Flutter looks good, but is painful. Here are my frustrations with it.

From the community to the 3rd party libraries, it looks Flutter is lot closer to Javascript than Android. Javascript, however, isn’t shy of moving faster while Flutter is still deciding what they want to be. Keep compatibility even if it creates confusion? Check. A lot of libraries with dubious quality that are just created and dropped? Check. I want to like it, but Flutter currently doesn’t want to like me. Maybe they are are short in personnel and needs to double their team? Maybe they need to just re-organize and prioritise better? Only they know.

Not being a programmer in any way, shape, or form, articles such as these are always difficult to gauge – are they truthful? Factual? Emotional? My-way-or-the-highway? I’m posting it anyway since I’m sure many of you have a far better grasp on this than I do.


  1. 2019-08-06 4:46 am
    • 2019-08-06 11:33 pm
  2. 2019-08-07 9:49 am