Today the latest SVN checkout of Haiku sources gave us very good news: app_server can now run Tracker (screenshot 1 2 3), although it crashes so often that it is actually unusable. You can check this yourself by downloading a Haiku image from Philipp Schmid’s blog and running it in Virtual PC (or VMWare). This news is a sign that Haiku is near alpha release.
but on the other hand I must applaud these guys – I hope the alpha comes out soon, followed by a beta (lets hope that we dont wait two years!)
This is great news!
Great news indeed….
Trust in me…
Haiku changed from a text-based OS to a partially functioning graphical OS in about 2 months..
In the summer I expect to see Haiku + Tracker + Deskbar and older apps fully functioning under the OS.
Once the basis are made, the rest comes smooth as silk. This release is a confirm.
Site appears to be down… Did anyone manage to make a mirror of at least the screenshots? I’d appreciate seeing them.
I’m going to take a screenshot for you.
Here is the screenshot in png format:
Greetings from Italy.
I forgot to tell you:
copy and paste the address in your browser. Altervista does have image stealing protection… if you click it doesnt work.
So… cool… It really does look like Haiku is shaping up. Which is good, because BeOS Max is really officially dead, and I am not in a huge hurry to use Zeta.
…that I will buy a brand new PC just for Haiku Beta 1! Seriously, these guys have worked their butts off with few resources and have pulled a rabbit out of their respective hats.
Maybe BeOS will replace my macs in the future and regain its prominent position on MY desktop.
The fonts look even better than the real R5 version.
I am very grateful for the whole Haiku team and everybody that did contribute to it’s success.
The fonts looks so good thanks to the Anti Grain Library used by the app_server rendering.
That graphics library delivers also very good antialiased primitives, vectorialization of shapes…
A great desktop, really. I’m excited about all this.
If I recall correctly, Haiku uses Freetype for font rendering. Anti-Grain doesn’t do font-rendering, which is much more complicated than just rasterizing the font outlines.
The fonts look nice but a bit “blurry”.. anyway, thanks guys for all your good work, i can’t wait to run Haiku
You actually can!
I will make a tutorial soon.
You just have to set up a BFS partition on your hard drive, then boot BeOS R5, mount the image from philipp schmid blog, copy the contents in the BFS partition…
Configure GRUP et-voilà , you have haiku running as alternative OS in your multiboot configuration
That’s kind of what I did with PE5. I installed 4.5 (I bought it), booted into it, mounted my PE5 partition and copied over my PE5 to my PE4.5 partition.
It worked quite well. This should be similar. Hurry up on the tutorial.
Does anyone have a mirror for this? It appears Philipp Schmid’s web server is not responsive as a whole. Maybe too many people are hitting it at once.
How about with Coral Cache?
Thanks and here is torrent.…
Judging from a screenshot with Haiku Tracker About box, the GUI looks pretty professional – and it is just a early pre-release. I am viewing this on a good old R5 setup, and although it looks a bit different I can’t say it’s worse. Good job!
That is some awesome news. I really have some high hopes for the project now. A group hat puts this much time and effort really shows how dedicated they are to it. They got my support! When they release something more usable in time I will most likely be using that as a main OS since I have always liked the feel and performance of BeOS.
Anyone remember a few weeks ago when they announced that Axel Dorfler, who’s gotta be the most prolific programmer in the world, was joining the app_server team? Yeah, go Axel!
Screenshot is beautyfull. Anti-Grain Geometry rox. I’m amazed.
that coral cache really works! i downloaded the 1st links, and was getting 8k/sec for 10min, then i saw your new post, and downloaded it at 700k in <1min.
thanks for the tip
Just curious as to when there is a full haiku release which will boot on the latest kit and has a lot of the limitations of R5 fixed whether it will be a match for replacing windowslinux on the desktop. From a useabilityconsistency point of view Opentrackerdeskbar GUI is still ahead of GNOMEKDEX11 in my book although it does look a wee bit dated.
It’s always good to hear progres son the Haiku front. I’m downloading the VPC images so that I can give this a shot for myself. Although I’ve moved on to using Mac OS X as my primary workstation I am excited about installing Haiku when it gets to an installable state. I just hope they create a PPC version not long after releasing R1. BeOS on a PowerBook would be great, and of course being able to run Haiku on my BeBox might get me to use it a little more!
