This chapter provides an overview of object-oriented concepts and how they are implemented in REAL Basic, and gives some insight into strategies for executing your object-oriented programming effectively.
This chapter provides an overview of object-oriented concepts and how they are implemented in REAL Basic, and gives some insight into strategies for executing your object-oriented programming effectively.
Shame RB is a bug riddled pile of garbage!
That is probably the same guy that went wacko in the RB newsgroup. He is your basic tenacious garden variety troll.
There is no need for this.
Real Basic is a very good programming language. Sure it has some bugs, but from what I see way to many people complain about bugs when the issue is that they write bad code them selves.
…I don’t use it all that often… but I like it. It does tend to be buggy, but I think that is because the developer is constantly trying to add a ton of new functionality (not to mention the big UI switch last year) and introduces bugs as fast as he/they fix[es] them.
I have been using RB for less than a year, starting with RB Standard 2006r1 (both on WinXP and OSX), and I have to say that initially I did find RB2006 to be extremely unstable as well as generally buggy.
Having said that, r2 and more recently r3 have been big improvements on the stability/bug front, and I am quite happy with the environment now.
I still prefer to do my Mac coding in Objective-C in XCode, but for cross-platform development, this is a very fine product. Incidentally, it worked out cheaper for me to buy the standard editions of Win and Mac versions rather than one copy of the professional package on one platform. Much cheaper, as I got both with promotional discounts on magazine cover disks. Others may be able to get similar deals.
The book from which the sample chapter is taken is quite good, although it seems unable to make up its mind as to whether its a primer (lengthy discussion about “If” and loops for example), or whether it is for more advanced users (memory blocks within the introductory/beginner sections?!!). I would suggest that it is best used in conjunction with the Help files and with the online tutorials. My main gripe with the book is that is barely touches on error trapping at all – those coming from a pre .NET VB world should note that RB uses try..catch. This is barely mentioned at all. All this info is of course available online.
As it is heavily discounted at Amazon (amongst others), I would say that on the whole it was value for money. Beginners beware though: there are quite a few errors, even in some of the very simple primer code examples. Few are critical, but they would be confusing to a novice.
I’m very interested in what people who use less high-level and generally more accepted languages like C/C++ have to say about this language platform. If you have any experince with realbasic – share it with us…
I have come to the conclusion i haven’t got time for C/C++. Seriously. I code applications as a hobby and like to use simple but powerful general purpose languages. Python and ruby are both nice languages, but i would also like to know a compiled language with a large framework to work with.
Of course there’s the .NET platform, but this is not what i’m looking for.
Purebasic is something like realbasic, but it lacks OOP and thats why i wonder if realbasic is a “good general purpose language” in your opinion?