Show your co-workers, friends, and family that you’re a member of the Geek Elite. Buy an OSNews Shirt, Hat, or Mug! Each one will be lovingly hand-crafted just for you by busy robots. In the comments below, let us know if you’d be interested in OSNews shirts with cheeky captions like “I Knew Linux Before Linux was Cool.” Suggest some cheeky captions. And let us know if you’d be interested in other OSNews merchandise like bags, other clothing, mouse pads, etc.
Nothing quite like geek-wear, but i wouldnt want to see you guys make a ton of these and then not be able to sell them.
Have some choice come backs and wise cracks from Eugenia on them that would stir up sales for sure.
I’m always in the market for a new and controversial T-Shirt, and I like advertising for organizations I belive in.
Mine’s on order.
A T-shirt that says, “Really, it’s okay not to use Windows”
FreeBSD is better then Linux
Or Maybe …In Linux we Trust
We would not like captions that talk against an operating system (not that your suggestion is against Windows of course, I am just clearing this out
OSNews is here to serve ALL operating systems. Despite… popular hallucinations, OSNews is not an open source news site. It is an OS/tech news site reporting on ALL OSes.
We are happy to get suggestions like “Linux rocks” or “MacOSX 10.2 – Even faster” or whatever else you like, but not captions that are against a competitive OS or product. OSNews is not against anyone. Well, just wanted to clear this out.
Whats’ better then seX ?
It’s MacOS X
which comes from NeXT
I would neither wear nor buy these shirts. Give me a shirt with a cheeky caption and a diminuitive logo. These shirts look like tech booth give aways. Make the shirt interesting and other people will be interested in where it came from. Have a caption like:
choice of the gnu generation
being geeky was always cool, wasn’t it?
C:> ls
Command not found
C:> i hate you
Command not found
Too bad…no anti-slogans. Otherwise my vote would have been “make love, not Linux”.
> “make love, not Linux”.
I guess something like that is fine. As long it is not like “Use FreeBSD, not Linux” or something.
C:> ls
Command not found
Huh, works for me. Maybe you just don’t have it installed
Eugenia, it would be cool to have the back covered with names of operating systems.
I’m going to buy – I like the way they look.
This might not be a good one because it sounds like a promotion of OSS against Microsoft, etc., but there’s always the original hacker ethic: “All informations should be free”.
I don’t think I am so much of a techno-geek I would wear an OSNews T-shirt. Maybe I will get a coffee mug if my beer funds allow it.
Or maybe the shirt would impress all the girls at the club?? I have no idea. What do you think Eugenia, are OSNews shirts sexy?
I know OSNews can’t pick sides, but my favourite caption idea is “FreeBSD is better than Linux.” Hahah… wear that to a Slashdot convention.
Speaking as a woman, yes the OSNews T-shirts* are sexy.
Wear it with some nice Levis jeans, and there you are! All the chicks will be after you.
* Condoms and other sex utils (as opposed to bin utils) are not included.
yeah smaller logo in black with some catchy phrase would be nice.
I may have to disagree with Eugenia just a tad. If we have different versions of the shirts, I think it would be okay to let people advocate their favorite OS on them, in a light hearted way. I wouldn’t want to give the impression that we’re an Anti-Windows web site, though. We’re just a pro-alternative-to-the-mainstream web site.
Since this site is for all OS’s how about a comment like
“What’s on your hardrive?”
“Operating Systems. Helping you enjoy your hardware since the 1950’s”
1 – Windows – Helping stupid people get IT jobs for close to 10 years.
2 – Thank you, Microsoft, for saturating the market with idiot MCSE+I+z+1+X
3 – sounds like a GREAT idea!
4 – Real men use Solaris.
5 – IA32 is for wimps
6 – Only my mother uses Mandrake.
7 – CliMonkey and Ruprecht 0Wn3 05 N3wZ!
Argh…back to work…
T-shirts are not allowed in places I work.
I have keychain/bottle-opener with our company logo –
it has some impression on guys in the bar (am I sound too gay ? – girls usually amused when I open bottles without it).
Captions :
“Let’s do it in Windows – slow and painfully”
“I have an open port for you”
“I ACK when I SYN”
how bout a picture of Eugenia duct taping the mouth shut of a person. Mabey she could be wearing a nazi uniform, and yelling, ALL WILL AGREE WITH ME OR BE SILENCED. I would buy that t-shirt in a heartbeat.
Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Eugenia!
Eugenia, thanks for the clarification about no sexual utilities included
Logo says “OSNEWS”. Maybe, if you made it into an “”, people who didn’t already know about OSNEWS would know where to check it out. The .com part can be added as a little fanciful extension.
Linux – if you hate Microsoft
FreeBSD – if you love UNIX
How about “Without us, you wouldn’t even know about SkyOS”
What about a few T-shirts with the OSNews logo centered on the back, and a large logo of an operating system on the front? Like a big samurai penguin with a Linux slogan, or the FreeBSD Demon with a BSD slogan? Or how about the Windows XP logo with “All your PCs are belong to us?”
LOL Perhaps these are a bit old, but still…maybe they will cause someone to think of a better one!
Good luck with sales! ๐
*ahem* That should be the FreeBSD daemon.
How about “I used a GUI before Windows existed, Amiga Forever”
“NetBSD – because Unix is more than <include linux.h>”
I’ve been reading it since day one, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
Pickup line?
I prefer a command line.
I’ll lose my virginity some day,
but you’ll never be able to compile a Linux kernel!
I tend to like the “Exploring the Future of Computing” tagline that’s already on the site’s logo.
Be ( Be inc. logo ) cause you do have a choice !
Have some choice come backs and wise cracks from Eugenia on them that would stir up sales for sure.
That would be cool.
But I probably wouldn’t wear a shirt that said OSNews on the front and, “Shut up you Fsck!!!”, on the back.
I just went to cafee press (whatever) site to check out the merchandise. .aspx!?!?! They running .NET! Unless OSNEWS chooses a vendor that doesn’t run crap, I will not trust them with my CC number. Period.
.aspx is not just for .NET. It runs on Win2k as well. And the chances are that they are using a standard Win2k. Do whatever you want. Cafepress runs on that “crap” for a long time, and they never had problems.
Actually, up until about 1.5 years ago cafepress ran JSP. Since then, they went to “cafepress 3.0” which was ASP and “cafepress 4.0” which is ASPX, which is ASP.NET.
ASP.NET does have holes, but if you have problems with MS technology, it should be with Passport!
Sorry, I don’t like this stupid things posted instead of some real news/articles/technology about computers…
That’s only my opinion, anyway…
Well, check the rest of osnews then. We posted 7 more new news stories today! We needed to make widely known about the merchadise offer as well.
This “stupid thing” may help pay for the bandwidth YOU consume.
With you 100%. But still, .NET is a cornerstone MS tech. I do about %90 of my shopping online. About %99 of my reading material comes from Amazon. That being said, I will stop patronising any establishment that REQUIRES me to have a product procuced by a single company not only by MS but any other company as well.
This is supposedly from Linus Torvalds himself (from his semi-biography)
Linux is better than sex
Either I don’t understand or you don’t understand…there’s no requirement with ASP.NET except a browser. It’s a server-side language, all it does it output straight HTML. Whether a site users ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl or even PSP, it should make no difference to you as long as you have a browser than can render HTML 4, CSS, and Javascript (and even that usually isn’t required). There is no requirement with ASP.NET. I have issues with MS in general, but ASP.NET is a pretty nice product.
In fact, I know of plenty of vulnerabilities with my SSPL of choice, PHP, but NONE with ASP.NET (I’m sure there are some, but I’ve never heard anything about them). Don’t be fooled with the .NET in the name, ASP.NET is just ASP 4.0 optimized for web services and C# integration.
Open collar t-shirts?
Do I receive an extra BeOS mug when I order 10 osnews-mugs..?! ๐
I want a t-shirt with a fat constipated penguin sitting on a toilet brandishing a half-spent roll of toilet paper and bragging about how he only needs 10 gig’s of space to do 10% of what Wind0wz does.
Then on the back it could say: “Sure, we lied about our capabilities for the contemporary average PC user, but it’s okay because we don’t like Micr0sovt. Were allowed to tell bald-faced lies about our usefulness to the casual user as long as we oppose Micr0sovt”
I want this one:
My endian is bigger than yours!
I read OSNews beacause every available OS sucks. Lucky me! What would I do all day long otherwise?
I took a look ๐
And I must say that they just look like a ordinary flat drawn t-shirt with a logo on it.
