On June 23, 2004, Sun published a whitepaper showcasing superior JavaTM 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EETM) web services performance when compared to Microsoft’s .NET. Microsoft published a response on July 14th refuting claims and stating that in their tests .NET performance was higher than Java Web Services. More here and a reply from Microsoft here.
It seems to me that MS are being more transparent than Sun in this case.
Also check the byline, “Senior Product Marketing Manager” seems a less than impartial role
how capitalist corps like Sun and Microsoft, Apple and Real fall upon themselves like a pack of ferrengi in legal battles over IP and patents or media pissing matches calling eachother names or spreading propoganda instead of truth and focusing their efforts on developing the technologies we all want to use.
Once these kids grow up maybe we can begin to honestly understand the advantages and disadvantages to these technologies when used in the various environments they are designed for.
don’t you just love a good pissing contest?
There are lies, damn lies and statistics. However, Sun is the winner here if you ask me. Just read this:
“The only way to see eye to eye on a benchmark, is if it is developed by consensus in an industry standards organization that is experienced in developing benchmarks. We would like to once again invite Microsoft to participate in such an effort at SPEC. See http://www.spec.org/benchmarks.html#esp and ” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1522049,00.asp.”
Say’s enough for me. Microsoft come on, and show some balls.
“Interesting to see you tested with a newer beta version of JWSDP (1.5 beta 2) whereas in your original tests you used shipping code. We tested with all shipping product (.NET 1.1.). Why did you decide to use beta product for the re-test?”
‘Round the gaming circles I haunt, this sort of thing would cause people to throw up gang signs and scream “Pween llama llama llama!”
Man, marketing managers should never be allowed to reply to technical data. They’re so infatuated with trying to hype the product they slip up and bust their argument wide open. I mean, its not even a response to the original benchmark – they used a different product for the Java side of things. Its an entirely different benchmark. And, of course, it takes someone from marketing to think that something like that in any way can be compared against the original benchmark, or the benchmark they are disputing.
“Never trust a bunchmark unless you forged it yourself.”
IMHO, Java is still better, more grown up and faster..
besides, evertyone knows from WHERE .NET comes..
This whole pissing match is dumb. If you coded it all in assembly, got rid of the extra xml network crud, and forgot about HTTP it would be a lot faster. Who cares? Is this the type of collaboration MS and Sun agreed on, because it’s very silly.
how capitalist corps like Sun and Microsoft, Apple and Real fall upon themselves like a pack of ferrengi in legal battles over IP and patents or media pissing matches calling eachother names or spreading propoganda instead of truth and focusing their efforts on developing the technologies we all want to use.
Once these kids grow up maybe we can begin to honestly understand the advantages and disadvantages to these technologies when used in the various environments they are designed for.
dude….it’s all about money…..the American way. 🙂
Microsoft used to be a member of the SPEC organization – they dropped out because the members voted to NOT include price/performance information. A perfectly valid reason in my eyes – businesses (even big ones) care about price/performance ratios, not only performance. The eweek article Sun references sums it up nicely in one sentence: “Industry experts said customers may suffer.”
Well My dad is bigger than your DAD!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the big kid’s playground folks.
>IMHO, Java is still better, more grown up and faster..
>besides, evertyone knows from WHERE .NET comes..
Dream on.
how capitalist corps like Sun and Microsoft, Apple and Real fall upon themselves like a pack of ferrengi in legal battles over IP and patents or media pissing matches calling eachother names or spreading propoganda instead of truth and focusing their efforts on developing the technologies we all want to use.
How true!