“As mentioned before, the original multi-monitor survey had some serious flaws, which means that its results should be used with caution. I don’t know if I can gather people around this again, but I wanted to try an updated, much cleaned up version of the survey, with results distributed in public domain just as before. Here it is.” (from The OS-periment)
I’m not sure if this dual-screen laptop is real or vaporware but it certainly looks cool:
Any OSNews reader in Anchorage able to go take a look and let us know?
That’s an impressive piece of hardware, 2 panels in a laptop, who would have thought of that. Almost as strange as the old IBM folding keyboard.
One downside though, I wouldn’t want to have to squint at that resolution at 17″, not very practical to carry around a pair of 24″ monitors either though.
The videos are nice too, wonder what Intel, Microsoft will do with it.
a more polished questionnaire. I hope they can find some useful information from it
Well, I spent quite a lot of time on the first one too, but this time I had all the feedback from the first one’s mistakes so I knew better where I was going
I’m not quite satisfied by this one’s wording, which is a bit complex, but if there is something which I had learned from the first attempt, it is that precision is vital in a survey’s questions.