So its just like having a Sportswear label or some other label on it. This looks quite uninteressting for me.
There have to be some geekish saying on it, or somethin’ other attractive …?… !
And I don’t like white t-shirts, what about black ones?
Some of the proposals here were really good?
I like the C:>LS one- its kind of geekish!
Man, linu-x-lax, don’t ever get up on that side of the bed, again. It makes you less intelligent
How about:
Hey, an OS can be a hobby, too!
Tastes Great!
Less Filling!
All I wanted for Christmas was an operating system that worked.
Working towards having computers reading your mind for alomst # years
How about a T-shirt that says, “I’m too dense to read Eugenia’s comments,” which will come with a complementary straightjacket at no extra cost. ๐
Perhaps a nice shirt in a tasteful colour with a discreet logo? Anyway, these are largely facaetious (sp?), but here goes:
“FSCK M$” (sorry, but I though it was funny)
“In Linux we tux”
“OSX 10.2 – even faster! Now like cold treacle!”
“BeOS is Gods own system”
“Linux Zealots Unite!”
“Linux – the choice of a Tux generation”
“V2OS – proof that OSS works!” (sarcy)
“I remember GEM” (or maybe “Windows – not a GEM”)
“My first love was GEOS”
“OSNews – seen it, done it, bought the t-shirt”
“GUI’s are for WIMP’s”
“I used to have a virus, but I’m alright now – <insert favourite non-MS OS here.”
“X” – good for OSX or X-Windowing system. Or Malcom X fans.
“OSNews – cos I haven’t been laid in years”
“OSNews – A higher IQ than /.”
“Slashdot: if you can read this, you are too intelligent to comment – come to OSNews instead”
“OSNews – all the good bits of OSOpinion but with personality”
“If MS fux you, let Linux Tux you” (hmmmm – dodgy?)
“Linux GUI’s – not as bad as you think!”
“Open Source – cos the best things in life are free”
“I want to make love and Linux, but I’m a geek. So Linux it is”
“BSD – because I’m a daemon”
“Beowulf ain’t just a story”
I’ve got plenty of regular mugs — I need something that
will keep my herbal tea warm for longer periods of time while I’m typing away. A thermal/travel mug would be good.
Also, the logo on the tee-shirt is quite large. Less is more, I think.
Put THIS on a T-shirt:
Note to all geeks! Condoms and other sex utils (as opposed to bin utils) are not included with this distribution.
Your quote, with a few words added! Here’s a few others, based on posts from notable OSNews followers.
“Shut up and die, Slashdot troll!”
“Like a penguin, an Apple, and a daemon would EVER beat an 800 pound gorilla.”
“Windows XP: Microsoft’s public apology for Windows ME”
“Mac users still get laid more than straight Linux users. Even the gay ones.”
“I’ve got more OSes on my hard drive than you have fingers and toes.”
“OSNews: Our moderator is equally biased against everything.”
“OSNews: It’s NOT Slashdot. This is a good thing.”
Sorry, all I could come up with on short notice.
Tech industry got you down, tell it to your text editor. Emacs M-x doctor
Kernel space is so much cooler than userspace
rm -rf /
I read OSNews and all I got was this lousy T-shirt
Kernel debuggers are for cowards
For the t-shirts, I, too, would prefer a smaller logo, perhaps with the “Exploring The Future Of Computing” line under it. On the back of the T-shirt, you could have several OS logos and mascots (if they have one)–Linux, BeOS, *BSD, etc. But no stupid comments or jokes; it doesn’t need anything like that. It would be nice if you could get colored t-shirts instead of white: grey, teal, cream, and the like.
“Tux sux?
Apple rotten to the core?
Windows needs barring?
Be bad, not good?
Unix castrated?
BSD = bloody stupid design?
Hurd not seen?
Minix has its limits?
Have your say – OS News”
ps, note I am not actually slagging off any OS, just pointing out that if a person isn’t happy with an OS, then OS News is the place to go.
Of course the last line could be: “Chat with Eugenia and pals @”
pps, I am actually quite pleased with those very poor puns. Ah well, flame away!
Y’all need to offer the logo on the larger size mug as well. That 11 oz job just don’t cut it, except for decaf sippers and kids
Long sleeve and grey t-shirts would be nice, too.
Shameless plug: You can see examples on my“>KDE at Cafepress. I donate all the profits to the KDE project, too