Matchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited.
Version 0.9 was released today.
i cant quite decide which qwerty pda i want to buy… and which this works on.. i cant exactly find information on this.. anyone know of a ‘fully supported’ device?
great to hear of the new version. 😀
Maybe if you subscribe to the mailing lists they will help you.
I tryed to go on there irc channel but its empty. I have a sharp zaurus SL-5600 and im trying to find out if i can use this on my computer? Does anyone know if it works on my zaurus? Is there a discussion forum somewhere?
I can’t wait to see this get support for all those embedded oddity features, such as the many stylus/hand writting recognition methodes.
matchbox runs on top of familiar like all the other gpe/qpe/etc environments so check out what hardware familiar supports to find out what hardware matchbox supports. It looks like they are claiming it is more than just a gpe/qpe peer but instead includes a fork of familiar but that would be pretty ambitious since there is so much involved in every release of familiar and every different hardware platform. They would be constantly synching with familiar which seems a little silly that they wouldn’t just help familiar instead of forking.
notice they don’t even have installation instructions. This is really just a DE like enlightenment (not like KDE or Gnome because it doesn’t include a widget set)
Hehe. We’re using it as WM on one of our servers (Gentoo). It’s fine to use with VNC.
GPE uses Matchbox extensively for the DE. If you have an IPAQ, check out of
If you have a Zaurus, check out GPE is available and supported on the Zaurus.
I’ve run GPE (Matchbox) on my Ipaq 3830 for about 1.5 years and love it.. It’s much more extensible and useable than Windows CE. I actually bought the Ipaq BECAUSE it can run GPE (on familiar linux).
also check out if you have a Zaurus