“Google’s PageRank algorithm assesses the importance of web pages without human evaluation of the content. In fact, Google feels that the value of its service is largely in its ability to provide unbiased results to search queries; Google claims, ‘the heart of our software is PageRank’. As we’ll see, the trick is to ask the web itself to rank the importance of pages.”
I wish I paid attention in school during math class… if you feel the same way, then skip over this article.
Help, I’m not clever enough…
Help, I’m not clever enough…
Neither am I. I am a total disaster at math.
You are right, guys.
This stuff _is_ pretty heavy.
It’s a pleasure to see that all the crap I had to learn has its use, though.
Without studying physics I’d have exactly zero chance of understanding the article.
My two “Leistungskurse” (which are subjects you put special focus on and learn more about) were math and chemistry.
Still, without university math you don’t have the slightest chance of understanding the article.
The main things one needs to know about in order to grasp the article are:
-matrix (no, not the movie!)
-“Eigenvectors”/static vectors
If some of you are really interested, I could try and write an article explaining these things.
Not in a way that would make you pass exams at university.
What I could do however, is try and give you a rough idea of what this is all about.
And I can’t promise anything since I’ve quite a lot of stuff to do.
So, who’s still interested?
This stuff _is_ pretty heavy.
Actually this stuff is pretty easy, it’s basics of any university math course.
Yes, that’s true.
But seeing all the comments like “Oh, I should have paid attention at school!” I wanted to make sure everybody knows it’s not school math – it’s university math.
So yes, compared to the other stuff we have to learn it’s pretty easy.
But if you put yourself in the perspective of an ordinary reader… you get the point.
Edited 2006-12-07 19:09
Hopefully this algorithm will change soon and bring two benefits to us all:
1- Better search results based more on content (since we are looking for content, and not for “famous” pages)
2- It will stop lots of spamming on the web, especially in forums and blogs.
I’m not saying that google is a bad search engine or that the algorithm was a bad idea from the beginning. It’s just that it’s easy to be abused, and spammers have abused it too much already.
You should read the SearchMash article then:
I think you will find that spammers will find a way to abuse any algorithm anyone comes up with…
What amazes me is the extent these clowns go to for a few $$$
What amazes me is the extent these clowns go to for a few $$$
2000-5000$ per day is not what I call “a few $$$”
If you think that’s silly, look into some of the attempts at “google hacking” that the Church of Scientology pulled a few years ago. They created hundreds of pro-scientology websites and made them all link to each other to artificially increase their pagerank score (and to prevent any results critical of scientology from appearing until the 5th or 6th page).
Here’s an other article about PageRank I randomly found someday (from the programmer of Ranish partition manager): http://www.ranish.com/research/VaporRank.htm
It’s quite the tongue-in-cheek though
Edited 2006-12-07 20:18
For 8 pages it’s very clear, but it’s quite unclear how Google handles the total matrix of all webpages. Perhaps, sites are divided but sections that don’t link to each other…