NetBeans 5.5 has been released. “NetBeans IDE 5.5 builds on the success of NetBeans 5.0 and adds support for Java EE 5 and Sun Java System Application Server PE 9. Got Web 2.0? Of course! NetBeans 5.5 generates JAX-WS 2.0 artifacts for Java SE 6 and Java EE 5 projects. We included Java Persistence support and support for Enterprise Java Beans 3. Additionally, there is the new Subversion support module and an updated module for the GUI builder, both available on the 5.5 Update Center.” A new preview build of NetBeans 6 has also been released.
First, I use Netbeans on a daily basis, I like it – so I am a bit biased, perhaps. Or am I? Let’s see..
Great release, in two words.
The focus of this release was Enterprise Java and, finally, it is all there, out of the box. Nothing really missing, it just works. If you’re into Java EE 5, make sure you get Glassfish server – it is supported by Netbeans 5.5 (select Sun Java System Application Server in Server Manager – SJSAS *is* built on top of Glassfish).
Also, pay attention to additional packs: Visual Web, Profiler, Enterprise, C/C++.. some of those are still not 100% finished, but things are just getting better and better with each passing week.
I also tried new Netbeans 6.0 build and the only thing that was, kind of, lacking in Netbeans 5.x – first class code editor – is getting there. Thing is *fast* and much improved over 5.5/5.0. It is still very early build of 6.0, so don’t expect too much in terms of available modules or stability. Looks really really promising though.
When 6.0 is released (next year), I believe Netbeans will be *the* Java IDE to use. Combined with Java 6, Tomcat 5.5/6, Glassfish, Java EE 5, etc., it will be hard to beat. Oh, yes, it is free
Great release indeed. Eclipse, watch out!
I am happy that they are also supporting OS X with the Enterprise Pack, C and C++ Pack, Profiler and the new Visual Web Pack! That is cool.
Now, does anyone know if there is an IntelliJ/Eclipse type shortcut for opening a file/resource within NetBeans? I can only find a “go to class” but I want a “go to file” and just can’t seem to find such a shortcut. This is the ONLY feature that is stopping me from paying the IntelliJ tax.
But, again, I am really excited about this release.
“Go to File” will be in Netbeans 6
More info:
Hmm, does anyone know if it would be difficult to create such a plugin or something for NetBeans? I am not very familiar with its plugin architecture, but perhaps I need to get there. As we all know, Java EE, Spring and I18N files can be in abundance within a Java based project. It becomes very difficult to get to these files without a good shortcut.
Check (plugins) and (documentation). IIRC they have good documentation on how to program these things.
One thing that may help you: when in Netbeans editor, press CTRL+SHIFT+P to invoke Find in Project, switch to “Object Name” tab (by pressing SHIFT-TAB, then right arrow), and then TAB again to type the name of the file.
Yeah, I know: CTRL+SHIFT+P, SHIFT+TAB, right arrow, TAB.. but give it a try.
Hey, thanks for the tip. I guess that will have to do for now. But, I sure would like the snappier response of a “go to class”. But, again, thanks. I have to make sure that other IDEA and Eclipse users aren’t looking over my shoulder when I pull of that search. hah!
Snappier response?
Have you tried using -J-Xmx and -J-Xms switches when starting Netbeans? After I added some memory using those, my Netbeans just flies.. including Go to Class, yes.
More info here on boosting NB performance:
Am I Netbeans fan or what?
I’ll have to ask Roumen to send me one of those Netbeans T-shirts 
“Snappier response?”
No, that isn’t what I meant. I meant that when you use the “go to class” you get a live search which is updated while you type. The option I was given was referring to a popup dialog, where I had to change tabs, type in my criteria, click search and wait.
I have no problem with NetBean’s snappiness.
Goto file: CTRL-Shift-N
Pay $499 just for such a feature? Not all of us can poop gold coins.
Well, I already own IntelliJ IDEA 5. But there are several reasons I want to use NetBeans:
– It’s free, no more upgrade fees.
– Support the effort by using it. Software like this only lives if people show a need.
– I can have as many copies of it running as I want. I currently have 3 machines in my home that I use for development. So, when I jump on any one of them and start working I don’t want some notice popping up telling me I can’t run my instances of IDEA concurrently. That is just annoying. An no, I am not going to put my computers on different subnets, or block the port at each machine’s firewall. It’s against the license, so that is the ‘law’.
– Cutting edge features and a kick ass GUI dev tool. Now I am not a Swing guy. But, this is the greatest tool I have ever seen for GUI development with Swing components. The IDEA one is proprietary and I just can’t seem to grok what they are trying to give me.
– They basically taking Java Studio Creator and giving us this functionality within NetBeans.
– Great Maven plugin!
– There is just too much to explain.
I like how the download page uses php ๐