Now that we’ve got your attention, no, Linus has not quit using Linux. He had an opportunity to get a free Dual G5 Apple, and he decided that, after all his years working on x86, the PowerPC architecture has a future, and deserves some attention. Torvalds’ added justification for his switch is that he’s a “technology whore.”
Since ‘Mac’ is sometimes used to mean the hardware and sometimes the software, let’s clarify this:
He’s using a PPC 970 (G5), not OS X.
This is really nothing new. I saw a tv interview featuring Torvalds soon after first G5 machines had come out and he had one on the background even then.
Yep. I can relate. seems reasonable for me to use it! If I’d have a dual G5 to use, I’d run ubuntu on it most certainly!
Did he get it from ๐
Big suprise. He’s probably just tearing it apart for his next Linux release.
Linus’ main build machine has been a G5 for at least a year.
Since ‘Mac’ is sometimes used to mean the hardware and sometimes the software, let’s clarify this:
He’s using a PPC 970 (G5), not OS X.
Yes. But we also know (he said so in an interview) that he wrote his autobiographical book (“Juft For Fun”) on a iBook, using Word. So
he HAS used OS X (or System 9).
He said he’s a technology whore, obviously this means he has or will do it with Windows.
Torvalds is running on Linux on Power / G5. That’s it. Linux runs on many platforms (unlike Mac OSX or Windows). He’s developing on a very important architecture (Power, which by the way is an IBM technology that Apple uses, and IBM is a huge Linux ally), while plenty of other people are developing/testing on x86. No big deal.
The headlines about this are extremely misleading. They make it look like Torvalds prefers Mac OSX to Linux, which is obviously complete nonsense.
Anyone thinking this is like Gates using a Mac or Jobs using a Windows PC is a complete and total freaking ignorant moron, plain and simple. I could, however, see some blatant whore like Rob Enderle come out with a column that takes the “Torvalds prefers OSX to Linux” nonsense stance.
The tech world is non stop entertainment. ๐
You’re right, but they won because you got annoyed and responded.
Sorry Eugenia, but this is pathetic; it isn’t news… It’s slashdotism. You could have at least titled it properly:
Linus: Linux On His G5
all i want to know is how the heck he got it for free?? ill take 2 of them at that price!!
someone with money decided that improving Linux’s support for PowerPC is worth a lot to them so they gave the Linux kernel maintainer a PowerPC machine. Go out and do something as productive with your life as Linus has and people will give free stuff to you as well…
I have a picture of Steve Jobs right here using WebObjects 1.0 on Windows. Here is the link:…
Search for WebObjects 1.0 and you will see it.
To all of you guys who said stuff about Gates using a Mac, or Jobs using Windows:
That’s what I was thinking. I had heard all of that stuff, and used to attribute some value to it, but nowadays I say, “who cares?” Let each person use what he wants. It would be one thing if Jobs had said that you couldn’t do spreadsheets on Windows, and that’s what he did on his Windows box; or if Gates had said that you can’t do audio editing on a Mac, and that is exactly what he did with his Mac, but these CEOs never made outrageous claims about the other companies products. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and to recognize this is probably a mature thing to do.
About Torvalds’s receiving a G5: Good for him. We may see an improvement in PPC/Mac Linux support.
Forgive my vagueness in writing. If you want to read my post again, do so.
I’m sure this going to be moderatated down. Oh well. But it _has_ to be the truth.
1) Microsoft has a business unit that writes software for Mac OS X.
2) Bill Gates did do some Mac software programming way back when. And he used a Mac to do it.
2) Where do you think Windows look and feel came from?
3) Where do you think Longhorn’s look and feel (Avalon) and a lot of the 3D desktop ideas are coming from?
It really doesn’t matter who uses what software or what hardware. The key is choices. Choices to use what software and hardware that we want to use. The only one I think that doesn’t fele that way is Bill Gates and Microsoft. I don’t think anyone else has a huge problem with this. Even Steve Jobs will probably agree that no company makes software or hardware that is right for everyone.
2) Bill Gates did do some Mac software programming way back when. And he used a Mac to do it.
I think it’s actually called reverse engineering
As for Linus Torvalds using a Mac – who cares? The Power Mac is an amazing piece of hardware no matter what OS you run on it.
>Even Steve Jobs will probably agree that no company makes software or hardware that is right for everyone.
I think that’s obvious when you consider the hardware support terrasoft get from Apple.
BTW How come when a story is about Linux on a Macintosh no one links to the iProduct? It’s a great troll I’d hate to see it miss it’s opportunity to be linked to here? Or is that only worth linking to when someone thinks OS X is nicer that Linux?
