The fifth alpha release of Kubuntu 8.04 has been released. “Kubuntu-KDE4 Hardy Alpha is here. There will be two editions of Kubuntu with the 8.04 release, a commercially supported KDE 3 edition and a community supported KDE 4 edition. We recommend the KDE 4 edition to those who want to try this exciting new desktop version and can put up with some missing features.” There are screenshots of the KDE4 version.
I hope the community-supported KDE 4 version actually gets some attention to detail. I actually do like KDE 4, but it is so young…it just isn’t really finished yet. Maybe if the community gets behind it the development of KDE 4 can be facilitated.
I simply glad the KDE4 is turning into a usable desktop. The parts that are missing seem to be filled with temporary KDE3 apps. This is good because it will allow people to test in a usable environment.
first , I think the title should be “Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04 Alpha Released” , as this is the 5th alfa not the first.
second , kde 4.0.2 is to be released in march , this is one month before hardy release date .so will kde 4.0.2 be there by default or just in repos ?
this matters as 4.0.2 includes some important backports from the 4.1 branch .
last , I use kde4 on my gutsy machine , and it’s very usable that I switched from gnome and stuck with it ,
keep the good job kde + kubuntu + free software guyz.
AFAIK the plan is to include 4.0.3 in the final release.…
no guarantee it will have 4.0.3 in it though , they do say ” shhould have KDE4.0.3″ which means it may or may not get into final
Hi all. I just found out about KDE’s position in Ubuntu’s brainstorm (the link is ). I’d really like to see KDE improved more in Kubuntu, so if you can, please vote it up. I’d love to see as much attention and polish given to Kubuntu as has been shown in Ubuntu, and maybe another full time developer added as well. The Kubuntu folks have done great work so far, and I really appreciate everything they’ve done. I also love many of the features of Kubuntu, but I wish that things would come out at the same time for both Kubuntu and Ubuntu (such as the restricted package manager, etc.) If you also use Kubuntu, please vote it up. Thanks in advance.
Looks like the link above has been terminated. The new vote for fixing up Kubuntu is . Vote for both just in case
I like KDE4, it’s nice to play about in, and for something so new it actually does feel quite stable. But I really can not live with that awful panel.
Now I know it was a late hack to get 4.0 out. I know they are working on it , but until I can easily resize the panel, and move elements around on it to my liking I’m sticking with KDE3 for day to day work.
@ – “Did you mean ‘Windows Vista (TM) Enhanced Start Menu’?” That’s how it feels to me. Maybe great if you only ever use two apps.
KDE4 feels like two different teams were trying at the same time to rip off Vista and Mac OS X.
I don’t see any improvement in usability. Handwriting recognition, standard IMEs that work on any toolkit, voice recognition, those are the kind of things that I would like to see integrated in the Linux Desktop. {Do-panels-like-Windows-Vista=1} and {Try-hard-to-be-MacOS-X=1} are not even at the bottom of my list. What’s next, a KRibbon implementation for KOffice?