FreeBSD has been ported to the XBox. “Over the last 2 weeks, I have been working on a port of FreeBSD for the XBox. The port is fully functional. The framebuffer is fully supported, same goes for sound and USB devices (such as an USB keyboard). Only ethernet is missing, currently.” The FreeBSD on XBox website is here, downloads included.
Too bad I got rid of my Xbox.
I don’t have to send chocolate to anyone to test this!!
Why do we need FreeBSD on the XBox when Linux runs fine? penis
Free software running on the proprietary Microseft system powered by superproprietary shitvidia hardware. Fuck Microsoft and fuck Nvidia too.
I bet those NetBSD developers are eating their nails now
“Damn it! We shouldn’t have wasted time porting NetBSD on that Samsung microwave. Now they beat us.”
Its a game console, one that is weak by current standards.
God damn people, quit porting to all these niche platforms and get the main platforms up to snuff!
God damn people, quit porting to all these niche platforms and get the main platforms up to snuff!
Hey, Mr. Anonymous – Quit wasting time reading OSnews and come round and make me my dinner!
Sounds dumb when I put it like that, doesn’t it?
Seriously, I think the guy can spend his time doing what he likes, and in any case there’s quite a few people in the world who would dare to suggest that FreeBSD is “up to snuff” on its main platforms.
God damn people, quit porting to all these niche platforms and get the main platforms up to snuff!
I would hardly call FreeBSD a niche platform. And if you are doing this for fun in your own time, what would you rather do? Make sure FreeBSD runs on a supercomputer you’ll never own or have some fun and make it run on something sitting in your living room?
I would hardly call FreeBSD a niche platform. And if you are doing this for fun in your own time, what would you rather do? Make sure FreeBSD runs on a supercomputer you’ll never own or have some fun and make it run on something sitting in your living room?
Whoops, misread your comment. But still, my comment stands, the guy had fun doing it, so he did it. ‘Nuff said.
Its a game console, one that is weak by current standards.
I’m curious, which other console currently on the market is more powerful than the Xbox? AFAIK, neither the PS3, Xbox360 nor the Nintento Revolution are out…
My guess is that those people did it because it was relatively easy.
Now, the Xbox can use a USB keyboard…how will our dear Lumbergh react to these news?
Cue Lumbergh barging in to attack me and claim I’m trying to hide the fact that I used to post as a nun, he moos in 3, 2, 1…
This isn’t as cool as porting Contiki to the Gameboy, but still
now if he would port BSD to Nintendo64 :^P
…makes this rather useless for the moment. I imagine this must be their next priority!
But does it run XOrg? And Wine?
More importantly, can I play Unreal Tournament (c. 1999) on XBox?
i heard theres toilet that runs netbsd. it runs like shit.
I have an Xbox, so was fully aware that it has USB ports. The question is if the games support them. Halo with the Xbox controller was pretty much pointless to me.
Halo on the Xbox controller seemed fine to me, the accuracy was lower yes but it was much easier to move around in a natural way while firing……I must admit I find the xbox controllers(both) give me physical pain in my hands after much use
. No other controllers do though and the xbox 360 controller looks much improved(read:redesigned) 
Compared to the orginal controller yes, but compared to the Controller S. infact dosen’t look much changed other than a few buttons. Can’t wait for the xbox 360.
I haven’t played with Controller S much, but it does seem like it is easier to handle for younger players (though rumor has it that MS designed the smaller controller in its continuous effort to break into the Japanese market – big not being an easy sell in Japan).
I must admit I like the original (large) Xbox controller, but then again I used to like the Dreamcast controller as well, and they took a similar approach (the Xbox controller being better for wrists because the handles aren’t straight on like on the DC).
The best controller for me is still the DualShock 2, with the GameCube controller being the worst. I’m really curious to hold the PS3 controller, as it seems to me that Sony is trying to fix something that isn’t broken. I like the idea of a wireless controller (as long as it doesn’t affect response time, which it shouldn’t), but the shape…unnerves me a little.
alo on the Xbox controller seemed fine to me, the accuracy was lower yes but it was much easier to move around in a natural way while firing…..
I could never get used to after using the mouse and keyboard for so long. It was the accuracy thing for me. I ended using my thumb on the top of one of the sticks, but it was no substitute for a mouse and keyboard. You’d be at a serious disadvantage in online play.
You’d be at a serious disadvantage in online play.
