What is slewing? Agere Systems Engineer Sean Schultz demonstrates the LCK4013 clocking device to implement flexible processor-slewing algorithms in a PowerPC 970 environment.
What is slewing? Agere Systems Engineer Sean Schultz demonstrates the LCK4013 clocking device to implement flexible processor-slewing algorithms in a PowerPC 970 environment.
The article seems directed at apple in a sense it seems they are saying that PPC heat and power consumtion can be managed through better coding making the PPC architecture more suitable for mobiles then Apple makes out. Ignoring the fact that at least the latest G5’s do not make a good mobile computing platform.
My impression is that Apple is already using slewing in their systems (you can see references in the output of ioreg). Unfortunately, slewing can’t fundamentally increase the power efficiency of the processor.
Wes Felter
Man, I have powermac G5 1.6 ghz and would really appreciate if there was atleast some software optimized for 970. Not starting a flame bait here, but coders need to take us 970 users more seriously.
unfortunately i think it is to late for you vikramsharma, developers know ppc is basically done for mac and from a business standpoint it brings little or no return to develop for the ppc 970.
i wish this were not true but i think it is.
i plan on buying a g5 mac soon after the transition (so i can get it cheap)…. i have a feeling the G5 will be one of the last truly free (as in freedom) cpu/ architectures around….. in the next few years we will all be infected with the virus called DRM.