Lessons Learned From the Animated Cursor Security Bug

“A core tenet of the SDL is to take and incorporate lessons learned when we issue a security update, and there is a great deal to learn from the recent animated cursor bug, MS07-017, so I want to spend a few minutes to go over some of the things we have learned from this bug.”


  1. 2007-04-29 12:11 pm
    • 2007-04-29 1:19 pm
      • 2007-04-29 1:25 pm
      • 2007-04-30 5:00 am
  2. 2007-04-29 3:50 pm
  3. 2007-04-29 5:33 pm
    • 2007-04-29 7:43 pm
      • 2007-04-29 8:26 pm
        • 2007-04-29 8:33 pm
          • 2007-04-29 9:05 pm
  4. 2007-04-29 9:39 pm
  5. 2007-04-29 11:16 pm
    • 2007-04-30 12:22 am
      • 2007-04-30 4:14 am
  6. 2007-04-30 9:38 am
  7. 2007-04-30 1:02 pm