Saw the following while reading the latest Gnome Summary (discussion about the summary, here). HP from Red Hat wrote to “The Eclipse IDE hasn’t gotten much attention in the GNOME world but is a promising IDE with a GTK 2 interface. It’s been making progress recently; they now have a decent C/C++ editor (the CDT) and the GTK 2 port works fairly well. See below for some screenshots and info on how to try out the Eclipse CDT.“
“As Eclipse uses GTK 2 rather than AWT or Swing, it is reasonably close to working with gcj and classpath, which would make Eclipse 100% free software; but currently it requires the proprietary JDK”
Although the JDK isn’t governed by an OSF approved OSSL (Open Source Software License), it *is* governed by the JCP. I know this doesn’t make it 100% free software – but the comment above really striked me as very fanatic. After all IBM did donate $40 mill. worth of software!
Gotta love all those acronyms in this industry
I have to say that’s the best looking code editor I’ve seen for linux. Although will it allow me to do things using the keyboard and only the keyboard? I hope so.
It looks like Eclipse is NO NATIVE GNOME application, so why care ? because havoc said so ?
>> It looks like Eclipse is NO NATIVE GNOME application, so why care ? because havoc said so ?
No, not because Havoc said so but because Eclipse is for Linux what MS Visual Studio is for Windows..
The GTK2 interface is a bit slowish though atm and it looks like there are some GTK1 widgets being used (tree/listviews).
But apart from that it’s really an awesome IDE.. (I really like the diff and cvs tools, they absolutely rock!)
..that this site i osnews’ed
Eclipse has been using GTK 2.0 for ages now. I used it all summer long. It was very stable, and is an excellent IDE. Apart from some odd UI issues, it’s the best IDE I’ve used. (And yes, I used MS VS professionally for some time.) I’m not sure why this article was posted all of a sudden, but it’s great to see Eclipse getting more press. FWIW, the GTK version worked much better for me than the Motif one. More stable, more features, less ugly. 😉
is it better than anjuta/kdevelop?
>is it better than anjuta/kdevelop?
But it doesnt beat vim.
VIM über alles!
How is it better than anjunta/kdevelop?
I use KDevelop every day when I write code — mainly for the automatic managmenet of automake and autoconf and all that other voodoo. KDevelop’s editor, however, is shaky. Right now, it’s pretty good, but the fact is, every minor update to KDevelop changes some behaviour I’m accustomed to. Relearning ingrained behaviours is annoying
I’d rather be writing code.
So, as the subject line says: How is Eclipse better than KDevelop or anjunta? Specifically? An IDE for linux/unix had better have automake project management, a (relatively) integrated debugger, and integrated doc browsing (or at least, a way of quickly accessing docs, even if it must be done through a separate program).
I don’t know much about Eclipse as it pertains to C/C++. A good friend of mine swears by it as if it were a stack of bibles reaching to the moon — but he’s a java ace (and works for IBM).
I don’t mean to imply that integrated debugging and doc browsing are linux only features. Obviously, any good IDE for any platform should have those features.
But automake management — that’s key. I should be able to cd into my dev directory and type “make distclean” and then tar.gz it up for distrobution. Recipients should be able to ./configure && make && make install it as they would any source archive.
KDevelop does that! And it even knows how to massage automake to make qt’s moc compiler be invoked transparently, such that I don’t need to #include .moc files in my cpp.
Eclipse has some stiff competition.
The CDT also works on Windows, Solaris, MacOSX, QNX, …
Here is a shot of the debugger running on QNX:
Just to make it clear as the title can make you think of a GTK only C++ IDE: Eclipse is an application written in Java and happens to use the SWT library from IBM. SWT is a toolkit that has been ported to several platforms (Linux-Motif, Linux-GTK, Windows, MacOS X and so on). Eclipse was built to be used with virtually any language. It started with java of course since it is a java app itlself. (The SWT libraries have java bindings but are native to each platform they’re ported onto, that’s why the gui is fast and responsive like a native app).
I wished there was a port of SWT to KDE but if I understood correctly the QT license prevents this from happening.
Everybody knows that Java on desktop is DEAD!
Cross-Platform compatibility of Java is a LIE!
LOL…good point croanon.
It is planned to be the IDE of the future. Check out the details:
It is written entirely in Java, and its default programming environment is Java, but it is designed to be language independent IDE. Even there is C# plug-in. .NET users can download and use it if they don’t get ashamed by using a superb IDE written in Java. Yes, I think it is much better than VS .NET. I used both.
Eclipse’s most distinguishing property is its magnificient plug-in environment. Lots of firms are producing Eclipse plugins already for their own libraries/frameworks. There are already more than 150 plug-ins for Eclipse, which also work on all the Java supported OSs. There are many XML related plug-ins, database plug-ins, different PL plug-ins, framework plug-ins etc. Check out the following site:
I’ve been using it since the new year, and it is absolutely a wonderful IDE.