Is there a way I can install this? The web site doesn’t indicate that is possible.
There is not an actual installer yet. it is still in its very early stages. you can download a Haiku.image, mount it under BeOS, copy it to a spare BFS formated partition, make it bootable, add it to your boot manager, and there you go! a early look at Haiku (if it boots
Looking forward to dual booking OS X and Haiku once I get an Intel Mac.
Happy to hear that!
I hope the day I can boot into Haiku R1 won’t be distant! =]
Yes, it looks pretty professional. But the ‘perfectionist’ can point out several things which could be improved upon…
The fonts seem to be a bit too big, compared to the original used as the default font for the menu in BeOS.
Also, the close button is not as nice as the original BeOS one, it is shaded differently and looks a bit worse in my opinion.
I think they should try and emulate BeOS as closely as possible and limit improvements to bug fixes in R1.
—I think they should try and emulate BeOS as closely as possible and limit improvements to bug fixes in R1.—
Thats exactly what they are trying to do. As far as everything looking exactly the same, It will come. I sure that they are happy just to have something that looks like it at this point.
A lot of good info about where they are headed with Haiku over at there website :
the FAQs:
Well, if it’s running, and it crashes a lot. Then it just means they are real close to good old BeOS.
Congrats guys. Keep up the good work.
The progress they have made is really impressive.
I don’t think they will ever get to where they have much of a market. But it’s nice to see them progress, between them and yellowtab they will be able to offer the world a nice clean, coherent, simple OS to the world for people to use other then Mac and Win. And give anyone who use to use beos a place to pic up and run from.
I doubt I will go back to beos anytime soon (I like using a fully supported common OS) but will be nice to see there is something else that I would be fine with going to and might in time have some good stuff to offer.
I loved using BeOS, but the reality kicked in that you can only go so far if your not running Windows or Mac OS and running something like BeOS just makes your life a pain.
Look at me! I’m a faggot masochist with my faggot masochists’ OS! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! I can’t play WMVs! Ain’t I cool!
I guess that ‘About’ box just about relegates the statements made in the OSVeiws article about BeOS/Haiku and the hardware it will run on to the trash where it belongs.
Iam eagerly waiting for haiku beta. Nice work haiku developers.
i cant wait for a version i can try out.
Is it just me who finds the gfx of Haiku really slow? Windows lag behind the mouse pointer when moving them around. Is a matter of an unoptimized gfx driver for the vesa framebuffer (say, only put/getpixel implemented) or does the problem lie elsewhere?
I was wondering the same thing. It’s probably a mixure of the unoptimized VESA driver and an unfinished, slightly buggy app_server/kernel/you name it. However, if a Haiku dev could comment that would be fantastic
That’s a bit concerning considering one of the original selling points of BeOS was its responsiveness. All though I suppose that they’ve more focused on getting the code running before pulling out all the optimisation stops. What sort of hardware are you on, by the way?
> What sort of hardware are you on, by the way?
An AthlonXP 2something (can’t remember and can’t look it up right now ;-))
I was using vmware, though, but that shouldn’t be much of a problem as AROS, with its vesa driver, is fast even under vmware.
Haiku team is really advancing fast. As someone pointed out, 2-3 months ago it was running on CLI. Those people are doing their best, and I’ll do anything I can to support them: report bugs, fixes, and even some basic apps. We should join them. Hell, who else can do this?
That’s a known bug, and app_server team is well aware of it. But it’s not their top priority to fix. Yet.
Code refactorization and robustness comes first currently.
BTW, the mouse cursor is a software one ATM (notice that drop shadow, right?), not an hardware one.
PS: I’m not an app_server team member: just reporting some talks I’d read about slow issue.
> BTW, the mouse cursor is a software one ATM (notice
> that drop shadow, right?), not an hardware one.
You can have drop shadows with hardware cursors too, depending on the gfx board. Of course in VESA mode it can’t be anything else than a sw cursor 🙂
> PS: I’m not an app_server team member: just
> reporting some talks I’d read about slow issue.
Nonetheless, it would have been interesting to know the reason for that.
