Futurama is coming back! The animated series, loved by many geeks, is the second show in the history of television to be brought back to life after a cancellation (the other one’s Family Guy, also by Fox), mostly due to strong fan demand and very good sales from the series of direct-to-DVD films. Comedy Central ordered 26 new episodes to be made, and airing will start in mid-2010. Matt Groening, one of the two show’s creators, said: “We’re thrilled ‘Futurama’ is coming back. We now have only 25,766 episodes to make before we catch up with Bender and Fry in the year 3000.”
This must be the rock bottom.
A story about a TV-series on OSnews?
Sorry. I know this is not the way to win friends.
But indeed:
If you are trying to be another Slashdot, there is already Digg and other sites providing this kind of quality content.
It’s a site that’s read by a lot of people that share the same interests and Futurama just happens to be loved by a lot of geeks. There’s no reason Thom shouldn’t post news that will be of interest to a lot of his readers.
And it was about time Futurama returned!
I was thinking more about the perceived or real profile of the site.
Maybe a survey on the current readership base could reveal something important?
My assumption is that overwhelming majority of current readers visit the site for “core” operating system news instead of the secondary “filling material”. In my humble opinion, as they say, the latter tends to also mix the core profile, pushing the site towards infamous Digg and alike.
But then again, the -5 moderation tells its own story .
OSNews is much more to me than simply a site that relate news about OSes. It has news about stuff that I care and I’m happy that it is how it is now. I’m more than glad that Futurama is being revived by Fox as it’s a show I enjoyed. Now I’m also realy happy that I learned it first by OS News. OSNews is usualy the first news site I visit when I open my browser next to my local newspaper website. OSNews is not about creating another Slashdot. This site has a its own culture and the news posted goes along with. If it doesn’t fits you, you’re free to find yourself another news community.
I find it funny that comments are coming from the cheap seats – you arrived here 20 days ago and now you think you’re top shit? no one forced you at gun point to join this website; if you don’t like it – leave.
I for one love the variety of different stories – not all of us live in a crypt where we no interests out side computers.
Wasn’t Star Trek cancelled after original series flopped, only to gain cult when re-runs were shown at an earlier time?
Either way, I’m sure there’s been more than just the two shows.
Great news, by the way
Edited 2009-06-10 16:26 UTC
The original series was cut, but brought back after a huge letter-writing campaign brought it back for two more seasons. There was no gap between seasons, though.
This makes futurama the third show to be brought back after cancellation.
The other shows are just exactly that: other shows
Now if only someone would do that for Firefly. Strike Serenity and the comics, pick up where we left off! I’m sure my fondness is fueled in part by my rage at Fox, but it’s still a damn good show that was culled before it’s time.
Will this become a multi-decades long show like Star Trek?
We can always hope 🙂
Hopefully, it fares better. Only two of the newer Star Trek shows were any good.
The Next Generation was an awesome show.
Deep Space Nine was really good, however, being a creation of Rick Berman, well, it wasnt’ Star Trek. Way too dark and pessimistic about the future. Not at all the way Roddenberry viewed the future.
Voyager was “Giligan’s Island” in space. God, that show sucked. Bad. It was terrible.
Enterprise was really cool sometimes, but it was inconsistent. It wavered between optimism and pessimism about the future. They should have stuck with the bright view. Those were the best episodes anyways.
I never really got into Star Trek because I found it far too ‘way out there’. I personally preferred Babylon 5 because it at least had some foundations in reality – with some realism when it came to the fact that the issues that plague us now aren’t suddenly going to disappear in a few hundred or thousand years because of some leap of evolution.
And we can hope it’ll continue to be alot better than Star Trek!
Excellent news, it will be interesting to see how they write themselves out of the ending to Wild Green Yonder.
Wormhole will probably spit them out of Wernstrom’s toilet or something… But then we have the issue of them being fugitives
I find the humor to be incredibly lame; maybe I will give it another chance… But this has me hoping that the King will be brought back one day. And I know a lot of people consider KOTH lame.
I find South Park much more humorous and sarcastic than Futurama.
It doesn’t need to be revived because it hasn’t been killed yet.
I second that…and I doubt it will be killed anytime soon. Matt and Trey will have a job as long as they want to have a job IMO.
South Park has its moments – but it doesn’t hold a candle to Futurama for clever writing & intelligent humour.