Lindows on Monday unveiled the latest version of its low-cost operating system aimed at bringing Linux to the masses, LindowsOS 3.0. Press release here.
Lindows on Monday unveiled the latest version of its low-cost operating system aimed at bringing Linux to the masses, LindowsOS 3.0. Press release here.
I wonder it is going to be made available. He said he would when it was no longer beta.
We’ll see.
ya, you’ll get source for the gpl’d stuff that’s included, but don’t think they’ll give the source for some of their propreitary parts, or give it to people that haven’t bought Lindows.
They only have to offer it to people that buy their distro. they don’t have make it available online for just anybody…
Lindows OS source code can be found here:
So it is available.
Interesting to see that apt is on the list. Is click-n-run just a front end to apt? If not and they use the code from apt would they not have to GPL click-n-run?
Also interesting that is seems to use KDE 3.01. Seems a bit behind the times and stupid to release 3.0 now when KDE 3.1’s release is imminent.
They could charge another 10 bucks for an upgrade though.
I can get my Win2000 Pro Upgrade for $179.
There’s no Crossover, i guess there is Star Office. But this is way too expensive for a shrink-wrapped box at Best Buy. Click-and-Run is user friendly, but this price isn’t.
Distros need to get out the door with their product, esp. Lindows which has been promising for how many years?
They’re overpriced but I give ’em a break on this point. Besides, look at Xandros and Lycoris–still running KDE 2.2, which _is_ rather pathetic.
Using products from the Click-N-Run Warehouse, consumers can now edit all of the most popular file types, including those for Microsoft® Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), PowerPoint (.ppt), Flash, Real Audio and most graphic file types.
What OSS programs are there for manipulating PowerPoint, RealAudio, and Flash? There’s a rather lousy open source Flash plugin for Mozilla, there’s the Linux builds of RealPlayer, but neither of those are going to let you do editing of any sort…
Ok I have lindows 2.0 CD that came with a new computer (really nice computer acutally) but I formatted it and installed Red Hat 8. But now here is my question… since I bought it can I redistribute an ISO of their CD .. or could I request the source code and then release that? I don’t get why you still have to buy their Distro when it’s pretty much just a normal distro unless you pay them for Click N Run and in that case, then they’ve gotten the money from you haven’t they? Seems to me that if they gave away the distro but charged for the Click N Run they’d be able to entice more people to it because after running Lindows you might decide that compiling apps is a pain in the neck and go ahead and give Click N Run a shot.
SO exactly what programs that run on linux let you manipulate flash? I kinda figured that Flash MX did this and a few others but that they all worked on Windows and Mac… so what do they mean by manipulate? View?
At least, Lindows is doing tangible stuff, and moving ahead with plans. They are also into the marketing game, which is much more than you can say for a dist like Xandros that promises heaven and earth and takes forever to deliver anything.
Is the new Lindows running on KDE 3.1 though? Did anybody actually confirm this?
“SO exactly what programs that run on linux let you manipulate flash? I kinda figured that Flash MX did this and a few others but that they all worked on Windows and Mac… so what do they mean by manipulate? View? ”
Maybe they run under Wine
I couldn’t find a “What’s new” section on Lindows website or in any of the news releases.
Anybody got a clue?
No clue. Maybe there are different icons, maybe there is a different kernel. <sarcasm> But doesn’t it seem like a good day to buy a upgrade? </sarcasm>
Lindows are such liars. They are not on walmart and I bet that someone like Lycoris will get on there before they do. Mark my words. The Tablet thing! Also a lie. I did a little research and found out that Lindows only spoke to the tablet people twice and had no written agreement or dedication to the product. They are loathesome Liars and they are offering the Emporer new clothes.
Take the whole AOL thing. they are immoral bastards
Lindows is and has been at the Wal*Mart site for a long time now. Lycoris is the most recent addition to the Wal*Mart line up. So, the tablet people discussed their business dealings with you? Yeah, sure 🙂
In the 3.0 announcement, Lindows says there is no real difference between 2.0 and 3.0 except bug fixes. So, I don’t think it has 3.1. There is a second CD that comes with it that contains a lot of the libraries and stuff so dial-up users can get apps faster from the Click N Run Warehouse.
hmmmm.. I looked through the FAQ but didn’t find the answer..
So if Click N Run requires that you are registered with their service ($$$) and then they give you the 2nd CD that has a bunch of Click N Run apps on it.. do you have to have an unlock code for the 2nd CD? If that is the case… it would be really lame. I can see why they charge for Click N Run (though I think it’s a little over priced) because it costs money to deliever large files… bandwidth isn’t free… but if you have to pay for the CDs and then pay to unlock the 2nd CD that would really bite.. but like I said, I have no idea if this is the case and I couldn’t find much info in the FAQ
The ftp link posted by imaginereno indicates that it is 3.01 and not 3.1.
That figures, in the prev story about this Lindows tablet ?,
the Lindows picture of the tablet shows Lindows OS simply painted over Windows but the artist ignored to adjust the perspective to make it trapezoidal like the LCD bezel.
It fooled me almost.
If you buy the Lindows package, you don’t pay anything else after that. You have access to the libraries and whatever else is on the second CD and full access to the Click N Run Warehouse. LOL, I’m not a Lindows zealot, just trying to set the record straight.
Lindows is debian, but I don’t know for a fact if the Warehouse is apt or not. But, whatever it is, the front end is definitely Lindows own. It gets slicker and more sophisticated with each upgrade. It has a whole system unto itself – it remembers your installation history, everything is categorized perfectly, they now have “aisles”…the Express Aisle and so forth. You can que up several apps to be downloaded, one after the other. Lycoris is my favorite Joe User distro, but I have to admit, this whole Lindows story fascinates me. I think it’s because, despite its ups and downs, hype, spin, running in root and everything including the kitchen sink, it is poised to possibly be the breakaway distro for the average user.
i’m posting this from lindows 3.0. i’ve only installed it 30minutes ago, so i don’t have a real feel for it yet, but there’s a few annoyances i’ve run into already: no “control panel” collection, each applet is seperate on the “start” menu. nutscrape instead of mozilla. remedied that right quick. it didn’t recognize my gigabit d-link nic. and the most annoying is choosing “take over entire drive” and then when it reboots there’s no bootloader. all i get is 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20…endlessly. oh yeah, one last thing: no freecell/klondike.
on the positive side: they have a transparent start menu, but only semi-transparent not totally transparent, which is a really nice touch. i hate seeing the background & menu equally in full raw mode, especially over an xterm box.
lindows reminds me of lycoris, as they’re both xp interface clones. even so, lycoris looks better to me. in fact lycoris looks better than xp to me. the fonts lindows uses just are, ah, err, what-term-to-use, ah, “stagnant.” kind of industrial fonts mixed with garrish xp “the gap” colors.
overall it looks like any computer illiterati could install it & be just as happy with it as windows. i get the exact same feel with lindows as i do with windows or mac os… a puzzled, “that it?” where some real apps? anti-climax disappointment. at least lycoris has a dev cd with cc on it.
haven’t logged into click-n-run, but i can’t avoid it, it’s on every damn branch of the menu. in some instances, the only item. grrr
i’m really happy to see all these desktop linux distros, they’re all about 1 or 2 releases from completely kicking windows butt for ease, simplicity, and functionality. i’m looking forward to trying xandros,redhat, and united linux desktop offerings too. even so, i’ll stick with mandrake as my main distro for now.