“CodePlex is an online software development environment for open and shared source developers to create, host and manage projects throughout the project lifecycle. It has been written from the ground up in C# using .NET 2.0 technology with Team Foundation Server on the back end. CodePlex is open to the public free of charge.” Microsoft goes open source, and it also launches pay-as-you-go computers.
Weird. Also somewhat ironic that a site to showcase shared source, won’t share the source for the site
Other than that, the FAQ on the website was pretty useless too. I couldn’t find anything that listed the specific requirements for projects wanting to be hosted at codeplex. Anyone have better luck than me?
Microsoft Opens Codeplex?
Microsoft Goes Open Source?
Hmm… am I the only one who cannot see any indication of this is the linked sites?
You are not. To quote from the site’s FAQ:
We currently don’t have plans to make the CodePlex site a shared source project.
So, even assuming you’re so naive to think that Microsoft’s shared source is about the same than open source software (not free software, God forbid that Microsoft make you free in some manner!), they’re not even going to do that.
Thom, have you had a glance at this stuff before publishing it? Any particulare reason for saying that “Microsoft goes open source”? This has nothing to do with “going open source”.
I’m not that naïve. I won’t touch “Shared Source”. I consider it dangerous.
*LOL* Modded down? For what?
You spelled naïve too well
Think of it as “spell envy” …
Oh deer
. o O ( wandreng eef thad wathes bedder
Heh. “Shared source”. Did their marketing dept come up with that, or is it a Sun thing?
Hmm.. It’s an old MS-trick. “Shared Source” has been around for some years. Sun is not related to this.
Microsoft is more than capable on their own to call a treacherous trap for “Shared Source”.
I really have no trust in Microsoft when in comes to “Shared Source.” Not because it’s fun to bash Microsoft…
I do recall hearing about Microsoft’s Shared Source initiative from a few years ago. After reading up on what it’s about I ran away in the opposite direction. At the time, it sounded like a “shotgun” marriage. You share your code with this “community” but in the long run it just looked more like a .Net fan club.
I don’t know how easy it would be, or even possible, to revoke code from an open source license such as the GPL. However, from the little bit that I knew about Shared Source it seemed like you’re locked into the SS vault. At least with the vast majority of GPL’ed code, it’s still applicable in other program areas away from the original source. I just feel that open source .Net code has short legs to run on in areas beyond the .Net platform (yes I know I’m intentionally discounting Mono – for compatibility reasons).
I could slap together a website tonight, publish some of my own code, ask for submission. That would be a little .Net community right there. There may be a few of them out there already. CodePlex, to me, just looks like another attempt to market their .Net platform. Even if it’s not restricted to .Net, what is Microsoft trying to do? Compete with SourceForge?
I’m also still bitter about the Incubator program prior to the Xbox 1 launch. Yes I signed up, got the NDA and a nice little packet that basically said the XBox is a Pentium 3 equipped PC running a modified Win2K kernel. They said they’re behind indy game developers and then they pulled the carpet out from under us.
(sorry for my out-of-work-programmer rambling)
The interface looks nice. But for every decent open source project there are hundreds of crap ones. Is MS just showcasing their .net tools or are they offering this for a reason? Would they like to see some ambition for developing open source windows apps that don’t suck? I don’t understand. But the project in certainly interesting.
But just last week they were saying how unreliable Open Source software is! They really should make up their minds.
The vast majority of open source code is unsupported abandonware. That’s what MS was referring to when it called open source “unreliable”. And they had a point.
So, it’s sf.net, reimplemented by Microsoft? whatever 🙂
There are allot of Open Source hosting sites like Tigris and BerliOS and their allot faster too.
Faster? How did you arrive at that conclusion?
I was comparing them to the slowass sourceforge.
CodePlex is primarily a replacement for their GotDotNet-site that was aimed for similar purpose: Developers can create projects or take part in those started by others or by Microsoft.
There are actually many interesting projects like the “Atlas” Control Toolkit -project, where community will help creating AJAX-like controls/extenders for ASP.NET. Here are some examples: http://atlas.asp.net/atlastoolkit/
One interesting thing about the CodePlex is that if you happen to own Visual Studio Team Suite, you can connect it to the CodePlex. Then you can have all the work item tracking and version control features that the Team Foundation Server offers.
Free tools are also available for those who didn’t invest >$10k for the VSTS
Another attempt to co-opt and bastardize the word, “open”.
Since when do GPL fanatics have a monopoly on the word “open”?
Then it’s probably just my imagination they use the word, “open”, four times in one sentence. Co-opting by association and repetition is another of the signs of propoganda.
Interesting is whois on the codeplex.com domain, then one on that registrar a troutzimmer.com, The only sign of microsoft there is the dns servers. How is it microsoft opens, (used to say unveils), someone elses website?