“One of the oldest virtualization products, Win4Lin, is starting to show signs of aging. Win4Lin flourished in 2000, when competition was sparse and expensive. But seven years on, not only are there several virtualization products, but almost half a dozen are available for free. With no visible improvements over its previous version, Win4Lin Pro Desktop 4.0 is now outdated and outclassed.”
While Win4Lin was a great emulator for Windows 9X, it just doesn’t seem to have made the transition to the NT based Windows.
I have been faced to all the problems exposed in this article. Over time they don’t seem to be solved, and at the same time competitors are inovating, and cutting on prices. On BSD you have the same problems also (Win4BSD). When you see that KQEMU is free of charge, the only difference is support, for a mediocre product. I hope Virtual Bridges reads this article and wakes up.
Were they mentioned in the article? If not, please list them here.
Read the article.
qemu [that win4lin is based on]
are all free.
I am confident they are aware of the issues. It’s not about “waking up”. I believe it’s lack of money and may be perhaps technical knowledge.
Edited 2007-04-29 21:56
I thought Win4Lin was more an API wrapper than an emulator, sharing resources between Linux and Windows.
It became an emulator since Win4Lin Pro only.
Is it false ?