“You can have drop shadows with hardware cursors too, depending on the gfx board. Of course in VESA mode it can’t be anything else than a sw cursor 🙂 ”
Actually with the newer GFX boards, I think you can have small movies as cursors
Is there a known way to get Haiku/BeOS to work with VMWare? I am interested in multi-booting with it, but VMWare web site mentions that BeOS is not fully supported…
These Haiku images do boot under VMWare.
(Well at least the VMWare image does. –
Previously to get it to boot in vmware you had to hold down the space bar to get to the boot menu, Then choose safemode | vesa 32 bit colour.
However one of the later posts on Philipp’s site said that it would do this automatically now.
Will have to try it out.
Well it is exciting to see how fast things seem to be picking up. from CLI to even basic GUI in 2-3 months is amazing.
Thanks for all of the hard work guys.
Apparently, some people were able to get to the screenshots. Is anyone else able to host these so the rest of us can look? No one wants to get hammered with traffic, but maybe there could be enough people offering to spread the load. What about OSNews themselves?
I’ve already posted a screenshot of Haiku with Tracker running, on my webspace. Luckily it remained up…
Feel free to see that screenshot, it can help a lot if you are hungry for screens
Where about on your website is the screenshot? I can only speak english, and was having a hard time navigating your site searching for it.
Try this:
Credits to “Anonymous (IP: 62.10.56.—)”, I just copied it to a better host that doesn’t have anti-leeching enabled.
Is it possible to run Haiku in Bochs instead of Vmware?
Bochs is unable to display 32 bit modes.
So, you can use it but app_server wont start. CLI mode forced.
Bochs is definitely able to display 32 bit modes. Just make sure it’s properly configured:
vgaromimage: file=./bios/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
It’s painfully slow, but it works, even with mouse.
Lost interest in Haiku.
Don’t have the graphics card to run it.
It’s a niche os. Only BE software.
Haiku and syllable guys should have just joined the REACT OS team.
Why would individuals attempting to re/create an operating system different to windows want to join a project wishing to recreate windows?!
This is not windows. I Think you are confusing ReactOS with BeOS.
Hi guys ! How about just fuck with me ?
Pamela A.
I like the “About Haiku” box – it looks nice, clean. Good job team.
Thanks. Do you like the colors used in the credits section? At start, it was plain black on white, I’ve tried to introduce some haiku-theme colors then.
I guess we’ll try to improve it before R1, anyway.
Add some transparency effect and… easter-egg(s) 🙂
Closed source ester-eggs, anyone!?!
– Philippe.
More Power
Nice work guys. Got it working on my Duron 800 Minitower which was a Radeon card that works with Thomas’ driver, I created a new BFS partition and mounted the Raw Haiku.image file then copied every thing from there into the new BFS volume and then ran BOOTMAN and added Haiku to my boot menu. Boots right up! Tried the same thing on my laptop which has a Radeon Mobility 9600 and it locks up on the second Haiku window, with the same video flickering I get in BeOS. I tried putting it into safemode and change the video setting and it gets past that point but drop me into console mode only. Anyone heard from Thomas lately? Or anyone know enough about the Radeon Mobility that could get the driver working right in BeOS/Haiku?
Also to note, on my Duron 800 the AboutHaiku window shows it’s full 1024MB, which is more than plain R5 can do without pathes.
1. BeOS R5 applications under Haiku –
2.Native applications –….
3.Tracker in work
Looks nice! Ok, except that the new font renderer obviously reports the wrong character string width – if you look at Expander Preferences, for instance, you’ll notice that none of the text fits in the text boxes, same for some buttons. Seems like the renderer draws fonts too wide for the specified point size?
Huh! And on the other screenshot the same Expander Preferneces look fine?!?! Strange.
Calm down, they will fix all the gui nitty-gritty bugs, just they have a lot of work to do on the backend as well.
For a lot of screenshots of HAIKU have a look at:…
Whoa! This thing can run (or at least start) a lot of apps I’m running on my R5. This seems to be one quiet, hardworking group though – without following CVS action one would have thought nothing was going on lately … Excellent!
Yes, the colours in the About box are pretty nice and clean. Good design.
This is great .. i just installed it and i am going to do some more testing later … but it is greats news