“In his public appearances, Bill Gates often appears to be so heavily sedated that the the private, peevish Bill we know and love from his internal emails rarely erupts. So it’s with some relief we learn that normal service has been resumed, after Newsweek magazine’s Steven Levy, an Apple acolyte, solicited chairman Bill’s opinion of its latest TV advertising campaign, ‘I’m a Mac – I’m a PC’.” The Guardian is also hosting a piece on the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign.
I love how the competition shakes like French soldiers when Bill Gates raises his voice.
It just proves who’s afraid of who…
the new “security” spot, i like it. And the others, too^^
(the security spot)
I just saw that one last night, and couldn’t stop laughing… Even though I’m a bit sympathetic to MS here.
The latest security spot is funny and has a lot of truth in it regarding Vista security alerts prompting a users interaction. Though I don’t understand why Apple used the Tech Support spot commenting that Apple systems come with a built in camera then making it seem PC systems do not. This is not true as several companies that provide Windows Vista preloaded such as HP’s Pavilion DV9000T come with a built in 1.3 MP camera.
i like this “security” spot better:
Ok now that was hillarious
Now that’s funny I don’t care who you are.
Too bad I can’t watch it since I don’t want to install Quicktime 7.
If Apple was really different (better) than Microsoft they would use some multiplatform format for the videos.
Instead they push their Quicktime and iTunes.
So Apple is no better than Microsoft. Just less successfull financially.
Um, QuickTime is multi-platform.
Um, QuickTime is multi-platform.
Umm, if multi-platform to you means Windows and Mac OSX then you’re idea of multi-platform is different from mine.
Where is Quicktime for Linux, BSDs, Solaris etc.?
No thanks, I don’t care for Apple’s lock-in and “do as we say right down to the smallest detail” way of treating customers.
The Quicktime 6 codec is available for FreeBSD (/usr/ports/multimedia/win32-codecs) although it’s disabled by default due to security issues.
And there’s the OpenQuicktime project on Sourceforge.
Edited 2007-02-07 23:57
“In the Jobs-directed movie of Jobs’ life, the “Steve Jobs” character doesn’t throw hissy-fits, doesn’t persecute journalists or bloggers, and doesn’t banish blood relatives and lifelong friends to Siberia (that punishment was meted out to Jobs’ biological sister Mona Simpson, for daring to “reveal” in her novel A Regular Guy that the Apple founder didn’t flush his turds down the crapper if the Great Man was in the middle of developing A Great Idea”
I had a big laugh out of this one
P.S. Shouldn’t it be “didn’t flush his iTurds down the iCrapper”?
Can anyone enlighten me as to the REAL story about Jobs’ sister? I find it hard to believe that he would attempt at, or for that matter succeed in “banishing her” to Siberia, despite his all-capable omnipotence. 😉
Edit: Okay, I’ve enlightened myself:
Apparently, Jobs’ sister Mona Simpson’s book “A Regular Guy” is a work of fiction only loosely based on Jobs. Apparently Jobs has stated he’s fine with the book, since it IS only loosely based on him. The only shred of evidence that Jobs (figuratively) “banished his sister to Siberia” is the statement that “As time passed, Mona eventually admitted to a reporter doing a profile on Steve that the book had ended her close relationship with him, indicating that he did indeed feel betrayed.”
I’m guessing the author of the Guardian article based his whole shtick on this Wikipedia article. Which is not exactly a lot to go on.
Oh well… I probably should have known not to take it so seriously…
Edited 2007-02-06 20:21
Funny and much more realistic:
ha ha ha ha….
I think the Apple PC vs Mac commercials are dead funny… the PC guy is considerably more popular than Mac guy. The jokes are very legit, and put in a way NORMAL PC users would actually get.
PC guy is very much the public “mind’s” image of Bill Gates/IT professionals. They nailed it dead on. They’re never mean or degrading to PC guy… it’s a great part. Actually Apple should work on that because nobody remembers Mac guy… PC guy gets all the press and talkshow gigs!!
