In the Eclipse Cookbook, Steve Holzner, who also authored O’Reilly’s Eclipse, offers practical recipes for more than 800 situations you may encounter while working with Eclipse. Today they sample two recipes from the cookbook, with two more (on connecting Eclipse to a CVS repository and on using Swing and AWT inside SWT for Eclipse 3.0) to follow next week. First article, second article. And here’s what’s new on Java 1.5.
I always thought Visual Studio .NET was the best but Eclipse is just so much more advanced now. The only thing it’s lacking is a good integrated GUI designer, but there’s a couple good plugins available for that.
Sensible code completion, automatic code folding, easy code overview, non-intrusive bracket/quote matching, good refactoring, fast code navigation (CTRL-Click on any method/variable to see their definition).
Of course its only that nice for Java. I’ve tried the C/C++ development plugin and it’s not nearly as advanced. I wish the C# plugin would advance more too. I think it would have been much more worthwile to develop a top-notch C# plugin instead of going the MonoDevelop route.
… And with the new Rich Client Plateform version, we may expect good things coming-up for designing graphically user GUI with Swing or Swt.
It seems that RedHat is working on a natively compiled version of Eclipse using GCJ compiler and library, the result would be a smaller memory occupation and general performances enhancement.
It will be great.
Eclipse does rock. I like VS.2003, but Eclipse is much better….at least for java. And I totally agree that a better C# plugin is needed. Supposedly some new work has been done on an old one.
Redhat does have a natively compiled Eclipse. It’s not going to run any faster, but its memory footprint might be smaller.
Does anyone have more information on the natively compiled Eclipse? I remember reading an article on it a while ago but it didn’t give any details on whether it was faster or used less memory.
It’s cool that the team at Redhat managed to compile it natively (and says a lot about gcj) but without performance gains it’s basically pointless.
Of course its only that nice for Java. I’ve tried the C/C++ development plugin and it’s not nearly as advanced. I wish the C# plugin would advance more too. I think it would have been much more worthwile to develop a top-notch C# plugin instead of going the MonoDevelop route.
Yes, some friends and I saw how great the Java (JDT) IDE in Eclipse is and decided to create an IDE for Erlang (a language designed for relieable concurrent computing).
Our attempts so far, to take the Java JDT as starting point and hacking it into something that is usable for the very different Erlang, were not successful.
At present we implement stuff from scratch.
It is sad that we are not able (either because we are to unexpienced with the Eclipse world, or simply because it was never meant to be that way) to use features from the very advanced Java plugin and thus have to reinvent the wheel.
Anyone here who has similiar experiences?