’99 Bottles of Beer’

“This time of year, even the most hard-core geek thinks thoughts of festive cheer. And there’s nothing like, oh, say, a beer, to enhance the mood of seasonal glee. And after a few beers comes the song. ’99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer’… Oh – sorry – where was I? What, you ask, does such a scurrilous ditty have to do with serious developers? Well, nothing – except that it was the vector for an entertaining and informative experiment in programming.”


  1. 2006-01-10 12:31 am
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          • 2006-01-11 3:47 pm
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  4. 2006-01-10 2:55 am
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    • 2006-01-10 11:20 am
  5. 2006-01-10 8:54 am
  6. 2006-01-10 9:23 am
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  8. 2006-01-10 12:53 pm
  9. 2006-01-10 8:30 pm