They nailed it dead on. They’re never mean or degrading to PC guy
Then they didn’t nail it dead on.
Actually Apple should work on that because nobody remembers Mac guy… PC guy gets all the press and talkshow gigs!!
Well, to be fair John Hodgman (the PC guy) is a comic in his own right, with frequent appearances on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and his own (hilarious) book out, called “The Areas of my Expertise”. I recommend everyone to check it out. The Mac ads helped make him more recognizable, but he had a career before them.
I am waiting for the release of Leopard. Then I hope they have PC guy with a Xerox (TM) machine making copies of the latest OS X. Yes, pun intended.
These Mac ads are brilliant. I watch them in my spare time when I need a laugh. Usually, they’re spot on. And like others said, not (too) degrading for “poor old PC”.
personally i’m just waiting for the spot where mac spends his weekend making cool things like slideshows of his family vacation while PC does boring stodgy things like play the latest games.
mostly because i want to see john hodgeman say “pwn noobs”
If anything Bill should probably be thanking Apple for free advertisements. Nothing like a bit of controversy to stir up sales. I bet at least a few people went out and bought Vista just to see how ‘bad’ it was.
Normally, any publicity is good publicity… unless you’re Microsoft. In the previous decade they were media darlings, but these days they are a scapegoat for everything wrong with computing.
People don’t want to hear MS hype anymore. Even Joe User is becoming disgruntled. He no longer blames himself for the problems he has with his computer. He blames Microsoft, whether it really is their fault or not.
If anything, the public wants to here some honesty from MS. They should have chilled the Vista launch way down, because loudly trumpeting a late and largely uninteresting release as revolutionary didn’t help them any. The message should have been more like this:
“We are pleased to announce the general availability of Windows Vista, our latest release of the leading desktop operating system. With Vista, we focused heavily on what matters most to our users: security and ease of use. Vista allows our engineers to respond to threats and deliver new features faster than ever, making Vista a platform that will grow to meet the evolving needs of your home, your workplace, and our connected world.”
They need to become more simple in the way they communicate. They need to be direct and honest. They can’t ever make specific claims unless they’re absolutely sure they’re going to come through. They need to convince the public that they’re listening to their needs and making steady progress towards solutions.
They need to restore trust, and I think that message got horribly lost in the glitz and glamor of the Vista launch.
Edited 2007-02-06 20:09
“And I don’t know why [Apple is] acting like it’s superior,” fumes Gates.
I liked this part. Amm, isn’t is the other way around? Doesn’t Microsoft in general act like everything they make is made of gold and way better than competition (as it might be true for few products, but in general…well, you know).
Bill is kinda cool person, but he’s losing it lately. Too bad, he has reached a lot in his life, by continuing like this and with his “Vista can be used as life support OS” and “future vision” BS he puts at every keynote…I think he’s losing a lot of respect from many people this way. He should finaly retire and enjoy the rest of his life to the fullest, like he deserves…he pushed Microsoft to the top, let Ballmer and others take is back down on their own. But that’s my opinion.
Edited 2007-02-06 19:23
Did you ever see dogs barking on stars? Apple’s ads make Apple the Dog barking for over 10 years on Microsoft.
While Steve Jobs barks, Bill Gates is making money, helping people by charity and making computers way more affordable to general public.
The ads actually show low self-esteem of Apple and their frustration. If only they can make something better, they wouldn’t have to stoop to such cheap ads:)
Now let us see how fast MAC zealots or MS haters mod me down:)
Edited 2007-02-06 19:21
Funny you should bring up making computers more affordable after the release of Vista and Office, both of which cost more than ever without even bringing into the picture the need for 90% of the population to either buy upgraded hardware or a whole new PC.
I’m not a mac zealot at all, but I have heard from people on here that even the latest version of Mac OS runs on computers from the late 90s. Don’t know if that’s true, but if it is….I think that shows where MS has their priorities ($$$)
I can buy a Vista enabled PC from Dell for 399$ or so after discounts. Tell me can i do that with Mac?
