The operating system I’m not cool enough to run has pushed out a new release: 9front “THIS TIME DEFINITELY” is now available. 9front is a fork of plan9, created after plan9 languished at Bell Labs. This release enables gefs, the new file system, in the installer, “ip/ipconfig now support dhcpv6 dynamic allocations and handles prefix expirations”, and it comes with some smaller changes, too, of course.
Despite every piece of evidence to the contrary, I am simply not cool enough to run 9front. Maybe one day they’ll notice me, and I get invited to the cool table where the Puffs eat lunch. Who doesn’t want to ring a bell in the headmaster’s office at midnight?
Calm down Paris…
I noticed the gefs file system author has also been an OpenBSD contributor. I wonder if it might eventually make it over there. A reliable, simple COW filesystem with features like snapshots and checksums would make a lot of people happy in OpenBSD-land.
Nice! I hope this becomes a reality on BSD!
I have to say, this is not a place I expected to see a Gilmore Girls reference but I am so glad to see it. Yet another example of why I should be here.
(My wife and I rewatch the series every year.)
I am a massive Gilmore Girls fan. From its original airing to today, I think I’ve watched the whole series like 15-20 times. I’m currently watching the series with my wife, and she’s seeing it for the first time – and loves it too.
It’s very dear to me, since I used it as an escape during very, very difficult times in my life.
I would like the opinions to be on the operating system itself rather than if the author is “cool enough” to use it. Nonetheless I am glad that somebody reports on 9Front which is not covered by the mainstream press.