Search Results for: gambas

Regarding Gambas

For a few years, I've been working in the real world, I mean the enterprise world, sorry. In every company I've worked for, they offered me the opportunity to learn a lot of new things, or at least that's what they always said in the first meeting before sending me to be just another company programmer. But in fact I've learned some very important things, just not about programming. I had to learn about these things on my own, about the needs of a real company in the real world.

Development: PHP, FOX, Gambas Releases

PHP 5.0.1 is a maintenance release which adds many non-critical bugfixes and new Unix and Windows installation documentation which is auto-generated from the PHP Manual. Gambas 0.97 is now compiled with gcc 3.4. A new class, Settings, allows you to manage configuration files. The divide operator now behaves exactly as in other BASIC languages; it returns the whole floating point result, and not the integer part only. FOX 1.2.9 back-ports an FXTopWindow placement patch and fixes a bug in inquireDNDTypes(). FOX 1.3.8 (development) adds an FXSplashWindow class, an FXMemMap class for memory mapped files, and some missing APIs to FXFileSelector and FXFileDialog.

End User Programming Packages: Revolution

Revolution is descended in spirit from Hypercard (HC). When Apple's support for HC withered, Scott Raney developed Metacard (MC), a near clone. Metacard was then bought by Revolution (RR), based in Scotland. Metacard was two quite distinct things: an engine, and an IDE. When Metacard was sold, the MC IDE became public domain. It still exists, is volunteer maintained, and it can be used with the latest RR engine. Some on the RR user mailing list prefer the much simpler MC IDE to the RR IDE, at least for initial project development. Other IDEs are possible, and there is a third party (non-free) IDE called Galaxy.