Not really, since you’d be playing against other controller users. Also don’t forget that you don’t have to aim as accurately when using a controller, as usuall there is limited auto-aiming for console FPS games.
Just as I said…man, you’re sooo predictable.
so I don’t see why FreeBSD wouldnt be similarly useful.
I’m not sure on the relative merit of FreeBSD vs Linux w/regard to the things that I use my XBox for (mostly streaming mpeg4-encoded movies over USB wireless LAN to my TV) but it would probably work just as well with the possible exception of music stuff (on occasion I run a soft-synth and sequencer on the XBox and I dont think JACK is ported to FreeBSD).
I say more free OSes on more cheap hardware is good for everyone.
Just as I said…man, you’re sooo predictable.
You don’t know how funny that is.
freebsd is my preferred platform, but why would I want it on my xbox?
freebsd is my preferred platform, but why would I want it on my xbox?
Why would anyone want to port Contiki to a Sega Megadrive? Why would anyone run Linux on his iPod? (ok besides for playing Asteroids). Why would anyone make an alternative OS that is never going to make it?
If you don’t get it, you probably won’t get it.
Linux/BSD is great for servers. Some OSes are great for desktops. But if neither desktop use nor server-performance is what you need, and you just want to mess around with something purely for the fun of it, these kind of projects are it.
Now stop bothering the people who think this is neat, just because you don’t understand.
I was the anonymous post, anyway… my point was not FreeBSD is a platform “not up to snuff”
Xbox is weak. I am talking about PCs. First I see no reason to put FreeBSD on a console or make a server out of an Xbox. You can build a much better PC for only a little more money than an Xbox these days… its just baffles my mind.
Why ask if it can run Unreal Tournament 1, when Unreal Championship 2 is an amazing game and utterly annihilates the abomination that was UT 1 (Quake 3 is far better! :p)
I just don’t understand why…. I mean modding a console is one thing but a server OS on a game console? Just doesn’t seem practical. If one dude has fun doing it so be it, but I just think that this talent / effort could be used to do something much better for the good of FreeBSD.
so what you are saying is that you have no vision and are simply not creative enough. okay got it
Ok, you tell me what there is to envision with something like this.
If you want vision, go look at a modded Xbox with Xbox Media Center type stuff, don’t try telling me that FreeBSD or any Desktop OS running on an Xbox is anything other than a waste of an Xbox.
You say I lack vision, I say you lack finesse.
When someone MAKES something creative for FreeBSD Xbox, I will admit it. Go ahead, please enlighten me on this, I’m waiting.
Why has there been such a neglect of the PPC platform? Can’t someone work on that for a while??
Its been active for quite awhilell but check the mailing lists because that page isn’t updated much.
Why would i want to do something like that run freebsd on a xbox when it is more useful on a pc or server. waste of time i say do something useful like improving the os.
“Over the last 2 weeks, I have been working on a port of FreeBSD for the XBox”
It’s like an holyday’s game
Hi guys,
How can I use this BSD port? Do I need a mod chip for that or can I I just go and buy a new Xbox and boot it with this BSD port?
On the web site there is no kind of “installation howto”.
Why freeBSD will run on a pc the same way why ruin a perfectly good xbox .what is the point behind it?
The point behind a fun project is that there is no point behind it! Waste of time? Having fun is never a waste of time. The effort had better been spent otherwise? Sure, but then it wouldn’t be fun.
… only that I couln’t imagine that porting a moster like FreeBSD or Linux could be fun
– Morin
I agree. Everyone has their own hobby. Wasn’t a waste of time at all
Porting FreeBSD to xbox is useless and a waste of time.
Hmm. Port Xwindows, Port OpenOffice Add a keyboard, mouse with use the HD inputs and you have yourself a nice little PC for $100-140
if only it had two ethernet ports. it would make a great firewall/router! install IPCop, and bam! Hey! i wonder…maybe you could add a USB ethernet jack…..hmmmm….
The USB nics are supported, but the onboard is not (bad luck)
When/if the onboard will be supported, I will go purchase myself my first xbox, and create one hell of a gateway/accespoint
All this, just for being able to say “No you cannot play on my Xbox” to all the gameboy hippies!
Well, if you have a *normal* switch which supports VLAN (802.3q), you could route your ethernet packets with it.
At least get the ethernet working.
To that purpose you can just use an USB NIC i guess.