While testers have been all over the newest Windows Vista CTP build, the new Longhorn Server test build, which Microsoft also delivered at the end of February, has gotten far less attention. Testers confirmed that Microsoft has posted on the Connect beta-download site the Longhorn Server Build 5308 bits for download.
What nonsense is this – all the builds for a while have included Server and Ultimate on the same DVD – which you instal depends on which serial you enter.
How is this any more interesting? Server Core was released separately on MS Connect, not the normal Server.
What nonsense is this – all the builds for a while have included Server and Ultimate on the same DVD – which you instal depends on which serial you enter.
How is this any more interesting? Server Core was released separately on MS Connect, not the normal Server.
Incorrect – the Vista client CTP is a slightly older 5308 rev and is staged media only and therefore is not supported (at the moment) for server installs.
The server CTP build posted to MS Connect is a non-staged (standard install) media image and is good for both client and server installs.
Had no idea – but supported or not, you can still install Server from the staged DVD (also at my time of posting the unstaged DVD wasn’t up yet).
Since we know that Longhorn Server will take up more memory,it’s best to stick with Windows Server 2003 or Linux.
LOL, yeahhhh…. like new Linux builds don’t take up more memory! Thanks for the laughs.
Actually, Server Core does come in 300mb or so, and takes up a lot less memory than Server 2003, but then again it is command line based. :o)