The point is that Microsoft is making hardware more affordable where as Apple wants to control both hardware and software.
Why Vista enabled thats good could you post a link to the one with DirectX compatible graphics card and a hybrid drive, for that money. I assume it comes with a 2G of ram, and is not running the Crippleware version of Vista.
I hope you mean that this is not one of those Vista Capable ones but one that is Premium ready.
Sorry could you post a link.
The one with Vista Home Basic is 359 and with Home Premium with Aero is 479.
Give me a similar deal with MAC and i will talk.
@crazydude already the price is going up
could you please post a link to the actual product I can’t actually see the product.
The one with Vista Home Basic is 359 and with Home Premium with Aero is 479.
Give me a similar deal with MAC and i will talk.
You’re not going to find a deal like that from Apple. After all, they’ve got a lot of pompous, soy-latte-drinking, Prius-driving, square-rimmed-glasses-wearing, tree-hugging, effete windbags to support.
Truth hurts, huh Apple bigots?
Keep posting insults and off-topic posts, tomcat, and you *will* get modded down.
Keep posting insults and off-topic posts, tomcat, and you *will* get modded down.
Be my guest. I would expect nothing less of an ABMer…
I noticed you never replied to my post – your own link shows that getting a computer with Vista Premium is the same cost as a Mac Mini, and for worse hardware. If all you want is Home Basic, you might as well go the Linux route IMO.
Edited 2007-02-06 21:06
I noticed you never replied to my post – your own link shows that getting a computer with Vista Premium is the same cost as a Mac Mini
Few users need Vista Premium, which is why I didn’t mention it.
Few users need Vista Premium, which is why I didn’t mention it.
Not Ultimate, Home Premium. I think everyone is going to want it – there’s no Aero graphics otherwise. The only people not getting it are going to be the dirt-cheap $300 computers, and only then because they can’t run it.
Few users need Vista Premium, which is why I didn’t mention it.
That doesn’t really matter, does it, as when you get a Mac Mini you get the *full* version of OSX with it, not some crippled limited version. Therefore, the comparison with Vista Premium *is* the correct one.
That doesn’t really matter, does it, as when you get a Mac Mini you get the *full* version of OSX with it, not some crippled limited version. Therefore, the comparison with Vista Premium *is* the correct one.
No, wrong. The advantage of Windows PCs is that you have more choice. If you don’t need or want Vista Premium, you don’t have to buy it. If you’re only interested in a barebones PC, you can get one. So, frankly, any price-based comparison between Macs and PCs based upon Vista Premium is a contrived red herring.
No, wrong. The advantage of Windows PCs is that you have more choice. If you don’t need or want Vista Premium, you don’t have to buy it.
No, *you* are wrong. Comparison should be for what you get for the price. Since you get all of OSX for the base price, you should compare it to the premium version. I know it doesn’t fit with your pro-MS agenda, but that’s the way it is.
Comparison should be for what you get for the price. Since you get all of OSX for the base price, you should compare it to the premium version. I know it doesn’t fit with your pro-MS agenda, but that’s the way it is.
No, you’ve got that backwards. YOU don’t have a choice about what YOU get with the Mac — but I DO get a choice. I don’t NEED all of the power of Vista Premium; hence, it isn’t even worth comparing it with the Mac offering.
No, you’ve got that backwards. YOU don’t have a choice about what YOU get with the Mac — but I DO get a choice. I don’t NEED all of the power of Vista Premium; hence, it isn’t even worth comparing it with the Mac offering.
That has nothing to do with a price comparison.
Let’s say company A sells red grapes in two formats: a 1/2 lb. bag at 1$, and 1 lb. bag for 1.75$ (volume discount). Company, on the other hand, B only sells grape in 1 lb. bags, also at 1.75$ (to keep up with the competition).
You can’t possibly argue that company A gives you a better price for the grapes just because you can buy a smaller quantity for less money! If you’re going to do a price comparison, you *have* to do it with similar products if possible, or otherwise extrapolate on the price/quality ratio.