/me rolls eyes
“The Power Mac is an amazing piece of hardware no matter what OS you run on it.”
I agree Anon. That’s why I use one. Mine wasn’t free however like Linus’
I could bet our boy Linus has a dual boot setup. I’m certain that when the lights go out and the shades are closed and nobody is looking…our friend flips the switch and run MacOSX listening to Barry.
So OK…think of the dual G5 as a great beautiful sports car…why take out the english walnut interior for an plastic interior.
“our friend flips the switch and run MacOSX listening to Barry”
Probably not, because Linus is a not a prissy person who needs maximum handholding and pretty buttons from his OS.
you mean like with Windows Wizards? I know that is so annoying.
Sagacious – Is that why you drive a Ford Model T? After all, just turning a key to start a car is so lazy and lame. Oh, and automatic tranmissions, power steering, etc. So lame. Right?
I use Mac OS X because I have work I need to get done and don’t have time to hand configure everything single little thing I need to do. Just because I _can_ do everything manually doesn’t meant I want to.
Quoth the article: “Torvald’s response came quickly and succinctly. “My main machine these days is a dual 2GHz G5 (aka PowerPC 970) – it’s physically a regular Apple Mac, although it obviously only runs Linux, so I don’t think you can call it a Mac any more
” he said.”
OMG! Linus takes advantage of Linux’s ability to run on multiple platforms. That’s so, weird! Oh wait, not it’s not…
In any case, is it weird for Linus to use OS X?
Good choice in hardware my fellow Fin!
Please let Linux’s lack of proper sleep on Apple Hardware piss LT off so much he goes into code farr and fixes it.
Thy will be done.
[Presents offering of coffee brewed with Dr. Pepper]
But seriously, snoopy dance! While I wonder if LT has a dual boot setup* (for purposes of comparision/contrast), I’m very glad to see increased interest in the PPC processor and Apple Hardware.
* Truth, your comments about pulling the shades and busting out the Barry White made me laugh so hard I cried.
Forgot his name (as if I should remember forum nicks!)
Basically he said Linux users only care about the x86 platform
– and thus we are pretty hypocritical.
Yeah sure, tell that to Linus now.
don’t be so pedantic. Linus using PPC is not the same thing as the Linux USER BASE.
And may Linus wish to wirelessly network. Behold, airport extreme drivers!
And may Linus wish to play OpenGL based games. Behold, nVidia and ati PPC drivers!
Those two and IBM releasing their J2SE 5.0 port and I’d consider switching too. (Well, that and Freescale dual-core G4 powerbooks!)
“Since ‘Mac’ is sometimes used to mean the hardware and sometimes the software, let’s clarify this:”
This is the fundamental problem that PC users have in understanding a Mac. The Mac is a fully integrated system. A PC is computer hardware with an OS slapped on top.
And may Linus wish to wirelessly network. Behold, airport extreme drivers!
And may Linus wish to play OpenGL based games. Behold, nVidia and ati PPC drivers!
I’d settle for having my original airport card “just work” at this point.
[Reverently lays several jars of instant coffee and a flat of sweetened condensed milk on the altar.]
might respond better to some Beer ๐
“2) Where do you think Windows look and feel came from?”
The same place the Mac look and feel came from…they both stole it from Xerox/PARC (they both also “stole” the mouse from Xerox as well).
you sure push the word pedantic “well” beyond its usage and boundaries.
still common folks like me would like to see Linux working well and fully functional *independent* of the architecture.
I think that RMS uses other peoples computers and their houses for that matter, so what’s the big deal that Linux uses IBM hardware?
Sorry for my ignorance, but which distro is he using on it ?
A year or two ago LT mentioned that he prefered Red Hat. Dunno if that what he uses now. RH/Fedora have a PPC disto…
Personaly I prefer Ubuntu/DebianPPC on a PPC!!
ah ah ah
you are so funny.
Does it matter that Windows V1 is the result of Bill Gates being pissed at Apple for not licensing MACOS to PC vendors?
or that it came a trillion years after MacOS?
Dood stop smoking that KRAK.
Bill G knew of PARK, but it was easier to copy MACOS.
look at the UI metodology of the Material Stevie J looked at, at PARK, and then look at Win.
no relationship.
Look at the MACOS and then LOOK at WIN wow wait a minute, it’s like almost the same but not as well thought out.
damn. It’s like the station wagon that Chevy Chase has in National Lampoons Vacation.
OverDesigned with widgets for everything in any which place.
look Ma the gas tank is on the hood.