ColorWare, a company which offers pre-coloured (my apologies for using that abomination of an English word) notebooks and desktops using a special coating process, has added the MacBook Pro to their product line up. If you find Apple’s standard grey too boring, maybe a red or a black MacBook Pro is your game. They also offer coloured Mac Minis, iBooks, iMacs, Alienware computers, and more. You can also send in hardware you already own. They say they have some magical Wonderland procedure to paint the computers, but whether or not the process creates a tough layer of paint remains to be seen from customer testimonies.
“They say they have some magical Wonderland procedure to paint the computers”
You mean Photoshop?
Sorry Thom, but what does this article have to do with OS News? I do find it interesting, but not something I expect to find on these forums.
It was in the Digg dreggs a while ago…
Not sure on its’ relevance on OSNews though.
It’s just a nice gimmick, stop complaining. It’s a product closely related to computers, so it has enough place on OSNews. If you don’t like it, then PLEASE don’t comment on an article. It’s THAT simple.
If you dont like what we post, then PLEASE dont read and reply on the comment. It’s THAT simple.
If you dont like what we post, then PLEASE dont read and reply on the comment. It’s THAT simple.
With the only thing that you are a GUEST here. And of course because we have mod and ban buttons and you don’t .
Then again without GUESTS you have no FORUM.
Then again without GUESTS you have no FORUM.
Some people we can miss like a toothache. So I’d tone it down there. And yup, that’s a warning.
Warning for what? Posting a comment just reversing what you said. Oh please. Do I make you horney?
Edited 2006-04-27 20:33
I hope they’ve tested it properly, the extreme heat the Macbook Pro gives off when gaming would peel the paint off.
So any computer related news can be posted? Sweet!
It mentions Macs and/or Apple so it must be relavent! i.e. all the mac people who make monthly cash sacrifices to appease the great Steve think it’s relavent P)
Its the SIZE, its the POWER CONSUMPTION, its the NOISE.
I use laptops now, I use 2.5″ storage, Im going to use MacMini’s and NanoPCs.
Silent, low power, small.
Small is the new big.
Low power is the new horsepower
Silent is bliss.
Edited 2006-04-27 20:23
What grey products would that be?
Eh, a MacBook is grey. Call it metallic or whatever, but it’s still grey.
I was going to mention coloured Xserves when the flame war broke out. Oh well.
.. OS zealotry pink?
.. Turtleneck black?
.. OSNews staff flame red?
.. Troll blue?
Edited 2006-04-27 20:50
“a company which offers pre-coloured (my apologies for using that abomination of an English word) ”
Is it me or did this line not suggest anything until attention was brought to it?
Why blame a word for something only you had in your mind?
Well, he added a vowel to “colored” but subtracted a vowel from “coating”, so I’d say that makes him even. ๐
Added a vowel?
Ahh you mean the word Colour ,which is spelt by others as Color.
“Coloured” is British spelling. Weren’t you made aware of that fact in school?
“Coloured” is British spelling. Weren’t you made aware of that fact in school?
I prefer the British spelling. I think it looks better, and it also helps I study the RP version of English as university.
I do mix up every now and then though.
I know, Thom – the comment was not for you. I also think British spelling looks better. Most, if not all, people in Europe learn British English at school.
But considering the brandname is “Colorware” and not “Colourware”, I think the non-British version would’ve been more applicable.
And is an icky advertising redirect.
Yes, painfully, which i was pointing out to my American friend there if you had read the post right.
I’d like to think that us Americans would just chalk it up to this being an international website. Heck, I’m in the US and I’ve occasionally spelt it ‘coloured’ or ‘flavoured’ or ‘realise’
Anyway, this phenomenon has always amused me. I’m not interested in buying colored palmrests, I don’t think I’d get a fashionable cell-phone faceplate to replace the one it came with, and the whole colored ipod case thing has kinda baffled me. Case? Yeah. Designer case? I doubt it.
But I’m a technical kind of guy; I purchase things based on what they can do, and (if it comes down to a really ugly layout/design) how they already look. Go figure.
I would agree: custom or fancy faceplates do not matter much but…
…they have indeed sold in quantities when introduced in the cellphone world (here in Italy), so I guess it’s just that me and you are not in the target audience ๐
I have that same effect in a magic spray can.
I just noticed that their MacBook Pro has a 5400rpm 800gb(!) S-ATA drive. That’s pretty neat for a 2.5″ drive ๐
I’ve been called many things, but never a bore. I hate you all. >:(
Are jokes not allowed? Does every post have to be serious and part of constructive discussion? I was just making a joke about how the title of the article was “If Grey Bores You” and my nick being GreySim. I didn’t expect to get modded up or anything, but I didn’t expect to get modded down either.
As Alienware computers already come in a vast array of colo(u)rs, I don’t understand why they need to be painted by another company. This seems an unnecessary added expense for a machine purchased in part for its existing appearance.
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title said it