Listen, I really don’t care either way, I don’t even use Macs (compared to MS products, which I use everyday), but your pro-MS obsession is making you say stupid things here. You should just admit that you were wrong and move on, no one will think less of you.
That has nothing to do with a price comparison.
Of course it does. It represents another configuration. You may not like that configuration (since it decimates your argument) but so be it. It’s a big reason why Macs have never really caught on with anything but a small slice of the overall market.
If that’s the way you feel, then you shouldn’t be comparing it to Vista Basic either. You should be using that Vista 3rd world country version, that only let’s you have 3 open windows at a time. After all, it’s cheaper than Basic.
So, do you have anything intelligent to say about topic, or not? I would guess not.
I watched the video on CNet of Bill Gates interview discussed in the ‘Register’ article. He did not seem at all like the energetic CEO we have become familiar with over many years. He really did let his guard down, appearing to have been quite affected by the Mac ads personally. Not much fight left in him.
He did not seem at all like the energetic CEO we have become familiar with over many years.
Well, considering that he’s no longer a CEO, you shouldn’t be surprised, should you?
Be my guest. I would expect nothing less of an ABMer…
Anything but Microsoft, eh? I guess that’s why I own an Xbox, have developed games for the console, and often use MS Office on my Linux laptop…
Please at least try to stay on-topic.
You’re not going to find a deal like that from Apple. After all, they’ve got a lot of pompous, soy-latte-drinking, Prius-driving, square-rimmed-glasses-wearing, tree-hugging, effete windbags to support.
Lol, good one.
And the Mac freaks are out in force today, voting down anything negative about Apple.
Looks like the adds gave them a reason to come out of their basements.
The attitude of Mac zealots reinforces my belief that the only thing more evil than Microsoft is Apple.
Fortunatelly Apple doesn’t get to realize their evil much in real world due to its tiny market share.
The attitude of Mac zealots reinforces my belief that the only thing more evil than Microsoft is Apple
You’re wrong, it’s Linux with its zealots that cannot understand that some people do not want to run Linux.
And the Mac freaks are out in force today, voting down anything negative about Apple.
Such are doing every linux users when someone is not saying that it is the best out there.
Edited 2007-02-06 21:44
“Looks like the adds gave them a reason to come out of their basements. ”
Umm…according to this ad, a Mac is NOT something that you hide in your basement. It’s supposed to be the CENTER of your life…damnit!
Don’t know if I could ever become so besotted with something as utilitarian as a computer but hey, they are certainly more stylish that 95 percent of the bog-standard PC’s out there.
My next computer may well be a Mac but Mac zealotry is arguably the single BIGGEST drawback to Apples efforts to garner substantial marketshare…ever!
I sense the rapid deterioration of this thread. A mud-slinging contest is afoot. Nay! Flat-screens at ten paces I predict! :o)
Although it seems to say you can get Home Premium with Aero for 479, when I configured it it didn’t include that automatically. And then forced me to upgrade the RAM to 1GB as well, for a total cost of $578.
No idea what Macs cost, but I’m not sure you can even get a Mac with specs this low – if you can it would be something like the Mac Mini and that’s not a fair comparison (laptop parts vs having a monitor).
Edited 2007-02-06 20:21
The one with Vista Home Basic is 359 and with Home Premium with Aero is 479
And they are incredibly crippled machines, even when you compare them to a Mac Mini. And they are only using Vista Home Basic, the lowest rung on the tier and without all the “goodies”. No monitor, and not even a CD RW drive.
Yeah… when I configured a machine that I’d actually be willing to use (17″ monitor, 2GB ram, Vista Home Premium), the price was more like $809.
What a joke! That one for 359 only has 512 MD of ram and a sempron processor. 512 isnt enough to run vista on, who are you kidding? Same with the one for 479. Although the 479 one comes wih a plain Athlon 64 instead. You would probably have to spend more to get a decent machine, similar to what you would pay for an imac or a mini.
The one with Vista Home Basic is 359 and with Home Premium with Aero is 479.
Give me a similar deal with MAC and i will talk.”
