Faster than you can count to five, the OpenSUSE team has released beta 1, 2, 3, 4, and now 5. The OpenSUSE team still refuses to put the release notes somewhere for all to see prior to downloading, so I have little to tell you about this new release, apart from the usual bug-fix and overall smoothening between beta releases, which they probably have done. Read it all in the release announcement.
The OpenSUSE team still refuses to put the release notes somewhere for all to see prior to downloading
I don’t know what the team’s intentions are, but this page lists the key things on successive stages of the beta:
Instead of saying “still refuses” you could always ask the team about it
They started with making SUSE a community product, OpenSUSE, then gave us XGL.
Looks like Novell buying SUSE was the begining of a new era in Open Source world.
With Dell releasing RHEL on their desktops, it doe not look long before we will have Novell Desktop preinstalled on Dell/HP business desktops.
Way to go.
Edited 2006-02-25 14:52
All the progress I keep hearing suse/novell making is tremendous. Hopefully the new version will boot faster and won’t feel so awefully slow.
With their contributions via xgl I’ll definately be buying this one.
According to this blog:
…Kerry is included in the new Beta 5. Also they’re developing a KIO slave for beagle. Things are really looking bright! Wonder why this development is being done.. heard something about Novell moving Gnome up infront?
Novell, being a good little corporation, wants to minimize their own investment in time/effort to make a desktop. Since they own Ximian, and need Evolution for their desktop, it makes sense for them to standardize on Gnome.
However, the openSuSE team, while backed by Novell, doesn’t have these considerations, and can use whatever desktop they see fit. In this case, KDE, since it’s the “historical” desktop for SuSE.
Novell, being a good little corporation, wants to minimize their own investment in time/effort to make a desktop. Since they own Ximian, and need Evolution for their desktop, it makes sense for them to standardize on Gnome.
However, the openSuSE team, while backed by Novell, doesn’t have these considerations, and can use whatever desktop they see fit. In this case, KDE, since it’s the “historical” desktop for SuSE.
Bah. I agree about Novell, the desktop choice was developmental and not simply a preference.
But as for Suse, I can’t see them continuing with the same level of KDE support. They say they will, but even from what I’ve seen lately I question it… The update to 3.5.1 was delayed, the latest updates to the KDE libraries crash the system, and 10.1 is starting to see historical Suse utilities migrate to GTK/Gnome based options more in line with Novell and NLD. And mono-based beagle integration? While it’s a nice stop gap, I wonder why they couldn’t help contribute to Kat which is the direction KDE is moving in. And there’s been no move to patch or package the kde-window-decoration package necessary to make xgl/compiz work under KDE. These are the kinds of things I’d expect to see from a KDE-centric distro. No doubt they’ll continue to provide and support KDE, in as much as say Fedora does, but it won’t be a KDE-centric distro any more.
I’ll give 10.1 a chance when it’s final to see where they’re going, but right now I suspect Kubuntu may soon be the primary mainstream distribution for KDE-centricity (which me thinks partially contributed Mark Shuttleworth’s KDE-epiphany shortly after Novell announced the Gnome move, since it certainly created an opportunity for them…)
Still, all the more power to Suse and everyone else. Choice always rules.
Just my 2c…
well done on releasing the 5th (10.1) beta
keep up the good work, don’t forget wireless !!!!
I’m writing from beta 4 now…I’m skipping beta 5 and will try beta 6. The new installer is a mess and it took me a while to get here with this beta….they are cleaning that up and it will be fine when done. Once installed, even the betas seem to run fine…this is a pretty slick system…so kudo’s to the OpenSUSE team for continueing to make progress on the Linux Desktop!
About the KDE and gnome issue…I really don’t see the big deal that some seem to make out of it…for if you are going to run ANY really useful system, you really need to install BOTH anyway…and gnome stuff can run from kde and kde stuff can run from gnome…so what IS the big deal? KDE will always be there…and gnome is there…they are the latest versions with all of the features….and it all seems to work fine (I haven’t had ONE KDE 3.5 crash even with the 3.5.0 version, so whatever problem the guy above had, it must be his system or something)….
This is all cutting edge stuff so many times there will be bugs…if a person wants a really stable system, go enterprise. I tried CentOS and it’s wonderful, but of course, has older stuff and a lot of the stuff we are used to is stripped out…but run well it does!!!
GO SUSE! They have a good thing going here….I’ll be moving to 10.1 when it comes out, from what I have seen so far..
“About the KDE and gnome issue…I really don’t see the big deal that some seem to make out of it…for if you are going to run ANY really useful system, you really need to install BOTH anyway…and gnome stuff can run from kde and kde stuff can run from gnome…”
Very well said. That is exactly the way I feel. Glad I am not the only one.
for if you are going to run ANY really useful system, you really need to install BOTH anyway
umm, no. Quoting you further:
…and gnome stuff can run from kde and kde stuff can run from gnome
Precisely. You can run the stuff from one in the other. You don’t need to install both, at most you need to install one, with some libraries from the other. No need to have a full KDE and Gnome DE just to run some apps from each.
Both DE’s will likely remain in Suse, but if they continue to fall in line with Novell by focusing on Gnome, KDE (in Suse) will likely suffer. Redhat for example isn’t known for having a great KDE environment, it would be a shame for Suse to be the same.
Edited 2006-02-26 02:18
Hi MamiyaOtaru:
I stand corrected…I should have said “components of both”…so you are technically correct. I guess I’m not too worried about it…at least it SEEMS, so far, that they are committed to keeping the KDE desktop pretty well supported….
I agree that if they don’t, it would be a shame…