Friends of Sci-fi and CGI should be pleased this month, first with the release of the (pretty good, I might add) Spider-Man movie, the Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions teaser last night and of course, today, the opening of Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Have fun everyone!
Guess that kinda perrogative comes with maintaining your own news site.
The answer:
Most of our readers are power users and geeks who love CG and sci-fi. Include myself in that lot. Therefore these news stories every few months.
I take your point but it’s not as though this stuff is unknown elsewhere.
So, what?
These news are fun. We do OSNews for fun. If OSNews isn’t fun anymore, I will just stop posting stories altogether. It is not like I’ll lose my income or anything. No fun, no OSNews. That’s how I see it. Expect more of these news in the future btw.
If you want uber-professional, up to the minute satellite reporting and all that, better go to and CNN. OSNews is a geek news site with more “weight” on OSes and development. That’s all.
Sometimes you are over-analyzing things. Calm down. Do not think too hard why this and why the other.
I must be the only geek who didn’t know about the Matrix trailer
Now I have a reason to go see Ep. 2.
More news, more news, more news !
Thanks and & Keep Up !!
If it’s not of interest to you, so what? The vast majority of the news items on here are directly OS-related; even this one is, since it’s got to do with computers/geeks/hackers/computer graphics f/x, etc.
Don’t like the content of the site? Start your own! Seriously
All you need to do is pretty much forgoe a personal life, work really hard for long periods of time, and get snide comments on your efforts. What a deal! It’s a wonder more people aren’t running their own OS News sites …
Its a Yin/Yan universe, we have the Jedi and the Sith, the ‘good’ side and the ‘dark’ side. Palpatine is the Yoda equivelant, but more powerful since me manages to deceive everyone. He somehow manages to splinter the senate into two factions, the Trade Federation and the Republic, although he’s in charge of both factions. The TradeFederation know that he is leading a double life, they know that his goals are to create a clone army, so they create a cannon-fodder army called the Drone army (makes sense, you dont wont to risk the lives of your supporters, use robots instead). The senate give Palpatine emergency powers to end this crisis. Storm Troopers are recruited as the Army of the Republic.
Based on these facts, we can conclude that Ep3 will consist of the following:
1. The war ends when Palpatine negotiates peace between the TradeFederation and the Republic. The TF gets trade concessions (why else would they bother with Palpatines schemes), and even a priviledged position (Palpatines loyal friends). The TF may have financed everything (an investment so that they can make more profits later).
2. Palpatine controls an army of StormTroopers, probably to maintain the peace. Since he’s in cooperation with the TradeFederation, he also starts building the Death Star to ensure peace is maintained. Think NATO.
3. Some planets want Palpatines emergency powers to end, but since he refuses (and is backed by a large army), they secede from the Republic and form the Rebel Alliance. The Jedi join the Alliance to restore things to the way they were.
4. Anakin doesn’t like the politics and bickering of the Republic of old, instead he supports the ‘strong hand’ leadership of Palpatine and joins him to ‘bring order to the galaxy’. Anakin decides to seek out and destroy the Jedi.
5. The Rebel Alliance is driven to the outskirts of the galaxy. Somehow, a spy manages to acquire the plans to the Death Star.
6. Episode 4 – A New Hope.
Go elsewhere. ๐
Meanwhile, the rest of use can know the story by watching it.
ummm the only thing is that the spy does not get the plans until just before e4.the end of e3 will have anakin fall from grace and you will think he is dead…..then at the climax…after 45 min of Obi-wan fealing greif striken that he killed his friend, Darth vader will arise to lead the forces aginst the jedi knights. at the end, yoda gets away and darth vader lets obi-wan go and you are left to wonder why…however, obi-wan knows how his former student fought, he puts it together with him being let go and realises that darth vadr is anakin, but we will not know that until e5
Wow wow wow – i went in with very high expectations (just like with LotR) and Lucas surpassed them. I also hid from all spoilers.
Everything was top notch, including the Love Story, which i was worried about. This must be seen 2 or 3 more times to get all that’s happening…
I hear the yoda fight is the best part of the movie?
Well I cant wait until go see star wars, alerady seen spiderman the matrix and stuff i can wait for..:)
Guys, btw stop being annoying, dont take everything so seriously, altho it’s fun to watch people get told of by Eugenia(shes the kinda person i’d love/hate to meet in real life from what i’ve read of her posts lol, no offence meant!) anyways alittle bit of fun on the site doesnt hurt (not that os news isnt fun in a way) anyways, as they’d say were i live “give over ye edgits!”(10 points if you can guess were i’m from) I know this post doesnt have anything real interesting or informative in it, but it’s 6:30am and i’m tired, and thought i’d post..if that makes any sense:p
Tanks for listening!
I saw it last night.. Yoda fighting was the best part
Spiderman is a panzy
FAO yer man:
>as they’d say were i live “give over ye edgits!”(10 points if you can guess
>were i’m from)
If thats edgits as in “ee-jits” I’d guess you’re from Norn Iron.
This site is good craic eh!
My company rented out a theater at 8:00am on opening day. I liked the last movie okay, but this one was great.
I didn’t like the Yoda fight much at all though. It reminded me of one of those flower fireworks that you throw on the ground and they spin around really fast and change colors a few times (only Yoda just stayed the same color).
And that it all I’m going to say about it.
Will your from Ireland or i miss my guess ๐
After careful analysis, I conclude that Spider-man would whip almost any Jedi’s butt.