboard shortcuts for window tiling.
All fonts liberally nicked from the Mac, my own GTK+ and Emerald themes, Icons are Eikon 2 derived, wallpaper is just something from wallbase.net. Half those apps have had the fat trimmed from their UIs either before or after compiling.
System is an old Athlon 2800+ w/ 512mb of RAM, hooked up to a 40″ Samsung LCD TV and Yamaha receiver/Krix speakers.
Pretty busy
Edited 2011-01-02 15:24 UTC
What DWM are you using?
I do not use DWM mate, I use OPENBOX [1] but along with PyTYLE [2] (manual/addon tiling manager).
[1] http://openbox.org
[2] http://pytyle.com
PyTYLE can make that:
— http://ompldr.org/vNmxvYQ
Into these:
— http://ompldr.org/vNmxvYg
— http://ompldr.org/vNmxvYw
… while using ‘classic’ or should I say not tiling windows manager, that supports wmctrl(1).
Also try checking out PyWO and xdotool.
Thanks mate, I will try them in some free time.
DECwindows Motif on ALPHAServer ;-}
I like the font rendering :p
Fonts are better than the screen dump, the Print Screen application prints as Postscript, then I had to convert it as ‘jpg’ (a bit low quality)
Seems a lot of people are running KDE or OSX. I thought there would be more people running alternative OS like Haiku or something. Not as much Gnome as I would have figured either.
BTW what is it with all the anime backgrounds? Would you really look at that over a human female?
This is it. KDE 4.5 with a KWord open to block out phone numbers on the other sticky note. Actually, I just put this computer for sale and installed fresh Windows 7. My other system is a dual-monitor T41 with Windows XP.
I used to use KDE, back in v2. I Kinda drifted away and shifted from SuSE to Mint back around Mint version 7.
I usually rotate desktops, I have a plaid one I was using because I liked the dark colours. But the girls are great too!
Is your Wallpaper live?
Now that I’ve married, my wallpapers are seasonal landscapes. Earlier in the season, I had a snow backdrop of a scene I took in Big Bear. On this computer, I haven’t changed the background since summer, so it’s a tropical picture.
That sounds a bit mischievous. I’m curious what your wallpapers were before you were married! LOL! 😉
Well, I am dual-booting Linux and Haiku, but since my Haiku desktop looks just like any other Haiku desktop (except for the wallpaper) I didn’t see much point in taking a screenshot of it.
Acer L100
Athlon 64 x2 (3800)
2 Gb Ram
Pretty much stock.
Linux Mint 10
The Screenshot:
The Wallpaper:
More info:
Dell Inspiron D518, 2 gigs of RAM, Dual Core Processor with 2.20 GHz, Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT, 250 Gig hard drive.
Used Mostly For:
Programming, Web browsing, IRC, simple games, and every now and then some Call of Duty
I saw the TRON desktop, and I was so envious that I had to start to make my own. But since I lack the artistic genius, I have to do it with humor, instead…
Edited 2011-01-02 20:05 UTC
Running Ubuntu 10.10 on a IBM Thinkpad T43p, with the following desktop:
– Gnome
– 6 virtual desktops
– deskbar for easy access of programs, hence no icon clutter http://projects.gnome.org/deskbar-applet
– guake for an easy access shell, as a supplement for a gnome terminal http://guake.org/
– gnome global-menu to give mac style menus, thereby giving me some extra vertical space http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/
Edit – added the text below
As some might notice, I do not have any applets on the desktop. As I have many windows open while I work, I see no reason as to why I should have something on the desktop I will never see.
Edited 2011-01-03 01:14 UTC
I get around the ‘I can’t see the crap on my desktop’ issue by using wmctrl scripts to toggle the above hint on my conky and xpad windows. You can also just add a ‘Show Desktop’ applet to your panel.
Thank you for the hint, but I have always found that not putting things on the desktop is the way to go. I have shortcuts in the Places menu for the most important. Editors typically have directory or project viewers embedded within.