Seriously I want a Dell. I couldn’t care less about a MAC…but I am aware how much a PC with Vista really costs, that would benefit *me* over my XP machine, and thats starting to look serious money, and in that price bracket MAC’s are competitive.
Thats without any TCO associated with Repair, Maintenance, Spyware, Virus Tools, or bundled packages. Or which is pretty and that *matters* at that price
In the current marketplace…If you are going down the Microsoft route. The best buys are second hand XP machines. Otherwise your talking real money.
Interestingly becuase I’ve looked MAC machines hold there value very well, even the pre-intel ones which is what I was after.
Thats without the nonsense of hybrid drives, DirectX 10 capable graphics cards, or large memory, 64bit dual core requirements, or the fact that Drives just aren’t ready yet Games run 30%+ slower, Sound cards do not take advantage of hardware…and these are big companies AMD,NVidia,Creative.
No, the point is that Microsoft with its Vista prices is making the macs appearing more affordable than before.
Disagree. For 500$ i can get a PC like this with Vista home premium. Can you offer a similar deal with MAC? Make sure you got 1GB RAM and 16x DVD RW
My Components
PROCESSOR AMD Sempron™ 3400+ edit
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows Vista™ Home Premium edit
MEMORY 1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz- 2DIMMs edit
HARD DRIVE 80GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™ edit
OPTICAL DRIVE 16x DVD+/-RW Drive edit
MONITOR No Monitor edit
VIDEO CARD NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE Integrated Graphics GPU edit
SOUND Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio edit
My Accessories
SPEAKERS No speakers (Speakers are required to hear audio from your system) edit
KEYBOARD & MOUSE Dell USB Keyboard and Dell 2-button Scroll Mouse edit
FLOPPY & MEDIA READER No Floppy Drive Included edit
MODEM 56K PCI Data Fax Modem edit
Hey, he did not say that Microsoft make Macs look cheap; only that the price between a PC with windows and a Mac is now lower with the insane Vista prices.
Well, I would take the problem on the other side.
Find me a PC with the same hardware as the Mac Mini and with the same size/weight for cheaper then you will be able to say that a PC with Vista is cheaper.
Edited 2007-02-06 22:01
who cares about size and weight but if you are hell bent on size and weight then compare the notebooks.
Even the best quality Lenovo thinkpads are cheaper than MacBooks.
Sorry dude, Apple wants to control both hardware and software and it does not give enough chance for hardware competition.
Isn’t that the biggest complain people have that Microsoft removed all competition in OS market?
Why do people show double standards towards Apple then?
Apple is way more consumer unfriendly than Microsoft.
Be it iTunes DRM or Hardware/Software control.
They want people to buy expensive steve jobs shit…sorry Steve you lost to Bill…now get over with it
Even the best quality Lenovo thinkpads are cheaper than MacBooks.
Perhaps, but MacBooks are sexier (and outsell the Lenovo Thinkpads).
Apple is way more consumer unfriendly than Microsoft.
And yet consumers have a much higher opinion of the Apple brand than they have of Microsoft!
I’m not a Mac fan, but it’s damn entertaining to see the MS fanboys get as defensive as Bill Gates over Apple’s marketing campaigns…
Sexier…wow this shows how much of a techie you are…you behave like a teenage girl Archiesteel.
Your hate towards MS has clouded your judgement completely…it is a pity but oh well…
Consumer who? The geek world is full of people who hate MS so they praise everyone else. Most people here are like you who don’t use MAC but still say bad about Windows because it is not giving Linux a chance:)
Sorry archiesteel this is again not the year of Linux desktop and neither it will be next or next to next and so on:)
you behave like a teenage girl Archiesteel.
Already out of arguments, are we? Wait, what am I saying, you were out of arguments before the thread started…
Your hate towards MS has clouded your judgement completely…it is a pity but oh well…
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don’t hate MS. I use a variety of MS products, and I don’t have a Mac. When I say that the Apple brand receives better customer appreciation that Microsoft’s, I’m not pulling this out of thin air – the Apple brand has *repeatedly* been cited as one of the top brands out there by the Marketing press.
