Microsoft’s ambitious next-generation business applications are now due out in the “Longhorn” time frame, according to a top Microsoft executive. The upcoming product line, dubbed Project Green, will be built on what Microsoft Senior Vice President Doug Burgum calls a new “global” code base.
What a bad choice for a codename, people already think they’re greedy..
That’s great. More ubiquitous code to assist in the spread of viruses. As soon as enough businesses are running the same “global” code base we’ll see a fresh batch of viruses to exploit it.
does this not make any sense what so ever? Read it again. New global code base? Wasnt MFC a code base? Or .net? Are they trying to make the old look new again?
remember hailstorm and how everything was suddenly labled .net?
Isn’t this the same thing.
Which makes me think this is more hot air for PR with no real backing.
It’s amazing how any Microsoft related article seems to spurn the anti-Microsoft trolls into spouting their rather uninformed analysis of the news blurb without bothering to actually read the article…
veridicus: That’s great. More ubiquitous code to assist in the spread of viruses. As soon as enough businesses are running the same “global” code base we’ll see a fresh batch of viruses to exploit it.
First, the code in question is the Microsoft Business Framework, which is implemented as a set of .NET components. You can read about it here:
Or since you are probably too lazy to actually click the URLs, here is a brief description:
The Business Framework, which will run on top of the .NET platform, will consist of two layers: base level common services covering integration and including workflow and security functionality whose purpose will be to bind together the processes typically run within application software; and a layer consisting of common components and processes used by application software including object entities such as customer or account definitions for example.
As all this code will be sandboxed within the CLR, the potential of any sort of virus exploiting any of it is extremely unlikely, certainly much less than any native code solution.
Anonymous: does this not make any sense what so ever? Read it again. New global code base? Wasnt MFC a code base? Or .net? Are they trying to make the old look new again?
I refer you to the previous description, and add that the Microsoft Business Framework consists of much higher level language constructions than the examples you give. The Microsoft Business Framework is clearly designed to reduce the complexity of business applications
would you run a OS named after a bovine???
got cowpies???
would you run a OS named after a bovine???
It’s named after a saloon at the base of Whistler Mountain.
As much as I dont’ like Microsoft, I dislike morons even more.
Longhorn isn’t named after a cow, but rather, a mountain. Just as Whistler was named after a mountain, so is Longhorn.
As much as I dont’ like Microsoft, I dislike morons even more.
Longhorn isn’t named after a cow, but rather, a mountain. Just as Whistler was named after a mountain, so is Longhorn.
At least know what your talking about when you call someone a moron. Longhorn is not a mountain but in fact a bar at the base of Whistler Mountain. They picked it because it is sort of in between Blackcomb and Whistler their other product code names.
Soon there will be no alternatives. Microsoft is going to unleash a patent war on Linux in the next couple years. And everyone will be forced to buy a “Victory PC”.
At least know what your talking about when you call someone a moron. Longhorn is not a mountain but in fact a bar at the base of Whistler Mountain. They picked it because it is sort of in between Blackcomb and Whistler their other product code names.
At least he was closer than the moron.
I think using “$” in MS should be a moddable offense, it is totally designed to do nothing but flame and kill any rational debate, OsNew’s mods how bout it?
ok, I agree we should be civil and try to objectivly analyize wether this MBF is really anything or just this weeks Hailstorm or Xbox.
(See: I’m restraining myself, I didn’t even call Hailstorm M$ Failstorm
Writing Microsoft as M$ is not part of Internet culture. Considering that Microsoft is not just the makers of the prevalent OS, but also IIRC one of the richest company in market cap and cash, that Bill Gates is the one of the richest man alive and that MS has achieved a sizeable part of this wealth by abusing its monopoly power and charging outrageaous markups on its OS and Office software, then I deem the sigil M$ as an accurate (if somewhat flippant) representation of the company. I don’t use it, but it doesn’t offend me.
And you know what? I don’t think Gates and Ballmer are that offended by it as well, busy as they are laughing (and monkey dancing) all the way to the bank.
It’s no better than writing “linsux” or some other childish crap, if you can’t argue without it then your
argument is weak. This should be a place of grown up discussion of OSes, their technical merits and so forth.
Go to greplaw if you want to discuss monopolies or slashdot if you want to write “M$” to substitute for your lack of an original, creative and substantive thought on anything that matters. I think should institute a word filter to auto-mod-down any post which contains “M$”, and the other ‘flippant’ plays on the word microsoft such as microsux, etc. Totally inappropiate for what this site wants to be, if I may speak for the owners, who have said numerous times they are tired of the MS bashathon. Any use of a childesh word should be an auto-mod-down. No one wants to debate someone who says “M$”, and that is what the anti-MS trolls want, it makes it look like no one can answer their ‘scathing’ criticisms when in fact no one wants to debate with the child minded open source fundamentalists, but they win over weak minded individuals to their petty cause that way. I don’t care if ‘the internet does it’ either, it don’t make it right or relevent here. Anyway, I’d like to hear editor’s opinion on the matter, we KNOW what the trolls think already.
Maser, may I suggest an alternative strategy. Stop reading when you reach a M$ and skip to the next post, if that makes you feel better. I happen to agree it’s a little inane, and not useful, but if that kind of abuse of the language upsets you, I dread to think what you’d say when you saw slashdot. One of the reasons this site isn’t slashdot is that there is no auto-modding system, which does almost as much harm as good. Given your suggestion most of your posts would have been modded down : ) Unfortunately there’s no way to ensure the participants of a discussion know what they’re talking about.
