Starting Monday, Google will offer Google Apps for Your Domain, a free package of programs for businesses, universities and other organizations. Workers will be able to send e-mail with Gmail, Google’s two-year-old Web-based mail service, but messages will carry their company’s domain name. The package also includes Google’s online calendar, instant-messaging service, and Page Creator, a Web page builder.
So, they are going to let people sign up for gmail again then? As it stands currently one has to know someone with a gmail account and get invited, in order to get a gmail account. In order to offer it they will need to open it up.
If you have a mobile phone you can go here:
and sign up. A little while afterwards, you’ll get a text message with the code to get a GMail account.
This was the method I used to get an invite, since the forum I go to was already spammed so badly the mods banned talking about it.
I have 100 invites left, so the first 100 people who send me a mail or ask here will receive a invite from me.
my google email is my user name here
just use “invitation request” as the subject.
I also have a zillion available. [email protected]
this is the best way to start getting SPAM. Spam bots get emails like yours. Don’t post the email on forums.
this is the best way to start getting SPAM. Spam bots get emails like yours. Don’t post the email on forums.
This is the best way to train my bogofilter
I also receive a lot of SPAM, so I’m not starting to get it, but to receive a little more.
There are only two problems I can see with this Apps for your domain package. One, why do they include the Page Creator? Only one, maybe two people will be doing the website. Two, wiill their Google Talk allow me to add certain people to my list but not everyone but still have a directory look up like in Sametime?
Just read this tastey little nugget of information which pretty much answered my questions.
After your domain is approved, you’ll be able to access the Google Apps for Your Domain control panel. First you’ll tell us which users should have accounts with your domain (you can add, remove, suspend or delete users at any time). Next you’ll decide which services you’d like to activate (you can pick any combination of the services listed on the right, and add or remove any of them at any time). After you choose your services, we’ll help you activate them, which usually involves adjusting some of your domain settings.
Edited 2006-08-28 18:45
Wonder how long it will be before they bundle writely and spreadsheets in with there up and coming office productivity suite? I wonder why they haven’t bought or started there own presentation app.
AJAX Word:
AJAX Excel:
AJAX PowerPoint:
Who’s going to need MS Office five years from now when AJAX matures?
The people with the severed internet connection. It happened to Salesforce, it could happen to anyone.
Who’s going to need MS Office five years from now when AJAX matures?
AJAX needs an internet connection always available. The truth is not all applications you need for work are available on internet, so some of them are in your desktop PC and a couple live on internet.
If your internet connection goes down, as it happened to me –guess when– just when I needed it, you cannot access your information. You couldn’t go to an internet cafe because of your dependency on desktop applications you are using, so basically you are screwed until your internet connection works again.
The other problem is you are giving access to all your data to a company god allmighty (not really) knows what is going to do with it in the future. Businesses won’t trust a data search/indexing company to store their documents safe for them.
In case you are not in a business and want to use these fabulous AJAX applications to make your life better, go ahead. But tell me how are they better than a fast and featurefull desktop application. If the problem is network storage, that is easily solvable with a webdav layer and you own host/domain provider.
Here is a nice article from RedHerring:…
Title, 17 MS Office Killers
People living in parts of the world where Internet access is sporadic, or people that use a 10 year old computer to type a letter or 2 a month without needing to have an internet account (such as my Grandma) perhaps? Or else people who are concerned about privacy and don’t want to store their documents on an internet server. Or someone who is under an NDA that prohibits them from storing documents on other companies’ servers. I could go on and on here…. Desktop Applications will be around for a long time.