Sorry archiesteel this is again not the year of Linux desktop and neither it will be next or next to next and so on
Who said anything about Linux? Oh, yeah, I forgot, you don’t actually have any arguments, and are trying to change the subject since you got called out on it.
You know why I know you’re not a MS shill? Because you’re so *bad* at it!
Seems to me you’re about to go the way of NotParker… 🙂
The point is that Microsoft is making hardware more affordable
It’s easy to keep on repeating this like a mantra, what you haven’t done is actually explain how Microsoft are making hardware more affordable.
Microsoft may drive the purchase of new hardware with their software’s heavy system requirements, but they have little to do with the development of new hardware, or its pricing.
Surely it’s competition between different hardware companies that has reduced prices? If the likes of Intel or Nvidia had the same kind of near monopoly Microsoft enjoy, or if they were all still built by IBM, then I doubt we would have such cheap PCs.
Microsoft’s contribution of the price of a typical new PC seems pretty clear. Vista is hardly a cheap bit of software, and a system with Linux in its place would obviously be cheaper. The relative cost of Apple hardware is irrelevant to this.
Exactly. He’s pointing out a weak point of Apple and then trying to give MS credit for it somehow.
IMHO, Apple should be bashed for not allowing generic hardware manufacturers to build OSX systems, but at the same time I don’t think you should give MS credit for doing so. It should simply be expected.
“The point is that Microsoft is making hardware more affordable where as Apple wants to control both hardware and software.”
While the last part of your sentence is true that does not mean the first part also is. MS is not making hardware more affordable, the cut-throat competition in the IMB-PC space is making hardware more affordable. It would be more, but not entirely, correct to attribute affordable hardware to IBM.
OS X Tiger will run rather well with 256Mb of ram, i’ve tried it. I had iTunes, iPhoto, Adium, Safari all running on my hackintosh.
I guess you haven’t seen similar commercials Microsoft made toward Sun and others, whole campains against *nix systems and servers…who’s frustrated here?
Face it, no one came with the idea one day: “Hey, lets make fun of Microsoft cuz they are great company and their products are excellent and Ballmer is a monkey”. (ok, last part might be true though). There is always a cause for everything, maybe the cause was in the past, but there you go, economy/business 101: image/respect is one of the most important part of every company, it’s priceless. You screw it up and it takes ages to get the respect back. Now compare it with Apple’s. Kinda different, innit?
Can you please point me to those ads? Otherwise i will assume that you lie.
Apple has been whining and crying for ages and that has not gained them anything. Instead if they focus on making better products like iPod they will succeed automatically.
If you wish to know the truth about past, watch Pirates of the Silicon Valley movie. This shows somewhat true depiction of what events took place in the past and why Steve Jobs and apple is so pissed.
In fact Steve Jobs got kicked out of the very company that he built, the man has a reason to be unhappy with his life and his behavior shows that.
He pretends to be cool but you can see his jealousy and his unrest. He wants to be where Microsoft is, but he can’t be. Sad for him.
Edited 2007-02-06 19:52
Yeah kiddo, I’m so pathetic I lie…like your superior $399 PC (probably runs Photoshop, VS or other serious stuff like a charm, huh? Try using it for few weeks first), my phone costs more than that. Also I’d love to see some serious work done on that aparatus, but judging from your replies, you use it for web, mail and torrents anyway.
There you go for a sample, search for other ads yourself: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PrwnJDQy0ic
Edited 2007-02-06 20:49
I really don’t get that commercial, but it confirms a suspicion that I’ve had for a while now: Microsoft marketers are all stoners. http://www.clearification.com is the weirdest one I’ve seen yet. http://www.comingzune.com was weird when it lasted… the replacement is kinda strange still. But the only ads I’ve seen for Microsoft in mainstream media were all about unleashing your potential or the olden-days Office ads with the music from Orff’s “O Fortuna.” All in all, I don’t think Microsoft’s commercials do very much since people largely choose their software when buying an OEM computer. Businesses are probably more affected by sales representatives.
helping people by charity and making computers way more affordable to general public
Hahahahah, the only thing more pathetic than a paid Microsoft shill is an unpaid one spreading their propoganda for free.