Since I don’t really know anything about the topic at hand, and don’t develop business applications, I have nothing to add which is on-topic.
what are you waffling about ?
microsoft sueing linux over ip infringements ?
hahaha where ?
sco have a flimsy enough case, but I would just love to see microsoft try too.
microsoft have proven again and again that they are the ones who “obtain” code from other people/companies
It doesn’t matter.
Microsoft Business Framework == Businesses Locked Into Microsoft’s Business Framework
People should see this coming, but they’ll probably suck it up in 2005 just like they did in 1995 and 2000. Hmmm…a five-year cycle–perhaps that’s how long it takes people to forget all the marketing spiel from before.
1) I do dislike Microsoft, however, one has to wonder what M$ achieves? are they expecting Bill or Balmer to feel really offended? it is like “linsux”. I personally don’t see it as offensive and simply reply asking where one can buy this “linsux” from because I haven’t seen as a product yet.
2) Microsoft Business Framework is based on the .NET Framework and I assume that as features are added more people will decide to move from win32 to .NET. If that is the case, I would love to see Microsoft take a strong leadership and get Adobe, Macromedia, Oracle, Sybase, the Microsoft product line, Corel, Symantec, Borland, Lotus etc. etc. on board and get them to migrate their software from win32 to .NET Framework. Once that is done, get rid of the crusty crap once and for all.
3) People are talking regarding Microsoft trying to monopolise are just spreading false information. Until now, it was cheaper for a person to go with Microsoft if their whole infrastructure was supplied by Microsoft. Sun has *FINALLY* seen how bundling can benefit the customer and people will now have a choice that is not only superior but cheaper than what Microsoft can provide. You can now create an integrated end to end solution using Linux/Solaris/Java/SUN One etc.
4) C# and .NET Framework are great pieces of technology that make up the future of Microsoft products, the sooner the rest of the industry move off the win32, the sooner we can see safe, secure and stable solutions. The fact remains that Microsoft has done VERY little to make it happen.
Firstly, they need to set a time line to remove the win32. Let say Microsoft declares that in 4 years the win32 API will be completely removed from Windows.
Secondly, Microsoft should then go to software producers and pay for the porting of software.
Thirdly, education, they need to educate the public on the benefits of .NET so that *THEY* start demanding .NET based applications. Whether they know the details of it, that is beside the point, if they think that it will provide better security and stability, they’ll be demanding. It is the law of supply and demand.
“This should be a place of grown up discussion of OSes, their technical merits and so forth.”
Heh heh…there isn’t a forum on the Net that fills this description…
Writing Microsoft as M$ is not part of Internet culture.
Oops. I meant “Writing Microsoft as M$ is now part of Internet culture.”
“I think should institute a word filter to auto-mod-down any post which contains “M$”, and the other ‘flippant’ plays on the word microsoft such as microsux, etc.”
I would agree only if it also auto-mods down plays on “Linux” and other OSes as well.
Well, I am sorry if you think Longhorn is the name of a bar at the base of a mountain.
Well, I am sorry if you think Longhorn is the name of a bar at the base of a mountain.
That information is wrong. There is no mountain in WA state named LongHorn.
Capturing new markets ss the only way for MS to expand it’s revenue stream (and thus keep it’s stock price on appropiate level). So, it will expand (read: destroy new markets) leveraging current monopoly position on core markets. Now MS begins producing the whole software stack, soon it may squash out of business all major ISVs, locking out all major software market niches (games, business, whatever). What next ? Hardware ? Services ? Consulting. They SHOULD be split by DOJ, but it didn’t happen. Traditional, now traditional, commercial ISVs have no chances competing with Microsoft. Ironically, only OSS seems to be a viable alternative to MS product and this is sad (not being offensive to OSS of course),
25 posts, and almost no discussion of the specific technology. Counting my post, 26 actually.
25 posts, and almost no discussion of the specific technology. Counting my post, 26 actually.
Good point.
With that I’ll say that I like the idea. MS is banking the farm on .net and I think it makes sense both from an end user’s standpoint and a development standpoint.
Are there any similar Open Source (0$) projects attempting to do something like this?
I would agree only if it also auto-mods down plays on “Linux” and other OSes as well.
I agree, it should be a neutral filter. Didn’t mean to imply otherwise, it’s just that 99% of this crap is anti-MS trolls.
Maser, may I suggest an alternative strategy. Stop reading when you reach a M$ and skip to the next post, if that makes you feel better. I happen to agree it’s a little inane, and not useful, but if that kind of abuse of the language upsets you, I dread to think what you’d say when you saw slashdot. One of the reasons this site isn’t slashdot is that there is no auto-modding system, which does almost as much harm as good. Given your suggestion most of your posts would have been modded down : ) Unfortunately there’s no way to ensure the participants of a discussion know what they’re talking about.
Since I don’t really know anything about the topic at hand, and don’t develop business applications, I have nothing to add which is on-topic.
I try to skip the brainless posts, but no one wants to talk here because of these idiots, so there is nothing to skip to. I don’t think auto-modding down posts which contain “M$” or “linsux” would hurt, I think it would do nothing but improve this place. If the mods disagree, I’ll drop it.
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