An eventful little week this was, but mostly because Apple grabbed the spotlight in various different ways. For the rest, we focussed on Microsoft’s proposed browser ballot screen, we took a look at KDE 4.3RC3, and Microsoft and Yahoo finally got to do their thing.
Let’s start with the browser ballot screen. Microsoft’s proposal for the ballot screen was ridiculously detailed: the ten most popular browsers in Europe with a share higher than 0.5%, the top five browsers get prominence. Microsoft also said that Windows XP and Windows Vista users will get the browser ballot too. Opera suggested that it might be a good idea if Mac OS X and Ubuntu included a ballot screen too.
Apple got a lot of negative attention this week when it removed all the Google Voice applications from its App Store, while also rejecting Google’s official client, with the company citing it usual bogus reason that they duplicated functionality. A lot of people were upset, and so is the FCC: they have started an investigation into the matter. The fallout was also felt on OSNews when our owner David Adams detailed his views on the matter.
Apple got more negative headlines with its filing to the US Copyright Office. This filing detailed Apple’s reasons why jailbreaking iPhones should remain illegal, and it was rather nonsencical and completely over the top; in other words, a classic case of ‘fear, uncertainty, and doubt’ most of us were able to punch through in a heartbeat. Hopefully, the US Copyright Office will too, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.
Earlier on in the week, we talked about KDE 4.3’s latest test release, release candidate 3. I installed Fedora 11, the KDE version, and upgraded to KDE 4.3RC3. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found; this is shaping up to be a very nice KDE release.
We also finally got the news that Yahoo and Microsoft will be cooperating in the online search and advertising business. Few OSNews readers seemed particularly shaken by the news – one way or the other – but at least it put a stop to the endless stream of “are-they-going-to-or-not” articles.
1.Apple should be able to do what they want with their own device.
2. I don’t agree with their FUD tactics and i’m glad it was called out right away. I think 1984 days of bad press for Apple was the dumbest thing ever. Just a fanboy that hadn’t gotten his way. Get over it or buy another device.
3. The MS and Yahoo! deal will be a fail. It’s not a matter of quantity, but quality and marketing which works for Google. Not to mention they took over the world with a search engine. Know your role vs such an opponent.
4. While everyone else feels it’s about time the FCC stepped in, i really feel it was only a matter of “WHO” they stepped in for. If it wasn’t a Google app, the FCC wouldn’t budge. But competitor to competitor, something ain’t right.
5. The browser ballot screen idea and situation is asinine. There should be a clause that it only exist until Opera goes bankrupt.
6. I like OSNews. It’s currently my only source of tech news because i am too lazy to google for more and then i’d have to bookmark them. I thought technology was for ease and convenience. I should find an easier way to bookmark a site.
I agree that Apple should be able to do what they want with their device, but once it’s out of their hands it’s not their device any longer
That’s where you all are wrong. You buy a device that relies on a service via an App and Store provided by the company. Without the company support it’s a throw away of the $600 you spent on it.
Would you buy it ? No. Logically, if they provide a service as they do to make you buy it, then it’s common sense that you are leasing it to use the service because it’s the only device that can. i dont buy the whole “they should” or ” Apple isn’t fair”.
Anyone complaining about it gets what they deserve and i dont care about the opinions of those wanting to “force” Apple to do something just cuz they dont think it’s “fair”.
All this press is because ppl forgot they bought a phone first. If it can make a call you got your money’s worth. Move On.
Not if they break the law. If I own a knife and stab someone in the back, I won’t be able to keep doing it “because I should be able to do what I want with my own knife”.
What does Opera have to do with anything? The ballot screen was decided on by the EC, and Microsoft followed up with a suggestion.
Opera is just an interested third party, just like Google and Mozilla.
So why are you whining like a little crybaby about Opera?
BTW, Opera isn’t going bankrupt any time soon. They are seeing massive growth all over the place, including desktop.
You can try rekonq which is a KDE/WebKit browser you install alongside Konquerer. (i havent used this)
Or just use Arora which is a QT/Webkit browser that aims to be super lean.
Thom knows by now that this is a blatant lie. Opera never suggested anything of the sorts.
It was a JOURNALIST who suggested it, and Howcome merely stated that it MAY be a good idea. Again: He said that the journalist’s idea MAY be a good one.
But facts don’t matter to some people who are more concerned about page hits than facts…
Thom knows by now that this is a blatant lie. Opera never suggested anything of the sorts.
It was a JOURNALIST who suggested it, and Howcome merely stated that it MAY be a good idea. Again: He said that the journalist’s idea MAY be a good one.
But facts don’t matter to some people who are more concerned about page hits than facts…