“The ads actually show low self-esteem of Apple and their frustration. If only they can make something better, they wouldn’t have to stoop to such cheap ads:) ”
And you received your degree in Psychology from where?
That $360 Dell comes with no wireless(bluetooth or 802.11), No combo drive, No Firewire(IEEE 1394), integrated graphics, No software but Vista Home basic, and a Sempron (AMD’s equivalent to celeron) processor. Its basically $360 down the drain, as by the time you put it on your desk, it already sucks big-time. (And you still need to buy software)
The Mac mini is $200 more, and getting long in the tooth, but it still represents a better value. Wireless/Firewire/CoreDuo/FrontRow with remote/Combodrive/Software built in, and it’ll run OSX Tiger or Leopard with all the goodies, whereas the Dell runs a scaled-down UI version of Home basic.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t cater to people who need PCIe slots. Apple shoots themselves in the foot again!
That $360 Dell comes with no wireless(bluetooth or 802.11)
Are you aware that a wireless NIC costs less than $20?
No combo drive
Again, so what. I can buy a combo drive for less than $50.
No Firewire(IEEE 1394)
Useless for most people.
…integrated graphics…
It’s actually a reasonably good card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150.
No software but Vista Home basic, and a Sempron (AMD’s equivalent to celeron) processor.
Most PC users still have the same software that we used on our last machines. Besides, I don’t want bundle-ware. I want to buy my own software and, with prices this low, I can do precisely that.
Its basically $360 down the drain, as by the time you put it on your desk, it already sucks big-time.
You’re dreaming. For most people, this machine will be superb for web browsing, email, and simple photo-editing.
(And you still need to buy software)
See above.
The Mac mini is $200 more, and getting long in the tooth, but it still represents a better value. Wireless/Firewire/CoreDuo/FrontRow with remote/Combodrive/Software built in, and it’ll run OSX Tiger or Leopard with all the goodies, whereas the Dell runs a scaled-down UI version of Home basic.
The mini is still considerably more expensive (over $100).
For most people, this machine will be superb for web browsing, email, and simple photo-editing.
Hey, if that’s what they want to do, then they should get a Linux PC. It’ll cost them less and they’ll be able to do more!
Hey, if that’s what they want to do, then they should get a Linux PC. It’ll cost them less and they’ll be able to do more!
Assuming that they can get hardware drivers, that is.
Assuming that they can get hardware drivers, that is.
I’m sorry, are we talking about Vista again?
I’m sorry, are we talking about Vista again?
Nope. Linux. Let me know when I can get wireless drivers for my notebook. It’s sad, truly sad, when Linux can’t even connect to a freaking wireless network. The scenarios don’t get much simpler than that.
You have to actually possess some coolness before you can lose it.
If you’re producing high quality, you don’t have to do such noisy things.
“Jobs takes Gates’ success personally, as he indicated to Mark “Robert X Cringely” Stephens in the documentary series “Revenge of the Nerds”…”
Revenge of the Nerds?! Uhm…you sure you don’t mean “Triumph of the Nerds”?
Sorry, I only point it out because I’ve read the book it is based on twice, and watched the series about 20 times.
Edited 2007-02-06 20:58
Revenge of the Nerd X
Hey, my new Windows Vipple computer has dancing 3D icons that sing an stanza from Aida when you click on them. Cool!
How do you like my new jeans?
Wow man, I just piped the latest kernel through a sed script and heard Paul McCartney singing about Emacs.
To be continued…
If you can’t afford a Mac-Mini then here is a nice link:
“If you can’t afford a Mac-Mini then here is a nice link:
Now you are having a laugh. mini-itx is *expensive*, but you get what you pay for. I would *love* mini-itx. I suspect a better choice for most going down that route would be better off buying a mini-atx even though they are larger, and one of those sff-ish cases from Silverstone. They are slightly larger than a shuttle…and about as expensive, but the advantage of being able so swap out your motherboard. I think has become invaluable.