Regarding viewing various system monitor data applets, like Conky. I do not feel the need to relentlessly monitor my system all the time. If I feel the system performance degrade, I will monitor my system. This is done with a combination of using the Hardware Monitor applet in the panel and top in a shell. Since I have been using the same computer for +4 years, I have a pretty good feel for when something is not performing correctly.
I’m running on pretty merge hardware, with pretty small partitions and pretty crap ADSL, so I find monitoring my system is pretty important but for that, I use conky’s ‘panel’ window type, rather than using conky like a ‘gadget’. With 18 pixels reserved at the bottom of the screen, I can always see filesystem usage, network activity, ISP data quota usage, CPU activity and memory usage. I don’t have to disrupt my workflow at all, to figure out when/what something is awry.
The only crap I keep on the desktop itself is my xpad sticky notes (if I just used a text editor, I’d never remember to check it) and a conky news ticker for a few rapidly updating feeds I just keep a general eye on (my news reader proper is so full, it’s barely responsive). It’s not the most elegant solution but I can’t figure out any alternatives. Any ideas?
This is why I love Open Source, different requirements drive us toward different solutions.
To be perfectly honest, I have after many years of trying still not found an elegant solution to the note/news problem that has good desktop integration.
I started using a personal Wiki on my server, as I wanted to be able to access my notes everywhere. It was fine for more heavy long term notes, but it is bad for the day to day quick notes. But I still wanted my daily notes to be portable. I settled in the end for TomBoy, which has good support for sync. Now I just need the sync to work to my andoid phone.
I use Google Reader for most of my news needs, but I do not use anything the works as a ticker. Now and then when I need a break, I have a routine of surfing various sites to see what is new. Those sites have frequent updates, such Slashdot or local news sites.
Goodle Reader then helps me to keep track of those sites that I do not visit in that rutine, which do not have frequent updates, such as various blogs.
As a developer, I obviously run GNUstep+WindowMaker on a variety of machines. Typically FreeBSD on my workstation. Or on Gentoo or Debian (on my Netbook a Toshiba NB100, shown here in the screenshot connected to a 22″ monitor).
Rarer platforms are available to, Solaris on SPARC or GNU/HURD on x86. Of course with GNUstep.
Typically I have of course many more applications open, like Terminal.app, Gorm.app or ProjectCenter, as can be seen here (same setup as above):
I also develop and test and have general web usage on my faithful PowerBook g4 15″ running 10.4 and even the ol’ iBook g3 with 10.3. I’m not very fond of newer Mac versions and about the intel switch… My goal is to perfect GNUstep more and more to be able to use it.
Good to see another person working in a traditional WM environment. Too many people these days don’t know how to operate outside of GNOME or KDE.
Here’s mine
Except for the wallpaper my desktop looks just the same as it did last time (and the time before that).
Imagine this: E16, Bluesteel, gkrellm, enlightenment’s pager. No icons or other widgets. Gkrellm and pager located anchored to the top-right corner of the screen, pager on top, consuming 64px of width.
This is the exact same setup that I’ve been using since I switched to E16 in 2002. Prior to that I had a similar setup in GNOME 1.4 (both with sawfish and E16 as WMs), with the GNOME launcher bar aligned right and its pager embedded. Prior to that I used Windows and had LiteStep installed with (you guessed it) the LiteStep pager top-right and a bunch of monitors below that. In LiteStep I even used a port of the Bluesteel theme; in fact, that’s why I switched to Enlightenment initially–I wanted my theme back and sawfish didn’t have a good bluesteel.
All told I’ve been using this arrangement since 1997 and don’t see myself changing soon. I experiment constantly with new themes, window managers and (to the extent possible) DEs, but I’ve yet to find anything that I like better.
That sure is a small screen to work on. I would imagine to see a touch-based OS, not PCLinuxOS. Is that even enjoyable looking at such a little screen? There’s even more chrome than actual content
Simple desktop showing Salix OS …jedi edition 🙂
I’m too late to show off, but I’m pretty proud. I took the google youtube python class and wrote the scripts for geektool myself. I keep my desktop clean by adding a junk folder to the dock.
here it is: http://hcfolds.com/eee/osnews/MacGeek.jpg