“This time of year, even the most hard-core geek thinks thoughts of festive cheer. And there’s nothing like, oh, say, a beer, to enhance the mood of seasonal glee. And after a few beers comes the song. ’99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer’… Oh – sorry – where was I? What, you ask, does such a scurrilous ditty have to do with serious developers? Well, nothing – except that it was the vector for an entertaining and informative experiment in programming.”
It’s got programming, it’s got beer, what’s not to like.
The Perl example is a perfect example of why it’s a love-it-or-hate-it language
The Perl example is a perfect example of why it’s a love-it-or-hate-it language
It isn’t fair, really: I don’t think any of the other examples are intentionally obfuscated.
(As opposed to the COBOL example, which is obfuscated because COBOL programs are always obfuscated. )
It isn’t fair to judge Perl based on that, no. I personally love it, and something like that is why. Not that you can obfuscate it, but because of how flexible it is.
It’s possible to create ASCII-art source code in C, just not as convenient because C’s syntax is simpler and doesn’t allow you to get away with nearly as much weird obfuscation as Perl’s does. There have been some quite stunning ASCII-art International Obfuscated C Code Contest entries in the past.
Good clean maintainable C source code is art.
Please mod this down as offtopic, but…
Why are the first 2 posts modded down? Anonymous posters can’t mod down, so I would think people with accounts wouldn’t be dumb enough to mod down stuff that has no reason to be modded down at all, or would have at least gotten banned by now.
Maybe new accounts shouldn’t be given votes for like a week or two?
Maybe new accounts shouldn’t be given votes for like a week or two?
Great idea!
>>> ai = AI()
>>> ai.defrostFromDefault()
>>> ai.tell(“learn the 99 bottles song”)
>>> ai.tell(“Can you sing the 99 bottles song?”)
>>> ai.tell(“Ugh. Please sing the 99 bottles song.”)
I don’t have to do what you tell me! You’re not the boss of me!
>>> del ai
LMAO!!! ^_^
another version would make the lines more and more unreadable as the ai is drinking the virtual beers
as for versions. well, i kinda find that brainf–k version interesting
Is the HQ9+ programming language included in the list? The solution for the 99 bottles of beer problem is exceptionally elegant in that language.
It does…
The better awk looks.
100 buckets of bits on the bus
100 buckets of bits
Take one down, short it to ground
FF buckets of bits on the bus
FF buckets of bits on the bus
FF buckets of bits
Take one down, short it to ground
FE buckets of bits on the bus
ad infinitum…
ad infinitum…
No, that would be:
“Omega bottles of beer on the wall!
Omega bottles of beer!
Take one down,
Pass it around,
Omega bottles of beer on the wall!”
(Sorry. )
And at are a lot of more programming-languages which do this:
http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/ has 99 bottles of beer in almost every programming language…
..and in other news, terrorists have attacked the World Trade Center towers in New York.
Edited 2006-01-10 20:31