The reality is though pound for pound the second hand sff from compaq(as was);hp;dell the legacy free, non-upgradeable SFF are the best value at the moment if your happy with XP…and beat pants of companies dumping there old XP machines as Vista-Capable.
The reality is Vista made MAC price competitive, in every market apart from the second hand one.
The new Apple Vista commercial is so Hillarios! I’m running a Dell with a AMD 64X2 Dual core 3800+ with a gig of ram in it and I won’t put Vista on it. XP runs great. From the reports I hear of Vista running sluggish…it’s not going on my system anytime soon.
Is that after their ‘switch’ campaign, they completely flip flopped – TRYING to alienate PC users into hating them instead of trying to get them to switch…
It’s amazing how they’ve managed in their ads to try and push every one of their shortcomings as actual advantages:
Nobody but a PC guy would want a C++ programming guide – hmm, maybe that’s why there’s SOFTWARE for the PC, since apparantly nobody writes software for the Mac.
The PC has to go in for upgrades to run Vista – because of course it’s SO easy to upgrade a Mac… Oh wait, you generally CAN’T Upgrade a Mac (much less fix one if a minor componant fails).
The Mac is so much better for entertainment – like all those really good GAMES… as the parody says, you know they are good games, you played them all four years ago.
Nope, they can take their Ikea-like cultishness and shove it.
Edited 2007-02-07 15:01
I switched 3 and half years ago and I can tell you that for every app I used on the Windows side I have found a better app on the Mac side. It is is pathetic that when a ‘MS freak’ wants to bash Apple he has no other option than twisting the truth, while it is hardly impossible to tell the truth concerning the weaknesses of MS without offending MS.
>> it is is pathetic that when a ‘MS freak’ wants to bash Apple he has no other option than twisting the truth,
… and what about the reply of someone who cannot cite actual examples, so resorts to childish assumptions about the person who posted something that DARES to disagree with their own colored world view.
I own a G3 iBook, a G4 Powerbook, and worked for four years as an apple service tech… and I can say for what I do on the computer (hardware sales and service, web development, AND gaming) your experiences sound more like those of someone who doesn’t use their computer for actual work… or play.
>> for every app I used on the Windows side I have found a better app on the Mac side
In my own experiences the apple applications are, for me at least, backwards and vastly inferior to their windows counterparts… at least, what few applications there are. Adium and Fire make GAIM look robust, and Trillian like a powerhouse… I’ve yet to find a text editor worth a damn (which is bad since on the PC win32pad – little more than a glorified notepad – is my weapon of choice)… 3ds Max? Autocad? You have ‘better’ apps than those on the Mac?
Hell, there’s a reason the most popular and most commonly requested application for the Mac has been and remains ways to run PC/Windows programs on it – Be it MS (formerly connectix) Virtual PC, Parallels, iEmulator – or even Bootcamp. Mac apps suck so bad you have to emulate a PC to get any REAL work done.
The Mac is cute, and fine for when all I need is a overglorified media center or light browsing… but for getting actual work done – or god forbid kicking back to relax by blowing a few heads off in a game, it falls flat on it’s face… always has.
I’m still waiting for a version of the ad where the PC guys kid walks in, says “Hold on pops, I got this…” kicks the Mac loser in the crotch and says “Games, BITCH!”
More fun my ass.
Let’s be fair here – when most people talk about “games” they mean solitaire or flash games on some web site, not Doom 3. Obviously Windows is the best OS for those types of games, because they’ve all been specifically designed to run on it. For 95% of the population, a Mac would be a great home computer (BTW, I run Windows and occasionally dabble with Linux, but never macs). You’re correct when you say Windows has a lot more apps for “real” work right now, although it isn’t quite as clear cut as you think. There are a lot of photo/video professionals out there who couldn’t function on a PC and Macs do very well for them.
Let’s just try to be a little balanced, here, OK? Can’t we all just get along? lol