This article walks you through the steps of retrofitting a Web 1.0 shopping site with Ajax techniques. In addition to Ajax techniques and best practices, you learn how Ajax can improve your user experience through principles of progressive enhancement, usability, and user experience design.
Since this become more expensive for us all. Some seniors have some discussions on the boomer singles’ site named ***JSenior Match . co M*** . The society should take care of our seniors and we should have a sense for them. We can post their profiles there and help them find their soul mates.
There is nothing that is not awesome about jquery. I have a hard time imagining coding javascript without it anymore. The whole idea of using CSS and XPath selectors in javascript addresses one of the really lame aspects of the language quite elegantly (c’mon guys, getElementById for everything?), the layer of abstraction to deal with browser quirks is absolutely wonderful, the 16k size is great, and the sugar is really nice to have.