A preview of WBEL4 (White Box Enterprise Linux) is currently available via BitTorrent. White Box nicely fills the niche between Fedora and RHEL. WBEL Sreenshots. WBEL FAQ.
A preview of WBEL4 (White Box Enterprise Linux) is currently available via BitTorrent. White Box nicely fills the niche between Fedora and RHEL. WBEL Sreenshots. WBEL FAQ.
With slow updates and disappearing Morris WBEL is hardly suitable for use in production environments.
Centos-4 x86 released March 1st (15 days after RHEL 4). Seems the date on http://www.centos.org is wrong for the x86_64 release. Click the story link for x86_64 dated March 9th.
How about quit “news hijacking” ?
cent OS already had its article.
Oh well I guess whitebox people finally get whats coming to them everytime a RHEL article comes out and they paste a wbl url.
I use the term ‘superior’ loosely however. Considering these distributions are essentially stolen RHAT IP.
Considering these distributions are essentially stolen RHAT IP.
Yeah, and I heard that even Red Hat are using Linus Torvalds’ IP using some “open source” evil scheme ! Oh my, what is this world coming to ?
I use the term ‘superior’ loosely however. Considering these distributions are essentially stolen RHAT IP.
By your logic, Red Hat itself has ‘stolen’ IP from thousands of other projects and people. GNU/Linux is Free Software. Red Hat uses it in their distros, as do other distro projects. There is nothing wrong with CentOS using Red Hat’s sources.
WBEL = Why Bother Enterprise Linux. Seriously, with really slow security releases, a questionable future, a small group, there are so many better RHEL clones to choose from. I won’t say the name, but I would recommend those.
I use the term ‘superior’ loosely however. Considering these distributions are essentially stolen RHAT IP.
Other than being completely idiotic, this has got to be the funniest comment I have ever seen on this site. Please don’t mod it down, as it is classic comedy.
I use the term ‘superior’ loosely however. Considering these distributions are essentially stolen RHAT IP.
I’m sorry, I felt the need to comment again. Eugenia, you should give a lesson on the GPL, as some people, like this poster, just don’t get it.
Although they could just be a troll? I guess I shouldn’t really be responding to them.
If you like security patches then don’t bother with WBEL. WBEL is a one man show and that guy gets out updates as time permits. He has a done an excellent job putting together that distro but I had to ditch it for Centos because I need security updates sooner than a few weeks after redhat releases theirs. I would not recommend WBEL. If you want to use a RHEL clone go with Centos.
it’s not illegal to use it and redistribute it. after all it’s GPL. so that’s the risk of doing GPL for you. anyway, RH won’t give tech support to WBEL/CentOS users so they’re not really losing money on this one.
CentOS 4.0 (RHEL 4.0) is very nice and stable.Although i just installed Gentoo 2005 AMD64.
> Although they could just be a troll? I guess I shouldn’t really be responding to them.
Yes. I was being slightly trollish and moreso humorous… Glad too see you saw the lighter side