Google is contemplating a move to join the Eclipse Foundation in some capacity. Greg Stein, an engineering manager in the open-source group at Google and chairman of the Apache Software Foundation, told eWEEK that Google has considered joining Eclipse and has talked with Eclipse’s executive director, Mike Milinkovich, about the possibility.
“We’re thinking about it. We’ve been talking to Eclipse. I’ve had some conversations with Mike, and we’re either going to join in some capacity or we’re going to donate money. But either way we want to help Eclipse.”
I don’t think money is what Eclipse needs, for that it has IBM’s backing. I think the most valuable contribution would be to integrate Google API with Eclipse. Many of us have already used the Google API for varied reasons, having it as a plugin would make life more easier.
Google could also pool in some of their internal development tools as part of Eclipse plugins.
One question, google is present on varied architectures, will it still support SWT? If yes, then why ?